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Three Chinese Philosophies

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1 Three Chinese Philosophies
Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism

2 Imagine that it is 350 B.C.E. The ruler of a small kingdom has sent three advisors to learn about the three philosophies. Upon their return he asks them, “What shall I do to rule well?”

3 “What shall I do to rule?”
The first advisor has learned about Confucianism. He tells the king, “Lead by example.” The second advisor has studied Taoism. He says, “If you must rule, rule as little as possible.” The third advisor has learned about Legalism. He says, “Set clear laws and harshly punish those who disobey them.”

4 Timeline (All Dates B.C.E.)
Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Confucius’ Birth 551 Laozi lived between 5th or 4th Century Era of Warring States Hanfeizi’ Birth 233 Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty

5 Confucianism

6 Confucius or Kongfuzi 551-470 B.C.E.
Lived at the end of the Zhou Dynasty and experienced the disorder of the Warring States

7 Confucius or Kongfuzi Greatest Chinese philosopher (thinker) and teacher Deeply respected Chinese traditions including… Reverence for ancestors Honor for scholars

8 Confucian Code of Conduct
How people should behave and relate to each other so that there shall be peace. Respect & obey those above you. Be a good example for those below you.


10 Don’t do onto others what you would not have done to you
Silver Rule Don’t do onto others what you would not have done to you

11 Confucius’ Impact on Chinese Culture
Respect for elders Proper behavior Love of learning Civil servants (government workers) chosen for their ability, not because of their place in the social structure. NOTE: Zhou used nobles even if someone else was more qualified.


13 Taoism

14 Laozi or Lao-tzu (Old Master)
Founder of Taoism (The Way) Author of the Dao De Jing Very little is known about his life Worked as an advisor to the Zhou Court for many years

15 Taoism Individuals need to live in harmony with nature
Believe in a universal force called the Dao, or the Way, that guides all things All creatures with the exception of humans live in harmony with this force To relate to nature and each other, each human being had to find an individual way, or Dao

16 Taoism Do not argue about good or bad, they did not try to change things Accept things as they were Do not want to be involved with government Idea of the Yin and the Yang (two things that interact with each other)

17 Legalism

18 Han Feizi Lived from 280 to 233 B.C.
Prince of the royal family of the state of Han Lived at the end of the Warring States period and of the Zhou Dynasty Searched for a way to find order to society but disagreed with Confucianism

19 Legalism Humans are wicked and selfish
Humans only do good when forced to Government should pass strict laws to control the people Harsh punishments needed to make people afraid to do wrong Force people to report lawbreakers, if you did not report them-- you should be cut in two Did not want people to complain or question the government, if you did--you could be arrested Burn books that contained different philosophies or ideas

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