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We must understand that all choices come with a consequence

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2 We must understand that all choices come with a consequence
We must understand that all choices come with a consequence. Explore this notion via the study of "The Handmaid's Tale".

3 Moira’s Choice A symbol of female rebellion
Constantly choses to reject societal norms Rejects Gilead’s male-female reproductive scheme and modern day society’s prejudice against homosexuality Discuss in groups whether you think that being a handmaid is more free than being a worker at Jezebels. Why is this and how does this apply to Moira?

4 Moira’s consequence is that she still serves men as a form of punishment
Gilead’s suppression of sexuality and relationships contrasts to the previous society, where sexuality played a huge part of daily life Jezebel’s have sociologists and business women working as prostitutes, all very male-dominated and difficult professions which require clever, dedicated workers. These women are now being forced into the sex trade, because “They prefer it here… to the alternatives” The women at Jezebel’s are merely tools, just as they are tools of reproduction as handmaid’s “You’d have to watch your weight, that’s for sure… Gain ten pounds and they put you in Solitary”

5 Doppelgängers suggest that an identity does not belong to one person, but is shared among many
Dressed in identical modest red dresses, Ofglen is described as having “a shape like mine”. While they physically represent each other as doubles, they are also seen by society as being one and the same Gilead’s strict and oppressive system strips all handmaids of their identity, the themes of the oppression of women are apparent, Offred and Ofglen are “Siamese twins”, seen by the other people on the streets as mirror images of one another “If I were Moira, I’d know how to take it apart, reduce it to its cutting edges. I have no screwdriver, but if I were Moira I could do it without a screwdriver.”

6 The consequence of Moira keeping her identity and sense of personality is that she makes herself vulnerable Gilead manages to break Moira’s spirit and sense of independence, to Offred’s dismay Moira is no longer willing to make escape attempts, or in other words, to defy society in the way she always has “I don’t want her to be like me. Give in, go along, save her skin. That is what it comes down to. I want gallantry from her, swashbuckling, heroism, single-handed combat. Something I lack.”

7 If you had to answer an essay question such as “Discuss how the theme of rebellion and defiance against society is shown through characterization in The Handmaid’s Tale”, how would you answer? You can refer to characters other than Moira.

8 The Commander’s Choice
Violates Gilead’s rules, because he is not allowed to associate with Offred outside of their monthly Ceremonies “become an Unwoman” - This label clearly berates the women of Gilead, as it suggests that, once they become unfertile, which is something they can’t control, they can no longer be called a woman “Not like that… As if you meant it” – The abuse of power. To Offred, it’s an obligation

9 His consequence is that he feels guilty
“You want my life to be bearable to me… If my life is bearable, maybe what they’re doing is all right after all” To the Commander, all of the Offred’s are sources of fertility and entertainment only, he doesn’t care about them as people, only as objects, reflecting his decision to help create a society which uses women only for their bodies “If your dog dies, get another”

10 Are there any other ways in which the abuse of power is shown in The Handmaid’s Tale? Discuss in groups.

11 Offred’s Choice Offred was forced into becoming a handmaid, and therefore didn’t choose to be taken away from her daughter and from Luke, and she does not get to choose her Commander or even her own name. Can choose whether to join the resistance movement and to rebel in many different forms Discuss in groups the other moments of rebellion which Offred partakes in.

12 “We are a society dying… of too much choice
“We are a society dying… of too much choice.” This introduces a dilemma Gilead has reversed this free society to give its citizens no choice at all in the way in which they live their lives. “There is no such thing as a sterile man anymore, not officially. There are only women who are fruitful and women who are barren, that's the law.” Is Gilead now dying because of too little choice? Is this the consequence of Gilead’s suppression of choice? To recap on what we’ve already talked about, discuss this as a class.


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