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Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters André Dietrich, Chair of Ergonomics, TUM

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Presentation on theme: "Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters André Dietrich, Chair of Ergonomics, TUM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters
André Dietrich, Chair of Ergonomics, TUM

2 Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters
Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

3 Key Objectives Observe human-human interactions in current complex urban environments Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

4 Key Objectives Model interaction using different approaches
Observe human-human interactions in current complex urban environments Model interaction using different approaches Interaction vocabulary: How do TPs communicate and anticipate intent Interaction sequences: What is the general interaction process in specific use cases, scenarios and scenes? Quantitative models: How can interactions be mathematically formulated to allow model-in-the- loop simulations? Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

5 Key Objectives Observe human-human interactions in current complex urban environments Model interaction using different approaches Interaction vocabulary: How do TPs communicate and anticipate intent Interaction sequences: What is the general interaction process in specific use cases, scenarios and scenes? Quantitative models: How can interactions be mathematically formulated to allow model in the loop simulations? Develop real-time situation and intention analysis algorithms based on the interaction models Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

6 Key Objectives Observe, Model, Predict
Observe human-human interactions in current complex urban environments Model interaction using different approaches Interaction vocabulary: How do TPs communicate and anticipate intent Interaction sequences: What is the general interaction process in specific use cases, scenarios and scenes? Quantitative models: How can interactions be mathematically formulated to allow model in the loop simulations? Develop real-time situation and intention analysis algorithms based on the interaction models Observe, Model, Predict Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

7 Methodology 3 Countries 4 Use Cases
Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

8 Methodology Naturalistic observation of urban traffic Video
Observation Protocols Questionnaires LiDAR Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

9 Methodology Video: Birds eye view perspective of locations chosen to represent the use-cases Algorithmic analysis of the videos to derive positions and velocities of various traffic participants Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

10 Methodology LiDAR: Stationary LiDAR giving additional information on traffic participants and increasing tracking range Collected data is synchronized in time enabling a holistic overview of observed interactions WebCam GNSS Receiver Ibeo Lux Laser Scanner SSD Drive Laptop Power Bank Raspberry Pi WiFi Access Point Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

11 Methodology Manual Observation:
Observers protocolling individual observed interactions from the ground HTML based app for tablets observing pedestrian and driver behaviour, including head rotation, eye contact, etc. Questionnaires Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

12 Preliminary Results – Manual Observation
Observers were advised only to record interaction-demanding situations In these situations both traffic participants would have a conflict, if neither of them changed their behaviour If there was some sort of interaction between pedestrian and driver, observed pedestrians were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

13 Preliminary Results – Manual Observation
Over 100 Protocols per use case and country Also: combined 100+ hours of videos, 20+ hours of LiDAR Data and people interviewed Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

14 Preliminary Results – Manual Observation
Intersection – pedestrian goes first: Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

15 Preliminary Results – Manual Observation
Intersection – vehicle goes first: Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

16 Overall Findings Occurrence and necessity of interactions highly depends on the situation and a variety of other influences, such as traffic density, time of day and specific traffic conditions Explicit communication (e.g. gesturing, flashing lights etc.) happens rarely - most potential interaction-demanding situations are resolved before they actually arise, mostly by adjusting kinematic motion Cooperation, communication and thus interaction between human road users takes place at low speeds, usually below 20 km/h At higher speeds conflict avoidance is predominant – pedestrians use large enough inter- vehicle gaps to cross without expecting the second vehicle to adapt Self reports ≠ reality: About 50% of pedestrians reported to use some sort of visual information from the driver – even when the driver could not have been physically perceived Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

17 Overall Findings Human road users seem to avoid active communication with others by adapting their movement behavior early Only in ambiguous situations (e.g. deadlocks) communication is used to let the other traffic participant go first, mostly using gestures In the rare case that pedestrians waved a driver through, the “Thank You” hand gesture always followed by the driver. Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

18 (First) Conclusions Automated Vehicles do not need to communicate much using external Human Machine Interfaces if the idea is to replace a human driver – only in ambiguous situations explicit communication is really necessary BUT – Automated Vehicles could enhance the vehicle by communicating early in addition to adapting their movement possibly increasing Acceptance, Safety and Traffic Flow Interaction in Urban Traffic – Insights into an Observation of Pedestrian-Vehicle Encounters

19 Thank you!

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