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The Interactive Grid Analysis and Display System (IGrADS) for the U. S

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1 The Interactive Grid Analysis and Display System (IGrADS) for the U. S
The Interactive Grid Analysis and Display System (IGrADS) for the U.S. Armed Forces Major Lee A. Byerle Chief, Warfighter Support Development Team HQ Air Force Weather Agency 5 Oct 05

2 IGrADS IGrADS developed at Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) Background
Available over JAAWIN (AFWA’s website) Background MM5 declared operational at AFWA Oct 97 Up to 30 theaters covering 98% of world’s landmasses Large numbers (> 250,000) of visualizations were pre-staged daily from AFWA’s MM5 output Problem: excessive amount of processing needed to create visualized products

3 Interactive Solution Challenge: we needed to create an interactive tool Allow forecasters to create the charts they needed This tool would allow large amounts of processing power to be freed up for production and developmental efforts Initial interactive capability - IMaST Unveiled on JAAWIN in May 2001 Limited to meteograms and forecast skew-Ts Immensely popular with forecasters and customers Expanded capability - IGrADS Fielded in Feb 2002 Capability expansion continues through the present Available models and product types expanded significantly beyond IMaST


5 Model Choices {

6 Available Meteorological Models
AFWA MM5 (will transition to WRF) AFWA Diagnostic Cloud Forecast (DCF) Algorithm AFWA Stochastic Cloud Forecast Model (SCFM) NCEP GFS NCEP Eta (becoming NAM) US Navy NOGAPS US Navy COAMPS UKMO (Middle East Theater)

7 { Product Choices

8 Products offered by IGrADS
Meteograms (MM5, Advect Cloud, GFS, Eta, NOGAPS, COAMPS, and UKMO) MM5 Army low-level meteograms MM5 severe weather meteogram GFS meteograms (0 to 180 hour and hour) GFS and NOGAPS stratospheric meteograms User defined meteograms Forecast skew-Ts

9 Products offered by IGrADS (continued)
Vertical cross-sections Multiple leg cross-sections Forecast maps (color filled, contoured, both) Alphanumeric output products Four-panel forecast maps (five different types) AFWA Worldwide Merged Cloud Analysis

10 IGrADS Alphanumeric Products
MM5-based Forecast vertical profile “FOUS” bulletin (similar to Eta and NGM output from NCEP) RAOB bulletin Precision airdrop wind profile Chemical downwind message Basic wind message Field artillery forecast GFS-based “FOUS” bulletin (0 to 180 hours at 3 hour intervals) COAMPS-based

11 IGrADS Map Display Options
World Map centered on Prime Meridian World Map centered on International Dateline All MM5 theater maps United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO) Middle East domain Continental United States (CONUS) NAM (Eta) domain Coupled Ocean/Atmospheric Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) Middle East domain

12 Meteograms (from Pole to Equator to Pole)

13 User Defined Meteogram submenu

14 MM5 User Defined Meteogram Northern Siberia
Winds, temperatures, clouds, RH, and icing Sea Level Pressure and mb thickness mb and mb thicknesses Surface winds (knots) Surface visibility (km) 3-hour precipitation, amount and type Surface temperature, DP, and wind chill

15 Forecast Skew-T

16 Potential temperature
Vertical Cross Section Hurricane Frances (Valid 30 Aug 04/0000Z), directly through the eye Relative Humidity FL winds Vertical velocity Potential temperature Turbulence

17 Vertical Cross Section--Looping capability

18 Sample Trans-Atlantic Vertical Cross Section

19 { Display Options Forecast Maps submenu

20 Pre-Staged SLP, 1000-500 mb Thickness Chart

21 SLP, 1000-500 mb Thickness Chart, Winds, Precip
Forecast Map (IGrADS) SLP, mb Thickness Chart, Winds, Precip

22 Forecast Map Super Typhoon Chaba (valid 25 Aug 04/1200Z), south of Japan
Surface winds (knots) (color-filled) Sea Level Pressure contours (mb) (black)

23 Forecast Map and User Defined Meteogram Convective wind gust potential, southeast Australia

24 Standard Forecast #1 Four-Panel Map Heavy snow, freezing rain over Ohio, 24 Dec 04
700 mb heights and RH (contours), and 700 mb vertical velocity (color filled) 500 mb heights (dm), 500 mb temperatures (C), and 500 mb relative vorticity (color filled) Sea level pressure (mb), mb thickness (dm), and 3-hour precipitation (color filled) 925 mb heights, winds (barbs), and RH (color filled)

25 Winter Weather Four-Panel Forecast Map Heavy snow, freezing rain over Ohio, 24 Dec 04
mb thickness, 925 mb winds, and 3-hr snowfall mb thickness, 700 mb winds, and 3-hr precipitation Surface temperature and precipitation type (color filled) Surface visibility, surface winds, and wind chill temperature

26 Severe Weather Four-Panel Forecast Map Central South Africa, forecast valid 5 Oct 05/1800Z
Total Totals SWEAT Index K-Index CAPE

27 Stochastic Cloud Forecast Model (SCFM) Meteogram and Forecast Map, Valid 21 - 23 Dec 04

28 Alphanumeric output submenu

29 Sample Alphanumeric Product

30 Legend for FOUS

31 20-22 April 2002 Snowstorm, Northern Plains and Upper Great Lakes
IGrADS Case Study 20-22 April 2002 Snowstorm, Northern Plains and Upper Great Lakes

32 Surface Chart, 21 April 02 at 1200Z

33 MM5 48-Hour Accumulated Snow Forecast, 20-22 April 2002


35 Vertical Cross Sections, 21 April 02 at 1200Z

36 Vertical Cross Section Options
CONUS 15-km Vertical Cross Section Options

37 B A A B

38 D C C D

39 IGrADS Customer Feedback
Kadena AB, Okinawa: “ … we often use your site for planning missions up to 72 hours out. The forecasts aid greatly in our decision making during the planning and execution phases of our missions (air refueling, air delivery, low level flight, short field landings, and basic point A to point B logistics flights).” Thule AB, Greenland: “I usually print out a vertical cross-section and include it with the pre-takeoff briefing package. Aircrews rave about the product.” Captain deployed in Afghanistan: “IGrADS has been the decisive difference we need. I use it extensively … especially the Afghan 5 km window for the model skew-Ts.”

40 Summary
IGrADS is the DoD’s premier interactive weather forecast visualization tool Available through AFWA’s JAAWIN website Wide range of meteorological models Broad array of products (visualizations and alphanumeric) Product availability for the entire globe Continued expansion of capabilities ongoing Additional models, observational data Space weather forecast and observed products Accelerated product creation and delivery

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