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Transport and Deposition and Depositional Landforms

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1 Transport and Deposition and Depositional Landforms
Aims: To know the different ways that sediment can be transported.

2 Specification

3 Where does sediment come from and longshore drift video clips.
Longshore Drift

4 Sediments transportation happens in four ways..
Traction- Sediment is rolled by waves and currents (Pebbles, cobbles, boulders) Saltation- Sediment bounces due to water (Sand sized particles) Suspension- Sediment is carried in the water column. (Silt and clay particles) Solution- Dissolved material is carried in the water in solution (Chemical compounds in solution)

5 Longshore Drift Longshore drift plays a crucial role in the coastal
Sediment Cell and sediment transport. Wave crests approach the coast at an angle, the swash from the breaking waves and the subsequent backwash follow different angles up and down the beach in a zig zag pattern. The result is a net sediment transport along the beach and a longshore flow of sediment. Wave direction is caused by the wind which changes direction frequently. However overtime there is a dominant prevailing wind direction so there is a dominant longshore drift.

6 Sediment Cells of England and Wales
In every sediment cell there are coastal Processes that operate: EROSION TRANSPORTATION DEPOSITION Some areas of the UK are suffering from High levels of erosion = the Holderness Coast. The waves are battered the soft rocks here and literally washing them away. Once sediment is eroded it is taken and transported by ocean currents and deposited down the coast within the same Sediment cell. If something interrupts this Natural process, the longshore drift pattern Changes and it can lead to a reduction in Sediment in other places. This can lead to thin beaches and no Protection for the coastline behind.


8 Depositional Landforms
Swash Aligned and Drift Aligned beaches: A swash aligned beach brings in waves parallel to the shore and as result, they build up beaches. Swash aligned beaches are more influenced by constructive wave patterns, which are also important for building up large beaches. In contrast, drift aligned coasts bring in waves at an angle to the shoreline and so therefore, the waves tend to transport sediment down the coast, keeping beaches relatively narrow. It is drift aligned beaches that are mainly associated with spits, bars and tombolos. Swash beaches are more associated with large beach profiles, with dunes, a variety of berms and beach drainage features.

9 Double Spits!!!

10 Depositional Landforms




14 Mobility and Stability
Salt marshes and sand dunes bind loose sediment together and encourage further deposition. Sand dunes stabilise immediately and there is a slat marsh behind in calm water. Depositional landforms are therefore vulnerable to damage by trampling from tourists, leisure activities or overgrazing.

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