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October 9th, 2017 Brown AC ELA.

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Presentation on theme: "October 9th, 2017 Brown AC ELA."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 9th, 2017 Brown AC ELA

2 I will show how to form my viewpoint when trying to convince.
Learning Target I will show how to form my viewpoint when trying to convince.

3 Opening- Q/H/T Review vocabulary for writing to convince.
Three Levels- Q- Question- Never heard of the word. H- Heard of It- But cannot really define it. T- Teach it- You could teach the word. Move to the correct part of the classroom.

4 Reason Bias Objective Subjective Writing To convince Argument
Perspective Claim Counterclaim Refute Call to Action Controversial Reason Bias Objective Subjective

5 Task Identify the words that are a Q or H.
Create a graphic organizer in your ELA Journal that will define and give examples of the words you need to know. Be prepared to share your findings with the class.

6 Closing and Extension Share your vocabulary with the class.
½ sheet of paper. Name and Period Write an introductory paragraph for the topic to the right: Topic: Archeologists have uncovered ancient flutes carved from bird bones and mammoth ivory, showing that music has been with us for a very long time. Even so, what is music for? It doesn’t provide food or shelter. It doesn’t cure disease or solve problems. What does music do? Write an essay that tells what music does for human beings and argues for its value in our lives.

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