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How Powys acted as an enabling state for its citizens

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Presentation on theme: "How Powys acted as an enabling state for its citizens"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Powys acted as an enabling state for its citizens
working hands-on with a willing provider

2 Brecon Floating Support Service

3 Key Changes Purpose: System: Learning:
Not delivering top-down care plans But doing what mattered to people System: Not fixed tasks, and rotas based on staffing hours But when, what and how works best for people Learning: Not did we follow the script and deliver the hours? But are we spending our time well or wasting it?

4 Key Achievements Support Staff: Citizens: Commissioners:
Trusted and valued as creative, problem-solvers Successful at reducing many people’s dependency Citizens: Getting what they wanted nearly all the time Doing more for themselves and for each other Commissioners: Better outcomes, and more people served Whilst absorbing a budget cut

5 15% cut Threefold growth

6 Turning things the right way up

7 From welfare state to enabling state
Target setting Top-down Representation Silos Crisis management Doing To State Outcomes Bottom-up Participation Working together Prevention Doing With Third Sector

8 From market state to enabling state
Outputs Top-down Commodification Competition Crisis management Doing To Hands-off State Outcomes Bottom-up Co-production Collaboration Prevention Doing With Public/Social Partnership


10 Key Elements Purpose System Learning

11 What’s our Purpose for Wales?

12 Sustainable well-being


14 Our shared public/social responsibility to act sustainably
Long-term Prevention Integration Collaboration Involvement

15 Our shared public/social responsibility to act sustainably
Long-term Prevention Integration Alignment Collaboration Involvement

16 What’s the Purpose of social care?

17 What’s the Purpose of social care?

18 What’s the Purpose of social care?
Do What Matters

19 What Systems are we using?

20 What Systems are we using?
How do we find out what matters to people? How do we help people to get what matters? How do we build capacity & sustainability: With individuals? With communities? With other organisations? Within our own organisations?

21 How are we Learning?

22 How are we Learning? What are we measuring?
What trends are the measures telling us about? How much time and resource are we wasting? What experiments can we try: To reduce dependency and waste? To achieve and sustain people’s well-being? How are we learning together and sharing?

23 “I think the penny dropped with me about four weeks into recording “demands”. I thought, My Goodness, we’ve held people back for such a long time. I feel quite passionate about it because I can see now how people are really doing things”.

24 “They (Powys Council) were our mentors if you like
“They (Powys Council) were our mentors if you like. They worked very closely with us all the way through”.

25 Purpose System - Learning
CEO, Cartrefi Cymru

26 Purpose System - Learning
Chair, Wales Co-production Network Chair, Wales Social Co-operation Forum Chair, Mid Wales Social Co-operative Consortium Member, Bronllys Well-Being Park CLT Steering Group Third Sector Member, National Commissioning Board Member, Third Sector Alliance of Alliances Member, LDAG Transforming Care Sub-Group Trustee, Learning Disability Wales Family Carer

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