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Continued Expansion.

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1 Continued Expansion

2 Russian Expansion Trappers, traders and explorers moved into Siberia to reclaim from the Mongol Conquerors Moved into Alaska 1700s

3 Ottoman Empire The Ottoman’s were Turkish and Islamic
They moved into the Byzantine Empire in the 1300s By 1600s they were at their height, they slowly started to decline by 1700 Quickly conquered the Balkans, Serbia, northern Greece, Macedonia, and Bulgaria Mehmed II “The Conqueror” led the Ottomans to Conquer Constantinople 1453 Constantinople was rebuilt as the Ottoman Capital, by 1600 it was Europe’s largest city at 700,000 inhabitants

4 Ottoman Empire Selim I, conquered the Safavid Empire 1514
Conquered Egypt, Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina, and both coasts of the Red Sea

5 Ottoman Empire Suleiman I “The Magnificent” Conquered Hungary, Vienna
Through a peace treaty with the Habsburg empire, the Ottoman’s took control over Romania and Transylvania In debt from centuries of warfare, the Ottomans took a break and focused on protecting their currently conquered lands Population for the Ottomans began to increase over the next century equaling about million in 1600

6 Ottoman Empire

7 India - Mughals Mongol and Turkish people
Babur established himself as Sultan of India Akbar, Babur’s grandson, would later be considered India’s greatest ruler, he was 14 years old He was extremely ruthless to those who opposed his rule He conquered a fortress killing all of its inhabitants, about 30,000 people

8 Akbar He allowed those he conquered to keep their religion and some control of their territory Taxes were required of all his subjects He allowed religious freedom By 1600, India’s population was million people Art, literature and architecture flourished under his rule

9 Capital Cities Delhi- capital city of India
Major center for trade Also held most of the military 2 million people lived within its mile circumference Isfahan- capital city in Iran Most beautiful city in the world of its time 500,000 people lived within its 25 mile circumference

10 Capital Cities Constantinople (Istanbul) London-
Was the capital of the Byzantine Empire 1478 had about 80,000 people living there, 1535 about 400,000, When the Turks invaded the city was renamed Istanbul and made the Turkish capital city London- Capital city of England Grew because of its economic growth A major center for trade

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