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Understand Our Impact on Energy

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1 Understand Our Impact on Energy
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2 Energy Consumption in Leicester 2015
Replace with flow of YOUR city RIVER Our consumption equals oil flowing down the Niagara Falls for 24 seconds or the weight of 846 Big Bens Costs 2015 were (not including street lightning, schools & colleges) £3,207,326 £4,301,735 £654,815 £8.2 million resemble 3.5% of total budget

3 26% (temperature, ventilation, doors…) 30% (closing tabs…)
Energy at Home When metering and information is introduced at home behavioural change alone leads to energy savings of 10% (light, standby….) 26% (temperature, ventilation, doors…) 30% (closing tabs…) Sources: Specific guidelines for sub-metering of thermal energy in multi-unit buildings as in Art 9-11 EED(2012/27); eeMeasure evaluation tool

4 What is the Problem in Public Buildings?
Staff, workers and pupils have the following problems to improve energy efficiency No information on consumption No knowledge of what one can change No knowledge of who is in charge No feedback on what has been achieved No incentives

5 What is the Problem in Public Buildings?
Staff, workers and pupils have the following problems to improve energy efficiency No information on consumption No knowledge of what one can change No knowledge of who is in charge No feedback on what has been achieved No incentives provides information, knowledge, feedback and incentives

6 4 Core Elements of EDI-Net
Smileys will inform you whether the building consumes what is expected according to current weather on the dashboard. A benchmark tool allows creation of extracts on where investment is needed to interact with decision makers. You can share knowledge and observations on with the responsible staff in your building in the forum. We provide you with >30 curated materials if you want to learn or to mobilise and coach.

7 A nursery home has to be warm!
EDI-Net is realistic A nursery home has to be warm! It is NOT the aim to save and save and reduce comfort. The aim is to find faults earlier and collect knowledge on where wastage happens be it by accident or lack of control. To ensure what is realistic, EDI-Net considers weather, location, type of building among other factors. This has proven to achieve 10-15% energy savings

8 Why our behaviour matters
Every second of oil and Big Ben counts for us and our children. Savings remain in the council / school budget and possible savings of £INSERT AMOUNT are then earmarked for personnel. We are one of 40 cities across Europe implementing

9 You alreaedy have access to the dashboard. The tutorial follows now…
Next Steps You alreaedy have access to the dashboard. The tutorial follows now… Attributions: designed by Nikita Geller, designed by Nick Abrams from the Noun Project

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