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Next Generation 911: Making it Happen NOW!

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1 Next Generation 911: Making it Happen NOW!
NG911 NOW Next Generation 911: Making it Happen NOW! May 18th, 2016 NY State 911 Coordinators Dave Hopkins Lisa Madden

2 Agenda NG911 NOW Coalition Overview
Benefits of an Accelerated NG911 Deployment Addressing the “Gaps” to Timely Deployment Getting Your Input & Assistance

3 The Coalition NG911 NOW National Emergency Number Association
National Association of State 911 Administrators Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies In Partnership w/ NG911 Institute and National 911 Office

4 NG911 NOW National Goal By the end of the year 2020, all 911 systems and centers in all 56 states and territories will have sufficiently funded, standards-based, end-to-end, IP-based 911 capabilities, and will have retired legacy 911 systems, without any degradation in service to the public.

5 NG911 NOW Benefits of NG911 An accelerated implementation of NG911 will: Increase compatibility with emerging trends, including communications modes used by disability community; Enhance flexibility, resiliency and survivability of the nation’s 911 systems; Improve emergency response for the public and emergency responders; and Reduce the cost of operating 911 systems.

6 Consequences of In-Action
NG911 NOW Consequences of In-Action A failure to act promptly will result in: Prolonged nationwide deployment that would increase costs and delay NG911’s many benefits; Incompatibility with emerging communications trends, making 911 increasingly inaccessible; Missed opportunities for improved emergency response; and Technological obsolescence and increased security risks.

7 Deployment “Gaps” NG911 NOW
Timely and effective implementation requires addressing “gaps” in several critical areas. Governance – Governance structures, policies & regulations; Funding – Sufficient funding for NG911 deployment & operations; Technology – Standards & best practices including those designed to ensure cybersecurity; Operations – Standards & best practices including those addressing regional deployments, interconnection & resource sharing. Education – Broad understanding of NG911 and its benefits, and the limitations of the current 911 system.

8 Governance Objective:
Gaps: Governance Objective: Lack of National framework Lack of State coordination No model agreements for interstate interoperability Lack of National transition guidance Outdated laws & regulations Ensure effective governance to facilitate timely NG911 planning, deployment and operations.

9 Funding Gaps: Funding Objective: No clear understanding of NG911 costs
Diversion of existing 911 funds Lack of sustainable funding mechanisms Lack of policies to promote cost effective deployment Ensure NG911 funds are available, sufficient, and sustainable over long term.

10 Technology Objective:
Gaps: Technology Objective: Lack of National NG911 Deployment Plan Need to refine NG911 standards and best practices No standards to ensure NG911 system security No GIS data use policies Ensure completion of NG911 standards & best practices, and develop National NG911 Deployment Plan.

11 Operations Objective:
Gaps: Operations Objective: Need to update/refine NG911 standards Lack of operational models for regional deployments Lack of interconnection policies, procedures & best practices Lack of NG911 network monitoring best practices Ensure completion of NG911 standards & best practices to facilitate effective operations of NG911 systems.

12 Education Gaps: Education Objective:
No clear understanding of urgency of NG911 deployment No clear understanding of funding options & limitations Lack of guidance on process to transition to NG911 Lack of agreement on roles of National, State & local entities Ensure broad understanding of NG911 and its capabilities, and the limitations of the current 911 system.

13 NG911 NOW Getting Input The Coalition values your organizations and the constituents you represent, and we want your input. Will an accelerated NG911 deployment help your citizens? Have we identified the right “gaps? For NY” What’s missing? What should be prioritized? How can we better educate affected stakeholders and advance the Coalition’s efforts?

14 NG911 NOW You Can Help! The Coalition wants your support and assistance. Coalition Partner – An organization that supports the goals and objectives of the Coalition and will assist it in addressing critical NG911 gaps and achieving the National Goal of deployment by 2020. Supporter – Other individuals, organizations, agencies, or other entities that support the goals and objectives of the Coalition.

15 NG911 NOW Questions?

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