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Nutrition and Digestive Health in Cystic Fibrosis

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1 Nutrition and Digestive Health in Cystic Fibrosis
Hello and thank you for joining us for today’s presentation, Nutrition and Digestive Health in Cystic Fibrosis. I’d like this presentation to be more of a group discussion, so as we go through the slides, I will pose some questions, which we can then discuss. 1 © 2013 Aptalis Pharma 5/13 ZP J

2 Deborah Kaley, RN, MSN, AE-C, CCRC Bay Area Pediatric Pulmonary
Faculty Disclosures Deborah Kaley, RN, MSN, AE-C, CCRC Nurse Case Manager Bay Area Pediatric Pulmonary Oakland, California This interactive discussion is given on behalf of Aptalis Pharma™, which has provided compensation for this presentation. Other Speaker Disclosures: None Faculty Disclosure Note to Speaker: Prior to utilization of this slide deck, please enter your first name, last name, hospital and/or academic affiliation into the template above. If you have any disclosures (such as consulting fees, grants/research funding received, speaker bureau, advisory board, other), please add into the above template in place of "None." If you have nothing to disclose, please leave as "None."

3 Learning Objectives Review clinical insights for digestive health management of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) Understand the challenges associated with transitions in care Review key components of nutrition for patients with CF and EPI Evaluate social and economic challenges encountered by patients with CF Review the unique offerings and rewards of the Live2Thrive™ Patient Support Program The learning objectives for today’s presentation are to: Review some clinical insights around digestive health management for patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) Understand the challenges associated with transitions in care Review some of the key components of nutrition for patients with CF and EPI Evaluate some social and economic challenges faced by those with CF Review the unique offerings and rewards of the Live2Thrive™ Patient Support Program

4 Digestive Health Management in CF
Rogers/pg10/col1/P1/ln10-14 The gastrointestinal tract is often affected in CF: Thick mucus secretion and inflammation Progressive destruction of the pancreas Insufficient amount of digestive enzymes Diminished absorptive function in the small intestine Key Takeaway: The gastrointestinal tract is often affected in CF, leading to deficits in growth and poor nutritional status The gastrointestinal tract is often affected in CF The thick mucus secretion and inflammation associated with CF can lead to progressive destruction of the pancreas Correspondingly, an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes is delivered to the small intestine, causing diminished absorption of nutrients This is the reason for poor digestion and absorption of food in CF, which can result in growth retardation and poor nutritional status Reference: Rogers CL. Nutritional management of the adult with cystic fibrosis—part I. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology, Series #113. Practical Gastroenterol. 2013;37:10-24. Poor digestion and absorption of food Growth retardation and poor nutritional status Rogers CL. Practical Gastroenterol. 2013(January):10-24.

5 Adequate Nutrition in CF Is Fundamental
Higher body weight has been shown to correlate with good lung function in CF patients1 Many people with CF cannot digest/absorb nutrients and fat from food due to pancreatic insufficiency2 CF patients require 110% to 200% more calories than people who do not have CF3 A balanced, high-calorie diet with salt, fat, and protein is crucial for people with CF2 Good nutrition promotes a strong immune system to fight infections; fewer infections can minimize lung damage and extend life2 The CF care team dietitian plays a critical role3 Rogers/pg13/col1/P2/ln13-16 Stallings/p837/figure 8/ row 1 CFF/pg1/P1 Key Takeaway: Optimization of nutritional status for CF patients is critical Adequate nutrition in people with CF is a fundamental part of disease management For all ages, higher body weight has been shown to correlate with good lung function1 Because people with CF cannot fully digest or absorb nutrients and fat from food due to pancreatic insufficiency, they require 110% to 200% more calories than people who do not have CF2 Therefore, it is crucial for people with CF throughout their lives to eat a balanced, high-calorie diet with salt, fat, and protein, so that they can achieve3: Normal gains in weight and height for children3 Puberty and maintenance of health in teens4 Maintenance of weight and health in adults3 Good nutrition also helps to build and maintain a strong immune system to fight infections. Fewer infections can minimize lung damage and help extend life3 A dietitian specializing in the needs of people with CF can work with clients as part of the multidisciplinary CF care team to assure weight maintenance, sufficient levels of vitamin and minerals, and minimal complications1 References: 1. Rogers CL. Nutritional management of the adult with cystic fibrosis—part I. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology, Series #113. Practical Gastroenterol. 2013;37: Stallings VA, Stark LJ, Robinson KA, et al. Evidence-based practice recommendations for nutrition-related management of children and adults with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency: results of a systematic review. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Nutrition. Cystic fibrosis: Changes through life. NutritionThroughLife/Nutrition-and-CF-Changes-Through-Life.pdf. Accessed March 30, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Nutrition for teens with cystic fibrosis. Accessed March 30, 2013. Rogers/pg13/col1/P2/ln13-16 Stallings/p837/figure 8/ row 1 1. Rogers CL. Practical Gastroenterol. 2013;37: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 30, Stallings VA et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108: CFF/Life/pg1/P1 CFF/Teens/pg1/P1 CFF/Life/pg1/P1 Rogers/pg22/col2/P2/ln3-10

6 Clinical Guidelines for Nutrition Management in Patients With CF
Recommendations include1: High-calorie diet, including supplements when needed Behavioral intervention to encourage good eating habits in children Keeping track of nutritional indicators, such as body mass index (BMI) Appropriate doses of pancreatic enzymes when needed Stallings/pg833/col2/P2/ln2-5, P5/ln1-5, col2/P4/ln3-5, pg836/col1/P3/ln1-5, pg834/col2/P2/ln3-9 Borowitz/pg S76/Table I, #15 & pg S75/Table I, #3,5 Routine monitoring and care recommendations for the infant diagnosed with CF2 Borowitz/ PS78/ Table III Key Takeaway: The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation provides clinical guidelines for nutrition management Because nutrition is one of the most essential components of effective treatment of individuals with CF, clinical guidelines for nutrition-related management for children and adults with CF are available These guidelines come from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation The guidelines include the following recommendations1: A high-calorie diet, including supplements when needed1 Behavioral intervention to encourage good eating habits in children1 Keeping track of nutritional indicators, such as body mass index (BMI) Appropriate doses of pancreatic enzymes when needed1 In addition to the general nutrition guideline recommendations for children, there are also recommendations for infants under 2 years of age.2 The table shown provides an example of routine monitoring and care recommendations around care issues, including nutrition2 Discussion Questions: Are the routine monitoring and care recommendations shown here the same as what your CF care team recommends to patients? What, if anything, is different? References: 1. Stallings VA, Stark LJ, Robinson KA, et al. Evidence-based practice recommendations for nutrition-related management of children and adults with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency: results of a systematic review. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108: Borowitz D, Robinson KA, Rosenfeld M, et al. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation evidence-based guidelines for the management of infants with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr. 2009;155:S73-S93. Stallings/pg833/col2/P2/ln2-5, P5/ln1-5, col2/P4/ln3-5, pg836/col1/P3/ln1-5, pg834/col2/P2/ln3-9 * In some circumstances, care may be shared with PCP; infants growing poorly may need to be seen more often; some stable infants can be seen every 6 weeks. C= consider doing at this visit; PERT = pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy; OFC = occipital frontal circumference; P&PD = percussion and postural drainage. 1. Stallings VA et al. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108: Adapted from Borowitz D et al. J Pediatr. 2009;155:S73-S93. Borowitz/ PS78/Table III

7 Pancreatic Enzyme Supplementation Is Critical in CF
>90% of patients with CF have EPI, resulting in chronic nutrient malabsorption1 Symptoms of malabsorption include2: Poor weight gain despite good appetite Frequent, loose and/or large bowel movements Mucus or oil in the bowel movements Excessive gas and/or stomach pain Distention or bloating CF patients with EPI should take pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) with all meals and snacks in order to properly absorb carbohydrate, protein, and fat1 Dosing guidelines for PERT are based on the North American CF Foundation consensus statement and the Consensus Conference on Enzyme Therapy and Fibrosing Colonopathy1 Rogers/pg13/col1P3/ln1-3 CFF/pg1/col3/P3 Rogers/pg16/col1/P2/ln1-4 Rogers/pg16/col1/P3/ln1-4 Rogers/pg16/col1/P3/ln8, col2/P1/ln1 Rogers/pg13/Table1 Borowitz/ PS75/ Table 1 Pancreatic Enzyme Dosage General recommendations1 Units lipase/kg/meal Start with 500 U lipase/kg/meal Increase to max of 2500 U lipase/kg/meal Provide ½ meal dose with snacks Caution with doses >2500 units lipase/kg/meal Units lipase/grams of fat Start with 500 units lipase/gram fat Increase to max of 4000 units lipase/gram fat Caution with doses >4000 units lipase/gram fat Recommendations for infants with CF under 2 years of age3 Start in all infants with: 2 CFTR mutations associated with PI Fecal elastase <200 μg/g or CFA <85% (in infants <6 months of age), or other objective evidence of pancreatic insufficiency Unequivocal signs or symptoms of malabsorption, while awaiting confirmatory test results Initiate at: units lipase/kg at each feeding Adjust to: ≤2500 units lipase/kg per feeding to maximum 10,000 units lipase/kg/day Key Takeaway: 90% of CF patients require pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in order to properly absorb and digest food More than 90% of patients with CF have EPI, resulting in chronic nutrient malabsorption1 Symptoms of malabsorption include2: Poor weight gain despite good appetite Frequent, loose and/or large bowel movements Mucus or oil in the bowel movements Excessive gas and/or stomach pain Distention or bloating CF patients with EPI should take pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) with all meals and snacks in order to properly absorb carbohydrate, protein, and fat1 Dosing guidelines for PERT are based on the North American CF Foundation consensus statement and the Consensus Conference on Enzyme Therapy and Fibrosing Colonopathy1 Most recommendations are based on units of lipase per kilogram of body weight.1 Please note that there are specific recommendations for infants with CF under the age of 2 years3 Discussion Question: What is the method your CF care team uses to ensure patients who require enzymes are prescribed the appropriate amounts? What kinds of challenges does your team face with regard to patients and enzyme replacement therapy? References: 1. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Nutrition: pancreatic enzyme replacement in people with cystic fibrosis. Accessed March 18, Rogers CL. Nutritional management of the adult with cystic fibrosis—part I. Nutrition Issues in Gastroenterology, Series #113. Practical Gastroenterol. 2013; 37: Borowitz D, Robinson KA, Rosenfeld M, et al. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation evidence-based guidelines for the management of infants with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr. 2009;155:S73-S93. Rogers/pg13/col1P3/ln1-3 CFF/pg1/col3/P3 1. Rogers CL. Pract Gastroenterol. 2013;37: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, Borowitz D et al. J Pediatr. 2009;155:S73-S93. Rogers/pg16/col1/P2/ln1-4 Borowitz/ PS75/ Table 1 Rogers/pg16/col1/P3/ln1-4 Rogers/pg16/col1/P3/ln8, col2/P1/ln1

8 Vitamins and Minerals Are Essential in CF
Vitamins and minerals are necessary for normal growth, function, and health, but patients with CF need more for good health1 Improvements in CF nutrition management are one factor that is believed to lead to an increase in life expectancy2 Vitamin A Numerous roles including normal vision, bone and tooth formation, cell function, immunity, to help maintain healthy intestines Vitamin D Involved in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth Vitamin E Antioxidant, helps keep red blood cells healthy, helps fight infection, and helps maintain healthy intestines Vitamin K Role in blood clotting and keeping bones healthy Calcium Essential element involved in building strong bones and teeth; maintains nerves and muscles Iron Essential element with a key role in carrying oxygen in blood cells Sodium chloride Important in maintaining fluid balance Zinc Many important functions in the body ranging from growth and healing to taste and appetite CFF/pg1 Morton/pg431/col1/P2/ln7-10 Key Takeaway: Improvements in nutritional management, including ensuring patients get the appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals, are one factor that is believed to lead to an increase in life expectancy for people with CF2 Vitamins and minerals are necessary for normal growth, function, and health, but patients with CF need more for good health1 Here is a list of some of the vitamins and minerals particularly important for patients with CF and their role in the body’s functioning: Vitamin A is necessary for normal vision, bone and tooth formation, cell function, immunity, and healthy intestines Vitamin D is involved in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth Vitamin E is an antioxidant, helping to keep red blood cells healthy, fight infection, and maintain healthy intestines Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting and in keeping bones healthy Calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth, and for maintaining nerves and muscles Iron is key in carrying oxygen in blood cells Sodium chloride is important in maintaining the body’s fluid balance Zinc has many functions ranging from growth and healing to taste and appetite References: 1. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The importance of vitamins and minerals in CF. Accessed March 18, Morton AM. Conference on ‘Malnutrition matters.’ Symposium 6: Young people, artificial nutrition and transitional care: The nutritional challenges of the young adult with cystic fibrosis: Transition. Proc Nutr Soc. 2009;68: Morton/pg431/col1/P2/ln7-10 CFF/pg1 1. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, Morton AM et al. Proc Nutr Soc. 2009;68:

9 Improvements in CF Care Have Increased Survival
Patients with CF are living longer than ever (figure left) In 2011, the median predicted survival age was 36.8 years compared with <28 years in 1987 In addition, the number of adults is increasing (figure right) In 2011, >48% of patients were adults compared with >32% in 1991 CFF/pg6/P2/ln1-3, pg6/Graph CFF/pg8/P4/ln1-3, pg8/P5/ln1-3 Median Predicted Survival Age, in 5-Year Periods Number of Children and Adults with CF, 40 15 12 36 9 Age (Years) 32 Number of People with CF (Thousands) 6 28 Key Takeaway: Medical advancements and optimization of nutritional status have helped to increase the lifespan of patients with CF With advances in CF care, CF patients are living longer than ever Based on the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Patient Registry Annual Data Report 2011, the median survival age has risen steadily over time, as shown in the graph on the left. In 2011, the age was 36.8 years, compared with less than 28 years of age in 1987 In addition, the number of adults with CF is increasing. The graph on the right shows how fast the number of adults with CF has grown in relation to the number of children with CF. The data show that today more people with CF are living well into adulthood. Twenty years ago, more than 32 percent of people in the Patient Registry were 18 or older. In 2011, more than 48% of people with CF were adults, and that number continues to grow Reference: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Patient Registry Annual Data Report Accessed March 18, 2013. Children Adults 3 CFF/pg6/P2/ln1-3, pg6/Graph 24 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, 2013 CFF/pg8/P4/ln1-3, pg8/P5/ln1-3

10 Living Longer Poses New CF Care Challenges
With advances in treatment, CF patients are living longer and thus creating new challenges in care New nutritional challenges associated with CF-related complications, such as diabetes and bone disease have emerged Bone disease is becoming more common in patients with CF The CF care team can play an important role in addressing CF-related life changes CFF/pg22/Graph Common Complications by Age, 2011 50 30 20 10 Percent of People with CF 40 <6 6-10 11-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45+ Diabetes (CFRD) Bone Disease Depression Arthritis Arthropathy Age (Years) Key Takeaway: Living longer means the emergence of CF-related complications, such as diabetes or bone disease The increasing average lifespan of the CF population poses new challenges in care New nutritional issues associated with CF-related complications, such as diabetes and bone disease have emerged This line graph shows how CF complications can increase with age. The green line at the top represents cystic fibrosis-related diabetes (CFRD), one of the most common complications. In 2011, 19% of all people in the CF Patient Registry had CFRD, and of those who were 18 and older, 33% had CFRD Bone disease is another complication that’s becoming more common in patients with CF. The blue line represents the increase in bone disease as CF patients in the Registry got older. Data from the Patient Registry show that 11% of people with CF reported some type of bone disease, such as fracture or osteoporosis Preventing bone disease begins in childhood when bones are growing. A diet with enough calories, vitamin D, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals, plus maintaining a healthy weight and exercise, can help Discussion Question: In your experience, what do you think works well when helping families understand and learn how to live with CF? Reference: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Patient Registry Annual Data Report Accessed March 18, 2013. CFF/pg22/Graph, pg22/P2/ln1-3 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, 2013 CFF/pg22/P5/ln2-3 CFF/pg22/P6/ln1-3

11 Living Longer Also Affects Transition Management
CFF/Slide7-10 Because patients with CF are living longer and well into adulthood, there are unique issues that arise around the transition from pediatric to adult CF care This period of time may be challenging for the care team, caregiver(s), and the patient Ideal Transition to Adult CF Care Parents/Family Child Responsibility Key Takeaway: Living longer also means unique issues for the CF patient, their families, and the CF care center with regard to transition to adult-centered care Because people with CF are living longer and well into adulthood, there are unique issues that arise with the transition from pediatric to adult CF care—it can be a challenging time for care teams, parents, and the patient This graph represents the ideal transition from pediatric to adult CF care; such that, as the child’s age increases, his or her responsibility increases, while simultaneously the family’s responsibility decreases. [Note to Facilitator: The following notes are not shown on the slide] Adolescence is a time of rapid psychological and physiological changes that pose unique challenges to the management of CF Goals for year olds: Know what causes CF and how the body is affected Know the names of medications and when to take them and patient actually does take medications Understand the purpose of each medication Perform airway clearance without help (most of the time) Understand choices about smoking and drinking and effect on health in CF Goals for year olds Ability to recognize symptoms and describe them Know dates of clinic appointments and other tests and can schedule them Aware of medication supply and participates in refilling prescriptions Speaks directly to CF team to discuss changes in health Learns to maintain equipment Goals for 21 year olds Contact CF healthcare providers directly to discuss changes in health Schedule all appointments and tests Refill prescriptions independently Awareness of details about insurance and strategies for future coverage Discussion Questions: What do you think is important to communicate to patients and their families about transitioning and when do you do so? What are some important resources for families? Reference: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Partnering for care: transition to adult CF care. Accessed March 22, 2013. Age 21 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, 2013.

12 Transition Can Be a Complex Process for CF Care Centers
For CF care teams responsible for the transition from pediatric to adult CF care, the transition may be an ongoing process over a period of time There are multiple components of care that must be addressed Each care team member has a unique role to play Towns/pg70/Table 1 Sample CF Self-Management Scale Component of care Level 1: Always dependent Level 2: Frequently dependent Level 3: Sometimes dependent Level 4: Fully independent Physiotherapy and clearance Caregiver manages care and routine Individual initiates care Minimal supervision or assistance Independent Nutrition/enzyme management Some knowledge Responsible for some aspects of nutrition Independently manages Medication usage Maximal caregiver management Moderate caregiver supervision Independent or minimal supervision Disease management Knows general principles Asks questions and knows genetic aspects Knows when to seek help Knows how to access help General life skills Managed by caregiver Becoming more independent Increasing sense of control Independent and actively involved Key Takeaway: Transition is a long-term process that requires the coordinated efforts of the entire CF care team The transition from pediatric to adult CF care is a multistep process. For CF care teams responsible for this transition, it may be an ongoing process that happens over a period of time There are multiple components of care to be addressed, with each member of the care team having a specific role The table shown here is a sample CF self-management scale, which categorizes levels of dependence from 1-4, and each level’s relationship to 5 different components of care1. Level 1 is “always dependent”; Level 2 is “frequently dependent”; Level 3 is “sometimes dependent”; and Level 4 is “fully independent.” In general, as age increases, the level of independence increases, such that a 10-year-old might be a Level 1, and a 17-year-old a Level 41 Components of care perhaps requiring decreasing levels of assistance from caregivers as the child gets older can include: physiotherapy and exercise clearance technique, nutrition and enzyme management, medication management, disease management, and general life skills1 So for example, the progression from more dependent to more independent with regard to physiotherapy and exercise clearance can look like the following1: At Level 1 (dependent), a caregiver may completely manage physiotherapy and clearance for the child with CF, progressing to the child initiating this component of care at Level 2, to minimal supervision at Level 3, and finally to independently managing this aspect of care at Level 41 Likewise for nutrition management, at Level 1 the child may have some knowledge about the importance of nutrition in CF; at Level 2 the child may begin taking responsibility for some nutritional aspects such as taking enzymes while at school and with minimal supervision; to Levels 3 and 4 where the child independently manages nutrition and enzymatic support on a daily basis1 And so on for taking medications, understanding and managing the disease as a whole, and general life skills1 Transition programs in CF centers should include evaluations by team members, including nurses, dietitians, social workers, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, and psychologists2 Discussion Questions: How does your CF care center assess patients for transition from pediatric to adult CF care? Do you have standardized transition programs in place? What do they consist of? References: 1. Towns SJ, Bell SC. Transition of adolescents with cystic fibrosis from pediatric to adult care. Clin Respir J. 2011;5: Flume PA, Taylor LA, Anderson DL, Gray S, Turner D. Transition programs in cystic fibrosis centers: perceptions of team members. Ped Pulmonol. 2004;37:4-7. Towns/pg70/Table 1 Towns SJ et al. Clin Resp J. 2011;5:64-75. Flume/pg5/col2/P3/ln1-8

13 CF Care Team Perceptions May Not Align With Patients Regarding Transition
Challenges for patients within adult services1: Independence in decision making, goal setting, and issues of confidentiality and privacy Implications of CF as an adult Establishing good communication and developing a good relationship Introduction of new staff Appropriately supporting caregivers Adult centers with appropriate resources Team member’s perceptions of patient concerns2: Patient is not familiar with the adult staff Concerned about adult staff being able to meet medical needs Patient has strong relations with pediatric staff Patient is reluctant to leave the pediatric care setting Patient has difficulty with taking on responsibilities for self-care Anderson Flume/pg6/Table1 Key Takeaway: CF care team members are in a vital position to clarify and help address the young adult patient’s emotional concerns about transition Transition is also the time to revisit the changing physical needs of the young adult CF patient—particularly regarding nutrition management Here we’ll discuss some of the concerns patients with CF have around the transition process. First we’ll talk about some of the challenges for patients, followed by the results of a survey given to care team members that revealed their perceptions of patient concerns Challenges for patients transitioning to the adult services setting may include: independence in decision making, goal setting, and issues of confidentiality and privacy; what the implications of CF are as an adult; establishing good communication and developing a good relationship; introduction of new staff; appropriately supporting caregivers; and adult centers with appropriate resources1 According to a survey of 291 care team members, their perceptions of patients’ concerns regarding the transition to adult services included2: Patient is not familiar with the adult staff Patient is concerned about the adult staff being able to meet medical needs Patient has strong relations with pediatric staff Patient is reluctant to leave the pediatric care setting Patient has difficulty with taking on responsibilities for self-care Discussion Question: In your CF care center, what concerns do you think patients have regarding the transition process? Do you ask patients what they are? References: 1. Anderson DL, Flume PA, Hardy KK, et al. Transition programs in cystic fibrosis centers: perceptions of patients. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2002;33:327– Flume PA, Taylor LA, Anderson DL, Gray S, Turner D. Transition programs in cystic fibrosis centers: perceptions of team members. Ped Pulmonol. 2004;37:4-7. Anderson 1. Anderson DL et al. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2002;33:327– Flume PA et al. Ped Pulmonol. 2004;37:4-7. Flume/pg6/Table1

14 Nutrition Management May Be Particularly Challenging During Transition Period
Nutrition and digestive health are essential components of care of the patient with CF1 Achieving nutrition and digestive health may be challenging around the transition period, which is typically during the teen years1 Dietitians at CF care centers can provide specially tailored dietary programs for each stage of life1 Morton/pg431/col2/P1/ln5-6 Morton/pg436/col1/P2/ln21-24, P5/ln3-5 Morton/pg433/col1/P4/ln6-9, pg434/col2/P1/ln4-6 Leonard/pg10/Figure1 100% Optimal Acceptable Concerning At Risk Failure 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% Key Takeaway: Nutritional status can vary with age; the teen years may be particularly challenging Nutrition and digestive health are essential components of care for the patient with CF1 Achieving nutrition and digestive health may be challenging around the transition period, which is typically during the teen years1 Dietitians at CF care centers can provide specially tailored dietary programs for each stage of life1 This graph shows the distribution of nutrition classifications by age for CF patients at an initial clinic visit, according to a 2010 study. The nutrition classifications were as follows: optimal, acceptable, concerning, at risk, and failure. The Optimal distributions are shown by the light blue sections of each bar, versus the Failure distributions indicated by the orange areas of the bars2 In this study, a greater percentage of the youngest group of CF patients (2-5 years) had Optimal nutrition, versus a greater percentage of the oldest group of CF patients—the teenagers—fell into the Failure category of nutrition classification2 These results demonstrate that nutritional status varies with age, and that the teenage years are likely to represent a challenge with regard to optimal nutrition for the patient with CF Involvement of the entire CF care team to develop a standardized approach to classification and treatment of patients with suboptimal nutrition can substantially improve nutrition in a CF center in a short period of time2 Discussion Question: What would you say to teenage patients who do not want to follow the recommendations for their nutrition requirements? References: 1. Morton AM. Conference on ‘Malnutrition matters.’ Symposium 6: Young people, artificial nutrition and transitional care: The nutritional challenges of the young adult with cystic fibrosis: Transition. Proc Nutr Soc. 2009;68: Leonard A, Davis E, Rosenstein BJ, et al. Description of a standardized nutrition classification plan and its relation to nutritional outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis. J Ped Psychol. 2010;35:6-13. 30% 20% 10% Morton/pg436/col1/P2/ln21-24, P5/ln3-5 0% Morton/pg431/col2/P1/ln5-6 2-5 (n=45) 6-10 (n=61) 11-15 (n=75) ≥16 (n=65) Age (years) 2 Morton/pg433/col1/P4/ln6-9, pg434/col2/P1/ln4-6 1. Morton AM et al. Proc Nutr Soc. 2009;68: Leonard A et al. J Ped Psychol. 2010;35:6-13. Leonard/pg10/Figure1 Leonard/pg10/Figure1 Leonard/pg12/col1/P2/ln4-7, col2/P2/ln8-11

15 Social and Economic Considerations
Let’s discuss some of the social and economic issues in CF

16 The Cost of CF Care Is High
CF imposes a burden on everyday life, particularly around cost of care Lifetime cost of treatment for a person with CF: $2.3 million1 Total annual medical care expenditures averaged $48,098 for people with CF, more than 22 times the average of $2,172 for people without CF.2 1 in 4 have delayed care or skipped treatments because of the cost3 Costs associated with nonadherence may add to economic burden4 Money wasted on unused medications or other therapies that are not followed An increase in clinic appointments, emergency room visits, and hospitalizations because of nonadherence Tur Kaspa/pg190/col2/P1/ln5-7, pg191/col1/P1/ln11 Ouyang/pg991/col2/P3/ln1-3 Ouyang/pg992/Table2 CFF/pg1/P3/ln1-4 Rapoff/pg35/P1/ln6-7 Rapoff/pg34/P5/ln1-4 Key Takeaway: The cost of treating CF is high Beyond the burden of having CF and the burden of treatment, CF imposes a burden on everyday life, particularly around cost of care Medical care utilization and expenditures are substantially higher for patients with CF compared with those without CF1 Lifetime cost of treatment for a person with CF can exceed $2.3 million2 In 2006, total annual medical care expenditures averaged $48,098 for people with CF, more than 22 times the average of $2,172 for people without CF.1 This bar graph compares annual medical costs for people with CF (the blue bars), and for people without CF (the red bars), broken out by age range. As you would expect, health care costs are much higher for people who have CF than for those who do not1 A recent study showed that 1 in 4 CF patients have delayed care or skipped treatments because of cost3 Costs associated with nonadherence may add to economic burden4 For example, money wasted on unused medications or other therapies that are not followed An increase in clinic appointments, emergency room visits, and hospitalizations due because of nonadherence References: 1. Ouyang L, Grosse SD, Amendah DD, Schecter MS. Healthcare expenditures for privately insured people with cystic fibrosis. Ped Pulmonol. 2009;44: Tur-Kaspa I, Aljadeff G, Rechitsky S, et al. PGD for all cystic fibrosis carrier couples: novel strategy for preventive medicine and cost analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2010;21: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. New study finds more with CF struggle to afford care. Accessed March 30, Rapoff MA. Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens. 2nd Edition. Springer Science+Business Media: New York, NY; 2010. Ouyang/pg994/col1/P2/ln1-3 1. Tur-Kaspa et al. Reprod Biomed Online. 2010;21: Ouyang L et al. Ped Pulmonol. 2009;44: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 30, Rapoff MA. Springer Science+Business Media: New York, NY; 2010. Ouyang/pg991/col2/P3/ln1-3 Tur Kaspa/pg190/col2/P1/ln5-7, pg191/col1/P1/ln11 Ouyang/pg992/Table2 CFF/pg1/P3/ln1-4 Rapoff/pg35/P1/ln6-7 Rapoff/pg34/P5/ln1-4

17 People With CF Face Unique Employment Challenges
Improvements in care and life expectancy has led to a larger number of patients with CF seeking higher education, vocational training, and employment1 According to the 2011 CF Patient Registry, 45% of adult patients with CF were employed full time or part time2 Economic and health insurance considerations can impact employment decisions—particularly because US employers often offer health insurance1 But employment for some people with CF may be challenging1 Time required for daily treatment regimen, activity limitations due to disease, possibility of missed work days due to hospitalizations, concerns about disclosure to employers, risks of infection or pulmonary irritants in the work place Additionally, there may be a lack of formal job counseling from the CF clinician1 Demars/pg922/col1/P1/ln9-11 CFF/pg9/Pie Chart Demars/pg922/col2/P2/ln7-11 Demars/pg922/col1/P1/ln16-19, col2/P1/ln1-3 Demars/pg923/col1/P1/ln1-3 Key Takeaway: Balancing CF care with employment may be challenging for some patients Improvements in care and life expectancy has led to a larger number of patients with CF seeking higher education, vocational training, and employment1 According to the 2011 CF Patient Registry, 45% of adult patients with CF were employed full time or part time2 Economic and health insurance considerations can impact employment decisions for CF patients—particularly because US employers often offer health insurance1 But employment for some people with CF may be challenging1 Time required for daily treatment regimen (often 2 hours a day), activity limitations due to disease, possibility of missed work days due to hospitalizations, concerns about disclosure to employers, risks of infection or pulmonary irritants in the work place Additionally, there may be a lack of formal job counseling provided by the CF clinician1 Discussion Question: How does your CF care center address the issue of job counseling for the young adult patient with CF? References: 1. Demars N, Uluer A, Sawicki GS. Employment experiences among adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Disabil Rehab. 2011;33: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Patient Registry Annual Data Report Accessed March 18, 2013. Demars/pg922/col1/P1/ln9-11 CFF/pg9/Pie Chart 1. Demars N et al. Disabil Rehab. 2011;33: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, 2013. Demars/pg922/col2/P2/ln7-11 Demars/pg922/col1/P1/ln16-19, col2/P1/ln1-3 Demars/pg923/col1/P1/ln1-3

18 Living Longer With CF Affects Health Insurance Coverage
Some patients with CF are unable to maintain private insurance because of their disease The Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Foundation (CFPAF) helps people with CF living in the United States get their prescribed FDA-approved drugs and devices, regardless of health insurance coverage or financial resources1 However, additional resources may be needed—health care professionals can play an important role in helping CF patients obtain the insurance coverage and other financial assistance they need2 CFF Report/pg24/P3/ln1-2 CFF Work/pg1/P2 CFF Report/pg25/table Percentage of People with CF by Type of Health Insurance Coverage, 2011* Type of Insurance 17 Years and Younger 18 Years and Older Health Insurance Policy (e.g. Private Insurance) 55.8 65.0 Medicare/Indian Health Service 0.6 16.6 Medicaid/State Programs 52.6 33.6 TriCare or Other Military Health Plan 2.7 2.1 Other 2.2 No Health Insurance** 0.4 1.8 Key Takeaway: Two-thirds of CF patients are privately insured, leaving the other third to rely on government aid for health insurance Some CF patients are unable to maintain private insurance because of their disease The Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Foundation (CFPAF) helps people with CF living in the United States get their prescribed FDA-approved drugs and devices, regardless of health insurance coverage or financial resources1 However, additional resources may be needed—health care professionals can play an important role in helping CF patients obtain the insurance coverage and other financial assistance they need2 This table shows the percentage of people with CF by type of health insurance coverage and by age group in 2011 According to the CF Patient Registry, the majority of health care insurance coverage was either private, or via Medicaid and other state programs. This was true for the age groups 17 and younger and 18 and older, though once patients turned 18, the percentage of people covered by Medicaid dropped significantly—leaving the majority (65%) to seek and obtain their own private health insurance policies1 Nearly half of adults with CF 18 through 25 years of age in the Patient Registry were covered by their parents’ health insurance—a significant percentage likely due to the health care reform law passed in 2010 which allows children to stay on their parents’ health insurance until the age of 261 Discussion Questions: How involved are the members of your CF care team in helping young adult patients or their parents with insurance issues (claims, appeals, prior authorizations, etc.)? What about with finding and navigating financial assistance programs to help pay for their care? What resources would you recommend? References: 1. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Patient Registry Annual Data Report Accessed March 18, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Insurance & finances: work with your CF team. Accessed March 24, 2013. * Data are not mutually exclusive, except the “no health insurance” category, as people with CF may have more than one type of insurance. ** The “no health insurance” category shows the percentage of people with CF who said they did not have any health insurance in 2011. CFF Report/pg24/P3/ln1-2 1. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 18, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Accessed March 24, 2013. CFF Work/pg1/P2 CFF Report/pg25/table CFF Report/pg24/P5/ln1-3

19 CF Care Team Is Critical in Ensuring Transition Success
The CF care team plays a pivotal role in transition solutions management Transition solutions can include: 1. Implementing standard programs in the CF care center for transfer of young adults from pediatric to adult care settings, including preparing the transitioning patient to1,2: Interact with doctors on their own (without parent) Advocate for themselves Discuss “adult” issues, including the management of medical bills (working/affording to pay), understanding insurance, and handling difficult information/”bad news” 2. Providing job support/counseling as part of self-management and health care transition programs3 3. Teaching patients how to save recipes, create a meal plan, build grocery lists, and cook to meet their nutritional needs 4. Helping patients navigate insurance obstacles via letters of medical necessity and prior authorization, insurance appeals, exceptions, and reconsiderations Happy Hearts/pg1/P6-7, pg2/P1 Flume/pg5/col1/P1/ln9-11, pg7/col2/P2/ln13-14 Demars/pg926/col1/P2/ln4-8 Key Takeaway: The entire CF care team can coordinate to offer standardized solutions that ensure successful patient transition The CF care team is critical to ensuring successful transition—they play a pivotal role in providing transition solutions for their care center Transition solutions can include: 1. Implementing standard programs in the CF care center for transfer of young adults from pediatric to adult care settings, including preparing the transitioning patient to1,2: Interact with doctors on their own (without parent) Advocate for themselves Discuss adult issues, including the management of medical bills (working/affording to pay), understanding insurance, and handling difficult information/bad news 2. Providing job support/counseling as part of self-management and health care transition programs3 3. Teaching patients how to save recipes, create a meal plan, build grocery lists, and cook to meet their nutritional needs 4. Helping patients navigate insurance obstacles via letters of medical necessity and prior authorization, insurance appeals, exceptions, and reconsiderations Discussion Questions: How well does your CF care team communicate to the rest of the multidisciplinary team? What would you do to improve multidisciplinary communication so that all of the needs of the transitioning young adult with CF (medical, psychological, financial) are met? References: 1. Flume PA, Taylor LA, Anderson DL et al. Transition programs in cystic fibrosis centers: perceptions of team members. Ped Pulmonol. 2004;37:4–7. 2. Greene LC, Cline FW. Successful transitions: moving from childhood to adulthood. Accessed April 3, Demars N, Uluer A, Sawicki GS. Employment experiences among adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Disabil Rehab. 2011;33: Happy Hearts/pg1/P6-7, pg2/P1 1. Flume PA et al. Ped Pulmonol. 2004;37:4–7. 2. Greene LC et al. Accessed April 3, Demars N et al. Disabil Rehab. 2011;33: Flume/pg5/col1/P1/ln9-11, pg7/col2/P2/ln13-14 Demars/pg926/col1/P2/ln4-8

20 Resources General: The CFF Patient Assistance Resource Library provides CF care guidelines, evidence-based medical journal articles, white papers for medical professionals: Tools and tips for CF parents: Transition: Transition checklists for 3 different age groups: Self-care checklist: Additional resources about transition: Nutrition: High calorie recipes: Insurance: The Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Foundation (CFPAF) provides information on a number of programs available to help people with CF afford the care and medications they need: or call The CFF Patient Assistance Resource Library also provides sample letters of medical necessity and prior authorization; how-to guides to navigating common insurance obstacles; templates for insurance appeals, exceptions and reconsiderations: CF Legal Hotline: Phone: (800) Website: Here are some useful online resources for your care team, patients, and their parents General resources: The CFF Patient Assistance Resource Library provides CF care guidelines, evidence-based medical journal articles, and white papers for medical professionals: Tools and tips for CF parents: Resources about transition: Transition checklists for 3 different age groups: CheckLists/default.aspx Self-care checklist: hecklist/default.aspx Additional resources about transition: Nutrition-related: High calorie recipes: Insurance-related: The CFF Patient Assistance Resource Library also provides sample letters of medical necessity and prior authorization; how-to guides to navigating common insurance obstacles; templates for insurance appeals, exceptions and reconsiderations:

21 Case Studies Now let’s discuss 3 case studies from the perspective of the CF care center

22 Case Study 1: Transition in Care
Patient background: 17 year-old Caucasian female Height: 5’5” Weight: 102 lb BMI: 17 Current medical history Cystic fibrosis diagnosed at birth Baseline FEV1: 85% of the predicted value Past medical history Hospitalized for respiratory infection 2 years ago Labs: WNL Notes: CF is usually well controlled Is able to participate in a number of extracurricular activities, including dance and cross country Over the past 6 months she has been taking on more responsibility for management of her treatments and has mentioned that she would like to be more independent. She will be going to college in a few months First we’ll discuss a case where the patient is transitioning from pediatric to adult CF care Patient background: Female, 17 years old 5’5”, 102 lb BMI = 17 kg/m2 Current medical history Cystic fibrosis diagnosed at birth Baseline FEV1=85% of the predicted value Past medical history Hospitalized for respiratory infection 2 years ago Labs: within normal limits Notes: CF is usually well controlled Is able to participate in a number of extracurricular activities, including dance and cross country Over the past 6 months she has been taking on more responsibility for management of her treatments and has mentioned that she would like to be more independent. She will be going to college in a few months Discussion Questions: How would your CF care team communicate with the adult CF care center? What are some areas of concern? How would you best mobilize care team members, such as nurses, social workers, and dietitians, to help the adult CF care team during the patient transition process? Questions How would your CF care team communicate with the adult CF care center? What are some areas of concern? How would you best mobilize care team members, such as nurses, social workers, and dietitians, to help the adult CF care team during the patient transition process?

23 Case Study 2: A Hospitalized Patient
Patient background: 23 year-old Caucasian male Height: 5’6” Weight: 125 lb BMI: 19 Current medical history Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 18 months old He presents to the hospital with a lung infection (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) FEV1: 65% of the predicted value Labs: HbA1c: 6, WBC: 15, all else WNL Past medical history Hospitalized 3 times in the last year Social history: full-time employment with irregular hours Notes: Recently graduated from college and living independently Has been nonadherent to treatment plan Next we review the case of a hospitalized patient Patient background: Male, 23 years old 5’6”, 125 lbs BMI = 19 kg/m2 Current medical history Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at 18 months old He presents to the hospital with a lung infection (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) FEV1: 65% of the predicted value Labs: HbA1c: 6, WBC: 15, all else WNL Past medical history Hospitalized 3 times in the last year Social history: full-time employment with irregular hours Notes: Recently graduated from college and living independently Has been nonadherent to treatment plan Case Study # 2 Discussion Questions How would you communicate with the emergency department, given this patient was hospitalized 3 times in the last year? How would you follow up with the patient? What recommendations do you have for preventing a future hospitalization? Questions How would you communicate with the Emergency Department given he was hospitalized 3 times in the last year? How would you follow up with the patient? What recommendations do you have for preventing a future hospitalization?

24 Case Study 3: New Diagnosis of CF
Patient background: 24 day-old Caucasian female Current medical history NBS + IRT + Genetic test: CFTR mutation positive Notes: Parents married 6 years; previously unaware that they are carriers for CF Both employed full time No relatives living nearby 4 year-old sibling without CF Labs Sweat Chloride (mmol/L) 62 Fecal elastase (µg/g) 175 WBC Wnl HGB HCT The third case study is about a new diagnosis of CF. Patient background: 24 day-old Caucasian female Current medical history NBS + IRT + Genetic test: CFTR mutation positive Notes: Parents married 6 years; previously unaware that they are carriers for CF Both employed full time No relatives living nearby 4 year-old sibling without CF Case Study # 3 Discussion Questions In your center, what role does each member of the care team play (nurse, social worker, or dietitian) for parents with a newborn who is newly diagnosed with CF? How would you train the parents? What resources would you direct them to? Questions In your center, what role does each member of the care team play (nurse, social worker, or dietitian) for parents with a newborn who is newly diagnosed with CF? How would you train the parents? What resources would you direct them to?

25 Now I would like to review all the features and benefits of the Live2Thrive™ program.
© 2013 Aptalis Pharma 5/13 ZP J 25

26 What’s It All About? Live2Thrive™ is a comprehensive support program for patients with CF, their loved ones, and caregivers One online community designed to help patients of all ages manage their condition While some of you may already know about the Live2Thrive™ Program, you may not be aware of everything that this comprehensive program has to offer your patients with cystic fibrosis and their caregivers The Live2Thrive™ Web site is one online community designed to help patients of all ages manage their condition

27 Engaging, Inspiring, and Informative
Goals of the program Help educate patients and caregivers about living with CF—and the importance of good nutrition Motivate and encourage members to keep up with their treatment The goals of Live2Thrive™ are essentially to engage, inspire, and inform patients with CF and their caregivers The program does this by helping to educate them about life with CF—and the important benefits of good nutrition It also strives to motivate and encourage members to keep up with their treatment

28 Joining the Program Is Easy
Convenient enrollment online or by phone Hassle-free system—no additional paperwork or forms to fill out or mail in Toll-free number for program questions Live2Thrive™ makes it as easy as possible for people to join the community Patients can enroll online or by phone. It’s a hassle-free system, and there’s no additional paperwork or forms to fill out or mail in If members have questions or need to contact us, they are invited to simply use the toll-free number

29 One Community, Many Benefits
Aptalis pancreatic enzyme product for eligible patients up to 24 months old Savings Card to offset copays up to $50 or allows patients to pay no more than a $40 copay Age-specific educational content for managing CF and supporting nutritional health vitamins and supplements shipped automatically each month Points-based reward redemption program The benefits of Live2Thrive™ are substantial First, it provides free eligible pancreatic enzymes for patients up to 24 months old. Members also receive a savings card to offset copays up to $50 or allows patient to pay no more than a $40 copay, as well as free vitamins and supplements, which are shipped automatically each month And one of the most popular features of the program is its points-based reward redemption program. Members can earn points and then trade them in for health- and fitness-related items PLEASE NOTE: This program is not available to patients 2 years of age or older who are on Medicare, Medicaid, or participating in any other state or federally subsidized pharmacy benefit program, or where otherwise prohibited by law Program is not available to patients 2 years of age or older who are on Medicare, Medicaid, or participating in any other state or federally subsidized pharmacy benefit program or where otherwise prohibited by law.

30 Helping Patients Save Money
As of March 2013, Aptalis has saved patients an estimated $1.1 million*! As you just heard, one of the many benefits of Live2Thrive™ is the Loyalty Card. Patients can use this card to offset eligible prescription copays of up to $50 To date, Aptalis has saved patients an estimated 1.1 million dollars! $550,000 accounted for by patient savings on cost of Aptalis supplements and vitamins; Source: Live2Thrive Fulfillment Patient Savings Report_Dec 2011 thru Mar xlsx *In the form of copay assistance and savings on the cost of supplements and vitamins.

31 Providing Patients With Free Vitamins and Supplements
Choosing or changing vitamins and supplements is easy—online or through a toll-free number AquADEKS™* A highly absorbable, antioxidant-rich nutritional supplement containing vitamins A, D, E, and K** SCANDISHAKE® A calorie-rich shake mix which can be mixed into many foods and beverages, including whole milk, juices, sauces, and desserts SCANDICAL® Calorie-rich powder that comes in a convenient and portable 8-ounce shaker-top can BOOST® VHC® A calorically dense, nutritionally complete beverage kcal/mL3 Automatic monthly shipments While good nutrition is important for everyone, it’s especially important for patients with CF. In addition to helping educate patients about the importance of good nutrition, Live2Thrive™ provides FREE vitamins and supplements to eligible patients Choosing which vitamins and supplements are most appropriate for a particular patient is easy. You can do it online or through a toll-free number. Vitamins and supplements are automatically shipped to patients each month According to Keller and Layer,1 EPI may be associated with malabsorption of the lipid soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K Both of the vitamin options available through the CF Patient Support Program are designed to meet the needs of patients who have trouble absorbing fat soluble vitamins and nutrients. AquADEKS is a highly absorbable, antioxidant-rich nutritional supplement containing vitamins A, D, E and K. Please note that this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The supplement choices available through the program include: SCANDISHAKE, a calorie-rich shake mix that can be mixed into many foods and beverages, including whole milk, juices, sauces, and desserts. Each SCANDISHAKE contains approximately 600 calories SCANDICAL, a calorie-rich powder that comes in a convenient and portable 8-ounce shaker-top can. SCANDICAL mixes easily with almost any food or beverage, hot or cold, right at the table. Each tablespoon of SCANDICAL contains 35 calories BOOST VHC, a calorically dense, nutritionally complete beverage—2.25 kcal/mL. Boost VHC contains 560 calories per serving to help meet daily nutritional needs *Available in chewable tablets, pediatric drops, and softgels. **This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Reference: Keller J, Layer P. Human pancreatic exocrine response to nutrients in health and disease. Gut. 2005;54(Suppl VI):Vi1-Vi28.

32 Offering Diverse Educational and Interactive Content
General content about living with CF Designed to help patients and caregivers better understand the disease Provides tips for managing the condition Age-specific interactive content such as quizzes and videos on CF and nutrition for Tykes and Tweens (newborn - 12 years) Teens ( years) Adults (18 and older) The Live2Thrive™ Web site is a dynamic environment that provides diverse educational and interactive content There’s a large section that offers general content about living with CF. It is designed to help patients and caregivers better understand the disease and provides tips for managing the condition A particularly innovative feature of the site is that it provides age-specific interactive content on CF and nutrition. Formats include straight text, videos, and quizzes. In this way, important content is delivered in the most appropriate and appealing way for each age group. The age segments are Tykes and Tweens (newborn - 12 years) Teens ( years) Adults (18 and older)

33 One of the pages most viewed by patients and caregivers!
Knowledge Is Power “Understanding CF”: General educational overview What Is CF? What to Expect With CF and EPI Tips for Managing CF Lung care Nutrition Enzymes The more patients and caregivers know about CF, the better they are able to cope with the condition. So let’s take a look at some of the topics covered in the Understanding CF educational overview What Is CF? is a topline look at the condition, including the prevalence and causes of CF What to Expect With CF and EPI looks at how CF affects the body and the kind of symptoms patients may experience Tips for Managing CF covers key areas that patients and caregivers should be aware of as they manage the condition. Topics include Lung care Nutrition Enzymes And it’s interesting to note—this content is some of the most frequently viewed by patients and their caregivers One of the pages most viewed by patients and caregivers!

34 Content Designed With the User in Mind
Age Specific Interactive Content Tykes and Tweens (newborns to 12 years) Teens (13 to 17 years) Adults (18 and older) Life with CF video Nutrition and CF video Nutrition quiz Chef cooking video Support groups and the CF healthcare team video Transitioning to an adult CF healthcare team video CF healthcare team quiz As you can see in this table, the interactive content on the Web site is specifically tailored to each age group We’ve found that the content for tykes and tweens and for adults has been of particular interest to viewers The content tailored to tykes and tweens and to adults has been of particular interest to viewers.

35 Nutrition Information: What Teens Need to Know
Facts About Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition information presented in teen-friendly language Videos capturing patient and parent discussions on nutrition and CF Quiz to reinforce learning and earn rewards points Food for Thought Smart food choices for ages 13 to 17 Pancreatic Enzymes Video of parents discussing their children’s CF treatments Video to see how teens manage pancreatic enzymes and treatment Tips for taking enzymes Tasty Treats Downloadable Scandishake’s “Recipes for Maintaining Weight” recipe book Video of celebrity chef Fabio Viviani preparing breakfast pizza Downloadable recipe for breakfast pizza Let’s take a look at a specific segment—teens—and how information about nutrition has been designed to be relevant to them The Facts About Nutrition section is broken up into 3 manageable parts: Nutrition, which has easy-to-understand information teens can read and watch. The accompanying quiz also helps reinforce the learning. Plus it’s fun, and teens earn points by completing it Food for Thought—offers smart food choices for teens aged 13 to 17 and discusses the importance of a balanced diet Enzymes- offers tips for taking enzymes, as well as videos of parents discussing their children’s CF treatments, and videos for teens to show how other teens manage pancreatic enzymes and treatment Tasty Treats—empowers teens to take nutrition into their own hands with simple high-calorie recipes that they can download and try

36 Making Learning Particularly Rewarding
Members earn points through: Taking educational quizzes Watching supportive and encouraging videos Filling eligible pancreatic enzyme prescriptions Members trade in points for health- and fitness-related items: Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer VORTEXTM Holding Chamber Bubbles the FishTM II Pediatric Aerosol Mask PARI Nebulizers OMRON HR-100C Heart Rate Monitor As mentioned briefly, Live2Thrive™ takes learning a step further by rewarding members for their efforts. They can earn points by taking educational quizzes, watching supportive and encouraging videos, and by filling eligible pancreatic enzyme prescription When members acquire enough points, they can trade them in for health- and fitness-related items, such as: Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer VORTEXTM Holding Chamber Bubbles the FishTM II Pediatric Aerosol Mask PARI Nebulizers OMRON HR-100C Heart Rate Monitor

37 A Brief Summary… Prescription copay savings
Live2Thrive™ - a comprehensive program for patients with CF, their loved ones, and caregivers One online community designed to help patients of all ages manage their condition Benefits include Prescription copay savings Aptalis pancreatic enzyme product for eligible patients up to 24 months old vitamins and supplements Age-specific, interactive educational content for managing CF and supporting nutritional health In summary, Live2Thrive™ is a comprehensive program for patients with CF, their loved ones, and caregivers A couple of the program benefits are—Loyalty Card that offsets prescription copays of up to $50 (which has already saved patients an estimated $600,000!), free Aptalis pancreatic enzyme product for eligible patients up to 24 months old, free vitamins and supplements, and educational materials for specific age groups

38 Summary The gastrointestinal tract is often affected in CF, leading to deficits in growth and poor nutritional status 90% of people with CF have EPI, causing malabsorption and maldigestion Optimizing nutritional status in CF patients is critical to extending life expectancy Clinical guidelines for nutrition management in CF recommend a high-calorie diet along with appropriate doses of enzymes with every meal Each member of the multidisciplinary CF care team plays an important role in optimizing patients’ nutritional status CF care advancements have led to an aging CF population, which poses new challenges in care—particularly around CF-related complications and transition of care – from teen to adult Transition is a multistep, multidisciplinary, and ongoing process The CF care team can provide effective transition solutions that address the patient’s physical, emotional, and even financial concerns The gastrointestinal tract is often affected in CF, leading to deficits in growth and poor nutritional status 90% of people with CF have EPI, causing malabsorption and maldigestion Optimizing nutritional status in CF patients is critical to extending life expectancy Clinical guidelines for nutrition management in CF recommend a high-calorie diet along with appropriate doses of enzymes with every meal Each member of the multidisciplinary CF care team plays an important role in optimizing patients’ nutritional status CF care advancements have led to an aging CF population, which poses new challenges in care—particularly around CF-related complications and transition of care from teen to adult Transition is a multistep, multidisciplinary, and ongoing process The CF care team can provide effective transition solutions that address the patient’s physical, emotional, and even financial concerns


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