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Ch.9 Sect.1: What is Intelligence?

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.9 Sect.1: What is Intelligence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.9 Sect.1: What is Intelligence?

2 What you will learn in this section…
Intelligence vs. Achievement Charles Spearman Louis Thurstone Howard Gardner Robert Sternberg Emotional Intelligence

3 Intelligence Vs. Achievement
It focuses on things you know and can do Specific content… U.S. History example Intelligence can provide the basis for achievement Intelligence—

4 Spearman’s Two-Factor Theory
British psychologist All behaviors we consider to be intelligent… Factor is g Ability to reason and solve problems S factor

5 Thurstone’s Theory of Primary Mental Abilities
8 factors Visual/spatial Perceptual speed Numerical ability Verbal meaning Memory Word fluency Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning

6 Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
7 different intelligences Linguistic Logical-mathematical Visual-spatial Bodily-kinesthetic Musical-rhythmic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Different areas of the brain

7 Gardner Gardner proposed different intelligences… Thurstone…
Various intelligences exist side by side but.. Can change over time Critics with musical and bodily-kinesthetic

8 Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
Believes different kinds of intelligences all work together 3 level model Analytic— Creative— Practical— Example

9 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence consists of 5 factors Self Awareness— Mood Management— Self-motivation— Impulse control— People skills—

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