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Living By Fai h Photo by Felipe Correia on Unsplash.

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Presentation on theme: "Living By Fai h Photo by Felipe Correia on Unsplash."— Presentation transcript:

1 Living By Fai h Photo by Felipe Correia on Unsplash

2 Unanswered Prayers? Habakkuk 1:1-2:1


4 1:1 While most prophets talk to the people about God, Habakkuk talks to God about the people.

5 1:2-4 – Habakkuk’s First Conversation with God
His questions are: how long and why? How long shall I pray before You answer? Why is there evil in Judah?

6 1:5-11 – God’s First Answer to Habakkuk
God basically says, “I have heard your cries and prayers, and I am doing something. I am raising up the Chaldeans to judge the evil in Judah.” The Chaldeans/Babylonians were the superpower of the time.



9 1:12-2:1 – Habakkuk’s Second Conversation with God
How can You use a more evil nation to judge Judah? They are idolatrous, and they see their own strength as their god. How can You let them do this? Habakkuk has expectations of how his prayer was to be answered, but they were not answered in the way he expected.

10 Main Idea God’s answer to correct sin may be more hardships that His good and right will may be done.

11 Application Have faith that God hears you and will answer you.
Have faith that God is holy and righteous. Have faith that God will redeem your hardships in Jesus Christ.

12 Application (continued)
“If your God never disagrees with you, you might just be worshipping an idealized version of yourself.” Timothy Keller “God allows evil to expose evil” “God uses our suffering to expose our sin, and reveal who we can be in Christ.” -Joni Eareckson Tada

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