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Results of the Coastal and Transitional Waters Metadata Analysis

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Presentation on theme: "Results of the Coastal and Transitional Waters Metadata Analysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of the Coastal and Transitional Waters Metadata Analysis
WG 2A Ecological Status Results of the Coastal and Transitional Waters Metadata Analysis COAST Expert network Based on data submitted by 14 October

2 Coastal sites by ‘class’ and country sites submitted by 14 Oct.
Country number of sites total HG GM Cyprus Germany France Great Britain Lithuania Netherlands Norway Poland Sweden Slovenia TOTAL Information still missing from: Malta Italy Greece Spain Portugal Belgium Denmark Finland Estonia Latvia

3 Number of Sites submitted for each Ecoregion and Category

4 Coastal Mediterranean types & sites submitted to the intercalibration register by 14 October
Name of Type All Med Countries Cyprus Slovenia CW - M1 Rocky shallow coast x CW - M2 Rocky deep coast CW - M3 Sedimentary shallow coast 2 CW - M4 Sedimentary deep coast

5 Experts’ report on Mediterranean sites possibly to be submitted?
Type GR IT ES FR SI CY CW - M1 1 2 - CW - M2 4 3 CW - M3 CW - M4 ? total 27

6 Updated Table of the coastal types and IC sites to be submitted for the Baltic Sea
Name of Type (provisional) DK EE LV* LT PL FI DE SE CW – B0 Bothnian Bay Inner sheltered 1 CW - B1a Bothnian Bay sheltered 2 CW - B1b Bothnian Bay exposed CW - B2 Bothnian Sea sheltered/ moderately exposed CW - B3 Archipelago CW - B4 Estonian-Swedish outer coast (X?) CW - B5 Danish-Swedish outer coast CW - B6 Danish-German Western Baltic open coast CW - B7 (Western Baltic) Lagoon <G/M CW –B8 South-Eastern sandy lagoon ( = B7?)*** CW – B9 Shallow sheltered coast, hard bottom** (=B5?) CW – B10 South-eastern exposed*** total 22 *LV please check types ** types proposed by PL *** proposed by LT

7 Updated Table of the coastal types and IC sites to be submitted for NE Atlantic Ecoregion
Name BE DK FR DE IE NL NO PT ES SE UK CW – NEA1 Exposed, euhaline, shallow X 2 5 1 10 CW – NEA2 Sheltered, euhaline, shallow 3 6 CW – NEA3 Polyhaline, exposed Wadden Sea CW – NEA4 Polyhal., moderat. exp. –Wadden Sea <G/M CW – NEA5 Low current, very exposed CW - NEA6 Shallow, low current, sheltered CW – NEA7 Deep, low current, sheltered 4 CW – NEA8 Polyhal, microtidal, Sheltered, shallow (Skagerrak inner arc type) CW – NEA9 Polyhal., microtidal, exposed, shallow (Skagerrak middle arc type) CW – NEA10 Polyhaline, microtidal, exposed, deep (Skagerrak outer arch. type) TW-NEA11 Transitional waters,sheltered 2 11 4 3 12 TW-NEA12 Transitional waters, moder.exp. 2-3 total 96

8 Available for all sites
Expected availability of biological data for coastal & trans. water IC sites Country Phytoplankton Macroalgae Angiosperms Benthic invertebr. Fish (Trans. Waters only) GR ++ SI + ? CY - IT FR ES PT BE IE UK NL NO DE DK SE PL LT LV EE FIN Available for all sites Not for all sites No infromation

9 Major pressures in focus
Eutrophication Fishing Toxic subst. Habitat degrad. Baltic ++ (+) N.E. Atl. + Mediterr.

10 Summary of the Coastal metadata
Submitted Coastal metadata is still incomplete & scattered (75 sites submitted, while ca 145 potentially available) Difficult to make in depth analysis (such as checking for the comparability of sites within a common type) For some types not so many sites (< 5) available since only 2 countries sharing the type (esp. Baltic and some NE Atlantic types) – should those be included? With the exception of UK, most countries tend to select only 1-3 sites per type Most data available for phytoplankton & benthic invertebrate fauna Major pressure to be in focus: Eutrophication

11 Recommendations of the COAST Expert Group

12 Further Guidance urgently needed because
no agreed classification tools or schemes with in countries no agreement on how to set EQRs no agreement on how to set boundary conditions particularly in relation to the terms used in the normative definitions. no common understanding on ecological quality even within different regions within a MS/AS.

13 Further Concerns of COAST
At present not a high confidence of the status of the sites submitted For some MS/AS most of sites will be below the good/moderate boundary – is it possible to submit moderate or worse? ‘informal’ intercalibration of fish data using sites exposed to habitat degradation Possibility to use EUNIS habitat classification scheme to establish reference conditions? More sites for transitional waters needed Better involvement of Accession Countries Boundary criteria needed for H-G, G-M Circulate ECOSTAT papers also to COAST experts!

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