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Indicative Council Cost Balance of Project Costs (5 Year ARI Assets)

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Presentation on theme: "Indicative Council Cost Balance of Project Costs (5 Year ARI Assets)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indicative Council Cost Balance of Project Costs (5 Year ARI Assets)
Melbourne Hill Road Drainage Scheme indicative Cost Breakdown – 5 Year V 100 Year Drainage Scheme 2.1 – 19 October 2015 Total Project Cost $1,300,000 Indicative Council Cost (as per Council Policy) Upgrade existing Council underground drains Upgrade flood conveyance capacity to 1 in 100 year ARI (Major Storm) Outlet Works $450,000 Balance of Project Costs (5 Year ARI Assets) (Minor Storm) $850,000 Notes: The owner contribution will be based on the cost of construction of the 5 year ARI drainage system and other relevant Council Policy provisions. Council Policy requires Council contribution in respect of upgrade of the drainage system to a 100 year ARI standard (as shown above), contribution based on the area of road reserves and other Council land, as well as contribution to the cost of boring works where necessitated by Planning Scheme requirements. The indicative owner contribution will be determined following review of the scheme boundary for the preferred scheme and application of these policy provisions.

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