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Just in case you missed it… It’s about the RELATIONSHIP(S)!

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Presentation on theme: "Just in case you missed it… It’s about the RELATIONSHIP(S)!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Just in case you missed it… It’s about the RELATIONSHIP(S)!
Sheree Weldon Fugate September 29, 2011 If you were here yesterday, you heard a reoccurring theme, from each person who presented, regardless of the agency or organization they represented, and that reoccurring theme was- in order to work in partnership, or collaboratively with others in the community, and to actually accomplish something- you must have an effective working relationship. And that certainly applies when we are thinking of the many diverse groups that need to be at the table, in order to address Inclusive Whole Community Planning. It can be compared to a marriage- easy to get into one, but sometimes, for a whole host of reasons- hard to make it work. And at worst, all too easy to abandon for the next thing that grabs our attention. Now speaking of marriage…. many of you may be aware of this, 2 years ago, My husband Craig and I moved to Washington DC, from Tallahassee, Florida.. Craig is currently serving as the FEMA Administrator, and since moving to DC, I’m known more for being the wife of the FEMA Administrator than for any of the many other hats I’ve worn over the years. At first, this was quite a shift for me. But in these last 2 plus years I’ve come to see it as the opportunity it is. Opportunity to share my experiences from the viewpoint of someone who has had a foot in two worlds so to speak-the world of disability- - and emergency management- So I hope by sharing some of our personal story, I can lend my perspective to the discussion taking place about Inclusive Whole Community Planning-Access and Functional Needs- and the challenges that planning entails. So I guess you could say, I’m “leveraging” my relationship. Before I talk about me and Craig, let me share a few things with you.. Yesterday, Marcie’s presentation included some quotes, that reflect Craig’s vision for FEMA, and it’s true, Craig has an uncanny ability to break things down into simple sound bites that really stick in your mind and catch on. Things like “ “FEMAs not the Team, we’re part of the Team” and “ Whole Community Planning means getting real- not just planning for easy”.

2 Remember Leo, Big Box Stores like this are an essential part of the TEAM.

3 Yes Hoyt, that’s right…only 156 days left ‘til the start of Hurricane

4 Lesson 1: “Social Media and
Emergency Management”...

5 Yes Sophia your demographic HAS been underserved, but have you heard
that we’re really pushing “Whole Community Planning” ?

6 It’s About The Relationship(s)!
“Make a decision! ” Craig Fugate, 2001

7 It’s About The Relationship(s)!
Make sure you are modeling the message Don’t wait - develop relationships early on Revise goals as needed Maintain the relationships Disagreement and conflict are part of every relationship - find common ground There is no “one size fits all” or “right way” to do things Let me explain: Often when I speak at conferences or trainings on the topic of emergency planning for persons with disabilities, I start off by saying that this subject is important to me both personally and professionally…. , as I’m sure it is to many of you. I say this from my perspective/experiences as a parent of a child with a disability, who, I’m proud to say, eventually became an opinionated young adult with a disability,. (I say) The topic is of personal importance, because although fortunately, I never had the experience of being in what we normally refer to as a “disaster” with my daughter, some of the experiences we did go through were eye opening. There was the time….

8 It’s About The Relationship(s)!
A partnership creates synergy by combining the complementary knowledge, skills, and resources of its different partners. When a partnership achieves a high level of synergy, the group, as a whole, is able to think in new and better ways about the issues it is trying to address, take more comprehensive actions to address those issues, and develop a stronger, and more supportive relationship with the broader community -Center for the Advancement of Collaborative Strategies in Health ? (The overlap in the missions of EM and social services agencies – see below – needs to be conveyed.) (EMs – and people in general – often need a personal connection to a vulnerable individual, as Craig had, to compel them to take action / reach out / attempt to develop a partnership.) ? (I think your talk will help participants to feel a sense of urgency to reach out to social service agencies that have the needed expertise. Once they reach out, they’ll be able to “see and touch” the social value, as well.)

9 Sheree Weldon Fugate (850)

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