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A United Egypt and Egyptian Life

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1 A United Egypt and Egyptian Life
Coach Crews World History

2 9/4/13 In your notebook, label this Ancient Egypt Geography Skills
Use the map on page 39 to answer questions 1- 2 in complete sentences In your notebook, label this Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Use the chart on page 44 to answer questions 1- 2 in a complete sentence

3 The Nile Valley Working with your partner, complete the outline provided Use textbook pages 39-46

4 The Nile Valley Outline
b. Egyptians developed technology and their society. 1. The Egyptians used ____ to make writing paper. 2. Egyptians developed their own form of writing called ____. 3. Around 3100 B.C., Egypt’s two major kingdoms were combined into ____. a. Advances in ____, _____, and ____ created a need for government. b. ____, also known as Menes, is the king credited for the unification of _____ and ____. c. He wore a ____ to symbolize the kingdom’s unity. d. Power was passed on from fathers to sons, forming a ____. e. Egyptian history is divided into three main time periods. The earliest is the ____, followed by the ____, and then the ____. f. Egyptian society was divided into ____ based on wealth and power.

5 Section Review Label this in your notebook Section 1 Review:
What are 3 things that led to the growth of government in Egypt? How did geography lead to civilization growth in Egypt? Describe Egyptian writing. What was the significance of Narmer’s double crown? What was the role of the man in Egypt? What was the role of the woman?

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