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The Pattern of Utilization for Digital Collection and Its Level of Usability in Electronic Repository at University Library of UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia)

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Presentation on theme: "The Pattern of Utilization for Digital Collection and Its Level of Usability in Electronic Repository at University Library of UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pattern of Utilization for Digital Collection and Its Level of Usability in Electronic Repository at University Library of UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia) Arina Faila Saufa And Nurdin LIS Department, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta International Conference on Reshaping Libraries 1 - 3 February 2018 Jaipur, Rajhastan, India

2 Library and Information Technology Development
Ease or Challenge?

3 Institutional Repository in The Library

4 Institutional Repository di perpustakaan UII
Repository and Archive Center UII (RAC UII)

5 Measures Usability Level of e-Repository Library
4 3 Accuracy 2 Reliability 1 Relevancy Usefulness

6 Measures Usability Level of e-Repository Library
8 7 Satisfaction 6 Learnability 5 Effectiveness Efficiency

7 Measures of Utilization's Collection in the Library

8 Research Methode (Quantitative research)
The population in this study is the average number of library e-repository service users of UII Yogyakarta which amounts to 6500 persons in the last six months. Slovin Formula: N 6500 n = = = 98,48/ 98 samples ( 1 + N (e)2 ) ( (0,1)2) Description: n : Number of sample N : Number of total population e : Margin of error tolerance (10 %)

9 Data Collection Technique and Measurement Scale
This research uses data collection techniques in the form of: 1. questionnaire, 2. documentation, and 3. interview. No. Description Positive Negarive 1. Strongly agree 5 1 2. Agree 4 2 3. Neutral 3 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree

10 Validity and Reliability Test
Data validity test used in this research is Pearson Product Moment with the following formula: The result of validity test is obtained by the total sample value for ᵗcount by 3.25, while ᵗtable by In the formula it is explained that if ᵗcount (3.25) > ᵗtable (1.85), then declared valid.

11 Validity and Reliability Test
Meanwhile, on the aspect of data reliability, this research uses Alpha Cronbach with the following formula. After tested it was found that r11 = In the formula, it is explained that if the value r11 (0.913) > 0.6, then the instrument is declared as reliable.

12 Data Analysis Technique
The formulation can be seen in the following: n P = _--- X 100 N Description: P = Percentage n = value scores procured N = total/maximum value score 20 - < 45 = Poor 45 - < 65 = Satisfactory 65 - < 85 = Good 85 – 100 = Excellent

13 Results for usability level of e-repository of UII

14 Results for Utilization of Digital Collection at UII Library
Type and number of UII digital e-repository collection

15 Level of percentage and classification for utilization of digital collection

16 CONCLUSION Based on the results of data processing on the level of usability of UII library e-repository, it can be concluded that the average library provides a good judgment. Of the 8 (eight) indicators, e-repository usability of UII library gets good scores on usefulness, relevancy, reliability, efficiency, and accuracy, and gets satisfactory levels in effectiveness, learnability, and satisfaction indicators. Meanwhile in utilization of collection at the library of UII Yogyakarta has not met the good category yet. That is, the use of digital collections by users is still low, because the score of three indicators get score, which is at level < 65 that means satisfactory.

17 Recomendation UII Yogyakarta library e-repository manager must give attention to the quality of the software from the repository and do regular maintenance, so that the e-repository system is not often error. UII Yogyakarta library should conduct more promotion for e-repository service, so that the users know the service and want to utilize information through e-repository. UII Yogyakarta library must increase the number and types of digital collections, so that the existing collection is more diverse and the needs for users are more fulfilled.

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