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The Odyssey Book Twenty.

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1 The Odyssey Book Twenty

2 Book Twenty Both Odysseus and Penelope have a sleepless night. Odysseus is concerned how he is going to defeat the suitors, while Penelope weeps for her husband. As Odysseus sleeps some womenfolk come in, mistresses’ of the suitors. Their laughing and good humour infuriates Odysseus. Athene comes to Odysseus and he asks her how he is to kill the suitors when they always hang around together in a group. The goddess assures him that all will work out well for him. Odysseus then goes to sleep.

3 Book Twenty Odysseus awakes and enters the house. He prays to Zeus for a sign that all will work out for him. Zeus issues a thunder blast from above. Inside a woman is baking bread. When she hears the sign, she prays that the suitors will eat their last meal that day. A servant, who is grinding corn at the king’s mill, prays that this day the suitors will eat their last loaf of bread, this also reassures Odysseus that all will be well in time to come. Eurycleia orders the servants and maids to clean floor and light fires inside the palace.

4 Book Twenty Odysseus meets a cowherd called Philoetius. This humble man is bringing fattened cows to the palace, to be slaughtered during the feast of Apollo, which takes place the next day. He utters kind words about Odysseus. In reply the beggar (Odysseus) tells the cowherd that before he leaves Ithaca he will witness the return and triumph of Odysseus.  The suitors still plan to kill Telemachus but a bad omen (a visit from an eagle with a dove in its talons) convinces them to abandon this and feast instead. Telemachus and the suitors settle down for a feast.

5 Book Twenty Odysseus is given a stool and a table by the side. Telemachus says he wants no brawling or fighting; this does not please the suitors, particularly Antinous. When the feast is in full swing, a suitor called Csesippus hurls a hoof at Odysseus – it misses the mark because Odysseus ducks. Telemachos furiously tells the suitor that if he had hit the guest, he would have killed him. He says he wants an end to their riotous behaviour. An outraged Telemachus threatens to kill him for this insult and behaviour.

6 Book Twenty The suitors start behaving strangely, their laughing faces become unrecognisable and blood splatters the food, Theoclymenus tells them that the place is filled with blood, night time has descended on the place even though it is midday and the porch is full of ghosts. But they pay not attention and just ridicule him. Theoclymenus tells them that all these are omens, signalling their impending doom at the hands of Odysseus.

7 Book Twenty: Important Points
Note how there is a build up of signs and omens. The drama is heightened as we are aware that something is going to happen. It is as if Odysseus and his plans have divine backing. The suitors, half mad with food, wine, etc. have surely eaten their last meal. Note how the female servants and their affairs with the suitors under- scores their disloyalty to the Penelope and the royal household. Note how the unease that Odysseus feels about the events to come contrasts sharply to the fun-loving and abusive suitors, who carry on as if nothing is going to matter. They are completely unaware and oblivious that a gathering storm is brewing against them and their doom is heralded.

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