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Business Research Methods

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1 Business Research Methods
Preparation of Research Proposal

2 Definition It is a layout of the planned research activity
It describes -background -research problem -approach(Research Questions) -research design -method of data collection ,analysis & reporting. - cost estimate -time schedule for completion -appendices

3 Background The background to the problem including the relevant context should be discussed

4 Problem Definition /objectives
A statement of problem including specific components should be presented If it has not been developed objectives should be clearly specified Questions - What is the purpose of the study? - How much is already known? - Is additional background information necessary?

5 Approach to the problem
A review of relevant literature should be presented Some kind of analytical model should be presented If research questions & hypothesis have been formed then these should be included Questions - What is to be measured? How? - Can the data be made available? - What types of questions need to be answered - Can a hypothesis be formulated?

6 Research Design Research design adopted (Exploratory, Descriptive or Causal) should be specified Questions - What kind of information is to be obtained ? - How should experimental manipulations be made? What is the method of administering questionnaire? (mail, telephone, personal, electronic) - Which Scaling techniques will be used ? What is the nature of questionnaire ?(type of questions asked ,length, average interviewing time) Sampling plan & sample size

7 Basic Questions - Selection of Sample
Who or what is the source of the data? Can the target population be identified? Is a sample necessary? How accurate must the sample be? Is a probability sample necessary? Is a national sample necessary? How large a sample is necessary? How will the sample be selected?

8 Field Work /Data Collection
Method of data collection Control mechanism to ensure quality Questions - Who will gather the data? (Sub contract) - How long will data gathering take? - How much supervision is needed? - What operational procedures need to be followed?

9 - How will the data be categorized?
Data Analysis Kind of data analysis that will be conducted ( Cross tabulation , Univariate, Multivariate) Dummy tables Questions -Will standardized editing and coding procedures be used? - How will the data be categorized? - What statistical software will be used? - What questions need to be answered? - How many variables are to be investigated simultaneously?

10 Intermediate reports to be prepared & stages Form of final report
Reporting Intermediate reports to be prepared & stages Form of final report Questions - Who will read the report? - Are managerial recommendations requested? - How many presentations are required? - What will be the format of the written report?

11 Cost & Time Cost of project & time schedule CPM or PERT chart may be included Questions -How much will the study cost? -Is the time frame acceptable? -Is outside help needed? -Will this research design attain the stated research objectives? -When should the research be scheduled to begin?

12 Appendices Any statistical or other information that is of interest to only a few people Representations of the actual tables that will be in the findings section of the final report; used to gain a better understanding of what the actual outcomes of the research will be.

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