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Herwig A. Ragossnig Head of Business Development LATAM

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Presentation on theme: "Herwig A. Ragossnig Head of Business Development LATAM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Herwig A. Ragossnig Head of Business Development LATAM
NEC Energy Solutions Energy Storage for Grid Stabilization in Electricity Grids with high Penetration of Renewable Energies Herwig A. Ragossnig Head of Business Development LATAM 17.1

2 About NEC Energy Solutions
NEC Energy Solutions is a full service, end-to-end turnkey energy storage solution and battery systems provider Offering energy storage systems, technical and economic project analysis, installation and commissioning, operation, maintenance, equipment warrantees, performance guarantees, and financing

3 Full Spectrum Energy Storage
Batteries Power Conversion Controls NEC Energy Solutions System Integration Services Balance-of-Plant NEC Energy Solutions offering ranges from component batteries up to full integrated solutions with services, warranty, performance guarantees, and financing. Warranty Performance Guarantees Financing

4 GSS® grid-scale energy storage platform
Three major functional components GSS® grid-scale energy storage platform Operator AEROS® Controls GBS® (Grid Battery System ) Power Conversion System DC power (MW) AC power (MVA) Grid Cooling

5 GSS® Project Example: Auwahi 11MW/4.3MWh install
Energy storage What’s included in a turnkey energy storage solution? Equipment Everything required to interconnect to the grid and operate: Energy storage Thermal mgmt (as needed) Power conversion Controls Transformers/switchgear (as needed) Service and Maintenance Programs Warrantees and Performance Guarantees Equipment warrantees Availability or uptime guarantee Energy storage capacity guarantee Power capacity guarantee What to expect? Example: Availability EAF – Availability > 96% *EAF = Equiv. Availability Factor (Available Power/Nameplate Power) x 100 Incorporates Design and Performance Thermal management Power conversion Controls Since our first commercial project in the 2009, we have used Availability as a measure of system quality and service performance. When we measure the portion of Available Power to the Nameplate Power over time, we measure the Equivalent Availability Factor, or EAF. [Source, derived from - IEEE 726.pdf IEEE Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability, and Productivity] This measure takes into account all system factors: De-Rating from HVAC, PCS and Battery Systems faults, IT Network faults, even PM and Service outages. Today, we are reporting over 96% availability including our largest sites spanning many years of operation; over our 4 Largest Sites totaling over 75MW, 7+ years of data. 35kV PoC

6 Flexible Product Architecture
Power Energy Storage Packaging Choose Power Conversion Size Choose Energy Storage Size Package in containers Or in custom enclosures Power (MW) PCS (Inverters) Needed From one MWh to hundreds of MWh Or in buildings From hundreds of kW to hundreds of MW

7 Renewable Integration Ancillary Services for Grid Stabilization
Applications Renewable Integration Ancillary Services for Grid Stabilization

8 Why Energy Storage for the Grid?
Preparing Grids For A Renewable Future Adding flexibility, efficiency, and reliability Today’s grids require more flexibility to address: Increased renewable generation Changing load patterns Aging transmission and distribution network Energy storage in the grid is a powerful tool Increase capacity utilization for generation, transmission, and distribution infrastructure

9 Providing benefits throughout the electricity supply chain
Electric Grid Dynamic Energy Storage Solutions for a Smarter Grid Generation Transmission Distribution Frequency Regulation Frequency Response Renewable Integration Power Plant Hybridization Voltage Support Dynamic Line Rating Support Renewable Integration Upgrade Deferral Upgrade Deferral Community Energy Storage Microgrids Improve plant efficiency and output, lower O&M costs, and decrease plant emissions, with no water consumption, no emissions of its own, and rapid deployment capability. Increase grid reliability, increase asset efficiency and utilization, enable wind and solar, defer upgrades to transmission assets. Improve power quality, increase asset efficiency and utilization, smart grid ready; aggregation and automation, defer upgrades and support distribution assets. Providing benefits throughout the electricity supply chain

10 Renewable Integration
Applications Renewable Integration

11 Renewable Capacity Firming
Constant power output is desired Value Added by Energy Storage How does energy storage work with non-firm renewable capacity? + = Intermittent PV Energy Storage Firm Renewable Capacity Power Power Power PV solar farm Time Time Time PV is intermittent – passing clouds cause power output to drop quickly. When the cloud departs, electricity begins flowing again. Energy storage can fill in the valley with previously stored electricity. The net result? Firm renewable capacity – consistent power output from a PV array even when clouds pass by!

12 Renewable Curtailment Avoidance
Transmission lines have a limited transport capacity Value Added by Energy Storage Using energy storage to capture wind or solar energy under curtailment conditions gives the system operator more flexibility to manage oversupply or constrained transmission capacity and avoid negative power prices. Avoiding curtailment can also increase the amount of energy generated by renewables, and increase the amount it can sell Additionally, if renewable generation occurs at a time of negative pricing, storage could actually get paid to charge up!

13 Renewable Time-Shifting
Sell renewable electricity at peak time for a higher price Value Added by Energy Storage Renewable energy time-shift can allow optimized revenue with energy storage charging during off-peak times, and discharging and selling the stored electricity during on-peak times. Did you know? A commonly used term for time-shifting is “arbitrage”. However, the strict definition of “arbitrage” is the simultaneous purchase and sale of identical commodities across two or more markets to benefit from a difference in pricing. Time-shifting is not the same since the “buy low sell high” mechanism occurs at two different times separated by several hours, and are not simultaneous. An example is shown here for a wind with energy storage on a summer day. Wind generation is stronger at night, when energy’s value is low, and is used to charge storage. About half of the energy used on-peak is from wind generation that actually gets generated off- peak. The result is firm, constant power for five hours, being sold at a higher price (on- peak time) as compared to a lower price (off-peak time). Source: SANDIA Report SAND , Energy Storage for the Electricity Grid: Benefits and Market Potential Assessment Guide, Jim Eyer & Garth Corey (February 2010)

14 Renewable Ramp Management
Limit uncontrolled, rapid changes in generator output Problem Renewable generation output is variable and can change rapidly. This rapid power ramp can cause instability on the grid. Value Added by Energy Storage Renewable generation can limit up-ramps on its own, but typically cannot limit down-ramps. Energy storage can slow down the down-ramps to meet the limitations imposed by the system operator. Energy storage can charge when up-ramps are too steep, and discharge when down-ramps are too steep. Depending on the nature of the wind resource and the wind turbine equipment, relatively short durations of energy storage can mitigate large amounts of renewable generation. However, energy storage sizing is tricky – consult NECES for more details!

15 Ancillary Services for Grid Stabilization
Applications Ancillary Services for Grid Stabilization

16 Ancillary Services from Energy Storage
Grid electricity frequency must be maintained How does energy storage work in a frequency correction situation? + = Grid Disturbance Energy Storage Reliable Power Power Power Power Why energy storage? Energy storage can be a powerful tool in helping to keep the frequency at its target set-point, in this case 50Hz. This is probably review for most, but it’s helpful to again visualize what is happening during ancillary services; a grid disturbance occurs – perhaps loss of generation; a generator throws a blade or shuts down inadvertently, or perhaps it’s a loss of transmission – a high voltage power line is disconnected and a large amount of load is ‘dropped’ or disconnected from the grid. Either way, the frequency balance we need is disturbed – it starts to lean in one direction or the other – and something must stop it to prevent the aforementioned blackout which is the system trying to protect itself and its users. Energy storage has the ability, if deployed on the grid, to provide a fast, almost instant response to this disturbance, which can be done autonomously via frequency measurements of the grid and an automatic response to the frequency change. It can do so much faster and more consistently than thermal generators and result in greater reliability due to a better frequency response. In fact, with enough energy storage on the grid compensating for grid disturbances, you might not see any frequency fluctuations at all! Time Time Time Loss of generation or transmission can cause frequency to drop quickly – this disturbance must be contained and corrected. Energy storage can provide a vertical ramp response to frequency deviation and also respond more consistently than traditional generators for better frequency containment. The result is more reliable power from better frequency response.

17 Advantages of Energy Storage
Ramping Capability Because of its fast, almost instant response it is more effective in providing ancillary services Can ramp up and down much faster and easier than traditional generators Nearly “vertical” ramp rate, well under 1 second to full output Generators can take several minutes to get to full output No ramping wear-and-tear, unlike fossil fuel generators No shutdown/startup costs, unlike fossil fuel generators Can operate at zero with no penalty The primary advantage for energy storage, especially the electrochemical type such as that found in batteries like lithium ion, is its very rapid, almost instant response time and very high ramp capability. Storage can ramp up and down much faster and more easily than thermal generation like coal or natural gas fired plants, and even hydro power. Unlike generation, storage can also act as a controllable LOAD, which means that it can go from 100% output to -100% output, effectively a 200% ramping range, and do so well under one second. This graph merely visualizes the difference in power output versus time for energy storage like NEC’s GSS compared to a traditional generator. [PLUG FOR NECES] NEC has been deploying grid-scale energy storage systems on the grid since 2008 in commercial revenue service, not pilot or demonstration or proof of concept projects, but in real service performing ancillary services like frequency regulation, frequency response, primary and secondary reserve. We have installed systems to be operated in conjunction with thermal power plants and renewable generators alike where fast ramping response is valuable. Installed systems range in size and capability from hundreds of kilowatts to 32megawatts. Note: The GSS® is NEC Energy’s Grid Storage Solution, which contains energy storage, power conversion to change AC electricity to DC and back, and a controls system to operate the entire GSS on the grid.

18 Advantages of Energy Storage
Fast precise resources more effective than slow imprecise resources With fast responding, precise, accurate frequency regulation (like that provided by energy storage, grid operators can procure LESS frequency regulation service than before! Did you know? PJM has reported that the total money spent on frequency regulation today is less than what it used to spend, based on its “pay-for-performance” reform (FERC Order 755) of the frequency regulation market in October 2012. It is well recognized that fast responding, accurate resources like energy storage are the most effective tool for frequency regulation. Up to 3MW Frequency Regulation Effectiveness So what is the impact of running fast precise resources in ancillary services? Well, in the United States, particularly the PJM market, the ‘benefits factor’ for fast responding resources for frequency regulation, like that provided by energy storage, is about *three times* that of slow, traditional resources. That means that 1MW of energy storage frequency regulation is worth 3MW of traditional frequency regulation! Because the resource is faster and more precise than others, the system operator can control the system with less absolute megawatts of resources. In fact, PJM has reported that the total spend on frequency regulation is less than what it used to spend, despite paying out higher unit pricing on frequency regulation resources. This is known as “Pay for Performance” in the US and it is well recognized that fast accurate resources like energy storage are more effective for frequency control than slow inaccurate resources. 1MW 1MW GENERATOR (nameplate rating) 1MW ENERGY STORAGE (nameplate rating)

19 Primary Frequency Control Operation
Autonomous Response to Loss of Generation CDEC-SING Fault Report No. 2777, June 3, 2011

20 Project Examples

21 GSS® Grid Storage Solution Installations
OVER 250MW Installed, under construction, or in late stages of development 10 MW/5MWh 2017 40 MW/22 MWh 2017 400 kW/100 kWh 2010 8 MW/2 MWh 2011 20 MW/5 MWh 2013 2 MW/500 kWh 2008 2 MW/3.9 MWh 2016 2.5 MW/ 5 MWh 2013 350 kW/700 kWh 2013 1 MW/1.2 MWh 2017 1 MW/2.8 MWh 2014 2.5 MW/3.9 MWh 2015 2 MW/500` kWh 2013 48 MW/51 MWh 2017 2 MW/ 2 MWh 2014 2 MW / 500 kWh 2013 4 MW/1 MWh 2011 32 MW/8 MWh 2011 1 MW/3 MWh 2013 280 kW/135 kWh 2014 500 kW/1.2 MWh 2016 500 kW/125 kWh 2013 11 MW/4.4 MWh 2012 1 MW/1 MWh 2013 400 kW/400 kWh 2017 12 MW/4 MWh 2009 Frequency Regulation 2 MW/2 MWh 2017 Renewable Integration 20 MW/5 MWh 2011 Primary Reserve T&D Support

22 Sterling Energy Storage Project
Town of Sterling, Massachusetts Sterling Municipal Light Dept 3MW of PV in Sterling Desired additional resiliency and better integration of existing PV Installed energy storage 2MW, 3.9MWh GSS® grid storage solution Applications stacking Frequency regulation Energy arbitrage Reduction in monthly network load Reduction in capacity payments Multiple benefits Provide power for Sterling Police and Dispatch Center during outages Provides electricity cost savings to ratepayers Firms the value of PV Enables future microgrid capability

23 Sterling, MA GSS® grid storage solution
T&D Support Application 2 MW Power Capability 3.9 MWh Energy Capacity Battery container w/integrated cooling Power conversion system Operational December 2016 2MW, 3.9MWh lithium ion energy storage system Groundbreaking on Oct 12, equipment installation on Nov 14 First commercial operation on Dec 15

24 Energy Storage in Primary Reserve
Located at the Los Andes substation in the Atacama Desert in Northern Chile 12 MW lithium ion energy storage Operational since 2009 The installation in Los Andes was the first multi-container deployment of energy storage and was capable of 12MW ouptut with 4MWh of energy storage capacity and has been operational since In addition to being located in the Atacama desert in the Andes mountains in Chile, also known as the driest place on Earth, it was hailed as one of the best performing primary reserve units in Northern Chile by the system operator, CDEC-SING in We delivered and installed the equipment, and provide service and maintenance for the Los Andes site to our customer, a key power producer in Chile. With this system, our customer is able to free existing capacity of one of its coal-fired generators, increasing its revenue, while the GSS grid storage solution provides the generator’s primary reserve obligation to CDEC-SING. “the Los Andes battery energy storage system is one of the best performing reserve units in Northern Chile” -CDEC-SING, system operator in Northern Chile

25 Energy Storage in PJM Frequency Regulation
Located at the Laurel Mountain wind farm in Elkins, West Virginia 32 MW lithium ion energy storage Operational since 2011 This site in West Virginia, USA, was installed for our customer next to its wind farm in One of the largest installations of the GSS grid storage solution at 32MW / 8MWh using our HR (high-rate) high power energy storage technology, we supplied the energy storage equipment, power conversion, and chiller systems and performed the installation and commissioning services. This site was operational in approximately eight weeks from arrival of the equipment on-site. Our customer was awarded the 2012 Excellence in Renewable Energy Award for Wind Project of the Year by Renewable Energy World for the Laurel Mountain site, and today operates in the PJM Regulation market.

26 Energy Storage in Primary Reserve
Our customer in Chile, building upon success with its first installation of our equipment in Los Andes, procured another 20MW of our GSS grid storage solution using our HR (high-rate) high power energy storage technology. We manufactured and delivered the energy storage equipment, performed all of the site work, and achieved operation in approximately eight weeks equipment arrival, which was sited next to our customer’s coal-fired generation plant in Angamos, Chile. In addition, for this project our customer won the prestigious “EEI Edison Award” in Like its sister installation Los Andes, the Angamos installation also operates in primary reserve and frees generation capacity of the coal-fired plant, increasing revenue for our customer. Located in Chile, South America 1,400km north of Santiago 20MW lithium ion energy storage facility Operational since 2011

27 Energy Storage in Ramp Rate Management
The Auwahi project in Maui, Hawaii was installed for our customer, Sempra Energy. As one of our largest GSS installations with renewable generation, it provides wind ramp management, essentially smoothing the output of the 21MW wind farm there using our HR (high-rate) energy storage technology. For this project we provided full turnkey engineering, procurement, and construction service within the scope of supply, including switchgear. Operational in approximately 8 weeks from equipment delivery to the site, the Auwahi project enables the 21MW wind farm to provide more consistent and less variable renewable electricity to the island of Maui. Located on Maui, Hawaii 11MW lithium ion energy storage working with a 21MW wind farm Operational since December 2012

28 Energy Storage in Load Limiting/Peak Shaving
Located in California distribution grid for improved power reliability 2.5MW lithium ion energy storage in custom enclosure Operational since July 2015

29 4MW / 2MWh GSS® grid storage solution
Peterborough, UK Renewable Integration Hybrid Fast Frequency Response Co-Located with Diesel Generation 1 Battery Container 2 Inverters Operational 2017

30 10MW/5MWh GSS® grid storage solution
Cleator, UK Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) 2 Battery Containers 6 Inverters Operational 2017

31 40MW/20MWh GSS® grid storage solution
Glassenbury, UK Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) 7 Battery Containers 19 Inverters Operational December 2017

32 48MW/51MWh GSS® grid storage solution
Jardelund, Germany Primary Control Reserves (PCR) Building-based installation, battery room shown

Head of Business Development for Smart Energy in Latin America Fijo  Av. Apoquindo 4800, piso 17 Las Condes Santiago de Chile

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