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Yo^han 14:6; Gong-Zoh 4:12 John 14:6; Acts 4:12
Kungx Maaih Nduqc Diuh Jauv Hnangv Bun Mbuo Duqv Njoux. There Is Only One Way to Salvation. Yo^han 14:6; Gong-Zoh 4:12 John 14:6; Acts 4:12
Yo^han 14:6 Yesu dau, “Yie se dongh mingh Zaangc Diex wuov diuh jauv, yaac dongh zien leiz, yaac dongh ziangh maengc. Cuotv liuz kaux yie, maiv maaih haaix dauh haih mingh duqv taux Zaangc Diex wuov.” John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Gong-Zoh 4:12 “Cuotv liuz Yesu, maiv maaih haaix dauh haih bun mienh duqv njoux, weic zuqc yiem lungh ndiev maanc mienh , Tin-Hungh maiv ceix ganh norm mbuox weic bun mbuo duqv njoux.” Acts 4:12 “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction
Yiem Yo^han 14:6, Yesu Giduc, Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn, gorngv “… "Yie se dongh mingh Zaangc Diex wuov diuh jauv, yaac dongh zien leiz, yaac dongh ziangh maengc. Cuotv liuz kaux yie, maiv maaih haaix dauh haih mingh duqv taux Zaangc Diex wuov. Yiem Gong-Zoh 4:12 gorngv, "Cuotv liuz Yesu, maiv maaih haaix dauh haih bun mienh duqv njoux, weic zuqc yiem lungh ndiev maanc mienh mbu'ndongx, Tin-Hungh maiv ceix ganh norm mbuox, bun mbuo oix zuqc kaux duqv njoux." In John 14:6, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, declares “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” In Acts 4:12, the Bible teaches salvation comes by no other name than Jesus.”
Yiem Luoqc Hlaax 24, 2008, Meiv Guoqv nyei Gong-Su Columbus Dispatch, fiev nyei sou yiem da’yietv benv, hnangv naaiv gorngv, “Sienx zong-zei nyei mienh koi ninh mbuo nyei hnyouv daaih hnamv yaac mangc mingh camv-diuh jauv nyei taux Tin-Dorngh nyei guoqv. Ei jienv hoqc taux Zong-Zei jauv nyei mienh Pew Forum gorngv nyei waac caux hoqc taux domh zuangx maengc nyei mienh gorngv, “maaih 70/% mienh gorngv, “ninh mbuo maiv maaih haaix dauh haih dingc gorngv ninh mbuo sienx nyei zong-zei jauv gengh haih dorh duqv ninh mbuo mingh taux yietc liuz nyei maengc. On June 24, 2008, The Columbus Dispatch, published on the front page an article entitled “U.S. Believers Open-Minded Most See Several Paths To Heaven” According to a study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life 70% said that many religions-not just their own-can lead to eternal life.
Baamh gen nyei Burger King Zong-Zei gorngv (Meih Haih Duqv Dongh Meih Oix Nyei Jauv) yaac oix dorh meih mingh taux zuqc mietc nyei dorngx. Yiem Cong-Mengh Waac 14:12 gorngv, “Maaih diuh jauv mienh buatc hnangv horpc nyei, mv baac setv mueiz benx zuqc daic nyei jauv.” – Cong-Mengh Waac 16:2 gorngv, “2 Mienh zoux nyei yietc zungv ziux ganh nyei m'zing mangc se cing-nzengc nyei, mv baac ZIOUV zaah mangc hnyouv.” The world’s Burger King Religion (You Can Have It Your Way) will lead us to destruction. In Proverbs 14:12, the Word of God teaches the way that seems right to us will destroy us –Proverbs 16:2.
“ ZIOUV hnangv naaiv nor gorngv, "Meih mbuo oix zuqc souv jienv jauv longx-longx nyei samx mangc. Naaic taux wuov deix loz-hnoi nyei jauv. Naaic gaax wuov diuh longx nyei jauv yiem haaix yaac gan wuov diuh jauv yangh. Meih mbuo nyei hnyouv ziouc lorz duqv baengh orn. Mv baac ninh mbuo gorngv, 'Yie mbuo maiv yangh wuov diuh jauv.” – Ye^le^mi 6:16. Sic se mbuo baamh mienh guangc Ging-Sou Tin-Hungh nyei waac caux ninh nyei lingc, maiv gan maiv ei jienv zoux, cingx daaih bun mbuo maaih sic. The problem is we have abandoned the Bible and God’s commandments – Jeremiah 6:16.
1. Maaih mienh camv nyei oix bieqc ba’gi yungh guanh gu’nyuoz, mv baac ninh mbuo maiv oix yangh laatc gaengh bieqc, ninh mbuo oix yangh ganh diuh jauv bieqc dongh Tin-Hungh maiv nqoi nzuih nyei jauv – Yo^han 10:1-2. Meih oix duqv njoux, oix zuqc yangh Yesu wuov diuh jauv, weic zuqc ninh ciev ziec ninh nyei maengc weic meih – Yo^han 10:7-11; Yo^han 20:30-31. Many will try to enter the sheepfold, by entering by a way God has not authorized – John 10:1-2. You must enter the door of Jesus to be saved since, He sacrificed His life that you might live – John 10:7-11;John 20:30-31.
2. Yiem naaiv seix zaangc se maaih i diuh jauv (2 dauh gaengh) meih ganh oix zuqc dingc hnyouv oix bieqc, maaih diuh jauv se dorh meih mingh taux yietc liuz nyei maengc, aengx maaih ganh diuh se dorh meih mingh taux daic nyei dorngx. Meih nyei jienv dorngx se yiem dingc, gan aapv eix nyei jauv mingh fai gan lingh wuonh nyei jauv mingh – Lomaa 8:5-8. There are two ways (2 doors) in which you can decide to enter. One way will lead you to life and the other death. Your decision will primarily be based on whether you’re carnally or spiritually minded – Romans 8:5-8
Yiem Matv^taai 7:13-14, Yesu njaaux gorngv maaih mienh camv nyei ginv gan jauv jangv wuov diuh mingh taux daic nyei dorngx, maaih dauh baav ginv mingh hec duqv yietc liuz nyei maengc wuov diuh jauv – Lugaa 13:24 caux 1 Bide 3:20. In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus teaches many will choose the broad way of destruction, and few will choose the narrow way to life – Luke 13:24 and I Peter 3:20.
3. Buoqc zangc zong-zei nyei mienh se mingh dorngc jauv, weic zuqc ninh mbuo dorh baamh mienh hnamv cuotv daaih nyei za’eix caux leiz-nyeic jauv daaih diqv Tin-Hungh nyei waac. Ninh mbuo lorz ganh diuh jauv mingh bieqc Tin-Dorngh nyei guoqv – Maako 7:5-13; Matv^taai 7:21-23. Religious groups and denominations are the wrong way because they replace the Word of God with their own traditions and doctrines of men. They’re trying to climb up into the kingdom by some other way – Mark 7:5-13; Matthew 7:21-23.
II. JIU BANG SE BENX NJOUX EN WUOV DIUH JAUV, WEIC ZUQC YESU LONGC NINH NYEI NZIAAMV MAAIZ DAAIH (THE ONE WAY IS THE CHURCH JESUS PURCHASED WITH HIS BLOOD): 1. Yiem Yo^han 14:6, Yesu gorngv "…Yie se dongh mingh Zaangc Diex wuov diuh jauv, yaac dongh zien leiz, yaac dongh ziangh maengc. Cuotv liuz kaux yie, maiv maaih haaix dauh haih mingh duqv taux Zaangc Diex wuov.” In John 14:6, Jesus says “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Kungx nduqc norm jiu baang, nduqc sin, Tin-Hungh heuc mbuo yiem hmuangx cuotv daaih bieqc taux Giduc nyei njang – 1 Bide 2:9-10. Ging-Sou gorngv Jiu baang, se Giduc nyei sin nduqc norm hnangv – 1 Ko^lin^to 12:12-14; E^fe^so 1:22-23; Ko^lo^si 1:18. There is only one church, one body, that God has called us out of darkness into the Light of Christ – I Peter 2:9-10. The Bible teaches the church, the body of Christ is one - I Corinthians 12:12-14; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18.
2. Naaiv norm Jiu Baang se Yesu longc ninh ganh nyei nziaamv maaiz daaih – Gong-Zoh 20:28. Dongh Bide nyiemc Yesu zoux Giduc ziangh jienv wuov dauh Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn, liuz Yesu gorngv yie oix liepc yie nyei Jiu Baang – Matv^taai 16: Weic ziepc nzaangc jaax, Jiu Baang se benx Giduc nyei sin, dongh yietc zungv zuiz mienh haih tim bieqc duqv caux Tin-Hungh horpc hnyouv benx yietc norm sin nyei dorngx – E^fe^so 2:13-16. This is the church that Jesus purchased with His own blood - Acts 20:28. After Peter, confesses Jesus divinity, Jesus said I will build my church – Matthew 16: The church is Jesus Christ body where sinners can be added and reconciled to God in one body by the cross - Ephesians 2:13-16.
3. Se gorngv meih niouv cie mingh dorngc jauv nor, Tin-Hungh oix meih mingh Ninh nyei Dorn Yesu Giduc wuov diuh jauv, dongh ninh liuc leiz ziangx weic meih wuov diuh jauv - Yo^han 8:36. If you’ve been driving the wrong way, God wants you to turn to His Son Jesus Christ, that has made a way for you – John 8:36.
1. HAIZ HEAR: “Hnangv naaic, mienh sienx weic zuqc ninh mbuo haiz Giduc nyei doz. Ninh mbuo duqv haiz weic zuqc maaih mienh mingh zunh bun ninh mbuo muangx.” Lomaa 10:17. Yietc nyungc jauv bun mbuo haih duqv haiz Tin-Hungh nyei waac se mbuo oix zuqc hoqc Ging-Sou. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17. In order for us to hear God’s Word, we must study the Bible.
Njoux en nyei jauv se maiv zeiz ei mienh nyei hnyouv zoux nyei sic
* Njoux en nyei jauv se maiv zeiz ei mienh nyei hnyouv zoux nyei sic. “ZIOUV aac, yie hiuv duqv mienh nyei jauv maiv zeiz sueih ninh ganh. Se maiv zeiz yangh jauv nyei mienh haih dingc ninh nyei zaux-mbiec.” Ye^le^mi 10:23. The way of salvation does not by the will of man. "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." Jeremiah 10:23.
2. SIENX BELIEVE: “Weic naaiv yie gorngv mbuox jiex meih mbuo, taux daic wuov zanc meih mbuo corc maaih jienv zuiz nyei. Se gorngv meih mbuo maiv sienx yie zoux dongh yie gorngv yie zoux wuov dauh nor, meih mbuo daic mv baac corc maaih jienv zuiz nyei." Yo^han 8:24. "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." John 8:24.
3. GOIV HNYOUV REPENT: “Maiv zeiz lorqc
3. GOIV HNYOUV REPENT: “Maiv zeiz lorqc. Yie mbuox meih mbuo, se gorngv meih mbuo maiv goiv hnyouv guangc zuiz, meih mbuo yaac fih hnangv nyei oix zuqc mietc. Lugaa 13:3. "I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3. * Ging-Sou njaaux gorngv, mbuo yietc liuz yaac maiv haih dunh yunh se hnangv mbuo gorngv mbuo yietc liuz yaac maiv baamz jiex zuiz nor; “Se gorngv mbuo gorngv mbuo maiv maaih zuiz, naaiv se nduov ganh hnangv. Zien leiz maiv yiem mbuo nyei hnyouv aqv” 1 Yo^han 1:8. The Bible teaches that we will never be perfect in the sense that we will never sin; "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." 1 John 1:8.
Hnangv haaix yaac baac, se gorngv mbuo zoux dorngc, mbuo yaac nyiemc mbuo nyei zuiz nor, Tin-Hungh zungv oix guangc bun mbuo (1 Yo^han 1:9). However, as long as we try and repent when we do sin, God will forgive our sins (1 Yo^han 1:9).
4. NYIEMC ZUIZ CONFESS: “Weic zuqc mbuo longc hnyouv sienx ziouc duqv caux Tin-Hungh horpc. Mbuo longc nzuih nyiemc Yesu zoux Ziouv, mbuo ziouc duqv njoux aqv.” Lomaa 10:10. "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:10. *Dongh yietc norm longx jiex nyei nyungc zeiv bun mbuo hiuv taux nyiemc Yesu zoux Ziouv nyei jauv se hnangv yiem Gong-Zoh da’betv zaang gorngv nor. E^ti^o^bie domh jien gorngv mbuox Filipv, "Yie sienx aqv. Yie sienx Yesu Giduc se Tin-Hungh nyei Dorn." Gong-Zoh 8:37. The best example that we are given of this confession is found in the eighth chapter of Acts when the Ethiopian eunuch confessed, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." Acts 8:37.
5. JIEX WUOM NYEI LEIZ BAPTISM: Goiv hnyouv guangc zuiz jiex wuom nyei leiz, mbuo nyei zuiz ziouc duqv guangc nqoi; Bide gorngv, "Meih mbuo dauh dauh oix zuqc goiv hnyouv guangc zuiz, dengv Yesu Giduc nyei mbuox jiex wuom nyei leiz, weic duqv Tin-Hungh guangc meih mbuo nyei zuiz. Meih mbuo ziouc duqv zipv Tin-Hungh ceix bun nyei Singx Lingh.” Gong-Zoh 2:38. It is at the point of baptism that sins are forgiven; "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts 2:38.
“Ih zanc meih zoux haaix nyungc ngaih
* “Ih zanc meih zoux haaix nyungc ngaih? Jiez sin daaih dengv Yesu nyei mbuox jiex wuom nyei leiz, nzaaux guangc meih nyei zuiz.” Gong-Zoh 22:16. "And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord." Acts 22:16.
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion
Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou mbuox mbuo kungx maaih nduqc diuh jauv, nduqc norm Yesu nyei mbuox hnangv bun mbuo duqv njoux. Ganh norm mbuox caux ganh nyungc zong-zei buoqc zangc jauv maiv haih njoux mbuo. Today’s scripture tells us, only one way, and one Jesus name can saved us. Other name and religion will not save us.
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