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John M. Dettoni, Ph.D. Chrysalis Ministries

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Presentation on theme: "John M. Dettoni, Ph.D. Chrysalis Ministries"— Presentation transcript:

1 John M. Dettoni, Ph.D. Chrysalis Ministries
On Being a Leader

2 In 30 seconds or less answer this question:
What is Leadership?

3 In 30 seconds or less, answer this question:
Are Leaders people who do something?

4 In 30 seconds or less, answer this question:
If so, what kinds of things do Leaders do?

5 What is leadership. What or who is a leader
What is leadership? What or who is a leader? What is the difference between “leadership” and “leader?”

6 Leadership is what a leader: (1) is, (2) and then does

7 From my perspective: Quality of Leadership is something that is within a person, existing before it is demonstrated in action

8 Definition of a leader…
Leaders help others within a triadic relationship to learn, grow, develop, mature in the process of fulfilling tasks, responsibilites, jobs, etc.

9 Triadic relationship:
(1) “leader,” (2) others, (3) God or to some external referent either personal or philosophical – Central source of one’s values, philosophy of life.


11 Leadership is: All Philosophical/Theological issues!
From a secular perspective: Being moral, ethical, and relational But questions : Whose morality? Whose ethical system? What kind of relationships? All Philosophical/Theological issues!

12 Leadership is: From Christian perspective:
Leadership is fulfilling the Kingdom of God by… Doing the will of the Father (like Jesus), and teaching the values of the kingdom. John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38; 14:31; 19:30(“It is finished!”)

13 Being a leader has a number of characteristics and qualities…

14 Being a Leader is…. A process, not a mechanical skill.

15 Leadership is a spiritual process and discipline involving inner character
Commitment to a set of values that shape one’s total life (Secular – some philosophy of life; Christian: to Jesus Christ as one’s Lord – you choose) Losing one's self in caring for the others Being an example to all

16 Character is therefore spiritually grounded:
- inner dwelling, transforming one’s being, and - demonstrated behaviorally affecting all of one’s life and relationships.

17 Leader is…. A person not a position.
A relationship not a rank. NOT Titles: president, chair person, General, “rabbi,” “teacher,” bishop, Dr., Rev., even Pastor!

18 Being a Leader is…. A personal function not a power operation. Function: action based on relationships, not from position of power!!

19 Being a Leader is…. A God-given responsibility
not a personal privilege. A God-given privilege not a divine right to govern, control!

20 Leader…. Empowers others, not maintains one's own power.
Equips people not controls them. Helps other to be transformed thru relationships within a given framework (often job, tasks, committee work, etc.)

21 Leader…. Sends the people out to serve in the world, does not hoard them for one’s self or one’s business, local church, or organization. The people of God exist to serve the world in Christ’s name, not the leader’s name!

22 Being a Leader…. Is Service not stature nor status.

23 Being a Leader is…. Share a common mission and vision.
A developmental, nurturing relationship with people within an organization who: Share a common mission and vision. Hold shared values. Mold and shape the vision together. Agree upon desired outcomes for the mission and visions. Agree on goals, objectives, activities. Work together on agreed upon tasks.

24 Leadership is…. Helping others to:
Identify their special abilities and gifts Enhance their special abilities and gifts Deploy those special abilities and gifts Use those special abilities and gifts Evaluate the operation of special abilities and gifts Continually enhance those abilities and gifts And help others to do the same!!

25 Being a Leader is…. Not just getting the task done but doing the right thing and doing it right with the right people.

26 Leader…. Builds people not manipulates them merely to obtain quantifiable goals, "bottom line" objectives. Goal is maturing people, not just programs or buildings or recognition.

27 Being a Leader is…. Not just getting tasks (jobs) done.
Leaders help people to be transformed as they do their tasks so that they serve someone or some thing greater than themselves. For Christians, this means serving Christ in his Church and in the world that God so loves.

28 Being a Leader requires…
Vocation: A calling [from God] to help people to develop, mature, and grow in order to do the work of the service to others — in a word…



31 Nurturers do four things:
1. GROW – help to facilitate others to grow as whole people to become more and more mature as God intends them to be.

32 Nurturers do four things:
2. SPECIAL ABILITIES and GIFTS – help to facilitate others to identify, develop, and enhance those gifts, talents, calling

33 Nurturers do four things:
3. DEPLOY – help others to deploy and use their special abilities and gifts for the service to some greater good. (For Christians, the Kingdom or Rule of Christ in hearts and lives). 1 Thess. 2:3-13

34 Nurturers do four things:
4. Focus on People - Seek to help all the people to go from what they are now to what they are called by God to be.

35 Leaders lead PEOPLE, not organizations

36 Focus: not on -organizational thinking and tasks, -not concerned with maintenance of organization and the organization's rules and bureaucratic “correctness.”

37 FOCUS IS PEOPLE, - their development, maturing, growing - in all things into a completely mature person - as they go about their tasks - within their various vocations - in marketplace and all social and religious institutions


39 Take up a towel and wash feet!!!

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