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To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary #3.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird Vocabulary #3

2 acquiesce assent; agree without protesting; give in

3 uncouth outlandish; clumsy; rude; impolite

4 elucidate to make clear; to explain

5 acrimonious bitter in words or manner

6 devoid lacking

7 evoke to call up (emotions, memories)

8 articulate adj. effective, distinct, clear. v. to express oneself clearly and effectively

9 volition act of making a conscious choice

10 squalor filthy; degradation; dirty, neglected state

11 spurious false; counterfeit; forged; illogical

12 repertoire list of works of music, drama, etc. a performer is prepared to present

13 garish over-bright in color; gaudy

14 temerity boldness; rashness

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