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The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

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1 The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
The future is ours! We must seize the moment!

2 What not to do as Grand Commander
Templar Law What not to do as Grand Commander

3 Dispensations Do NOT dispense with the Constitutional number of nine Sir Knights for a Conclave

4 Dispensations Section 66. A quorum of a Commandery consists of nine members entitled to vote therein, including an Officer authorized to open the same. A quorum of a Commandery consists of nine members entitled to vote therein. Together with an officer entitled to open the Commandery (1919, p 5 & 296, No. 17, Smith, 1988 digest – 283 & 286) A quorum is nine members entitled to vote. Visitors are not entitled to vote and therefore cannot be counted for a quorum. (1940, p 65 & 343, No. 10 Norris) The Grand Master has no authority to reduce the number required for a quorum from nine to five at business Conclaves in order to accommodate small Commanderies. (1946, p 66 & 242, No. 4, Orr, 1988 digest – 288) Nine or more is the indispensible number - three or more Templars hailing from three separate does NOT apply except in new Commandery formation.

5 Dispensations Do NOT dispense with the statutes of Grand Encampment or of your Grand Commandery Do NOT dispense with bylaws of a Commandery except in certain circumstances

6 Dispensations Sec 48(c) [REGC] He may issue dispensations to form Commanderies under the terms specified in the constitution or statutes. (2012 (f) To grant Dispensations to Constituent Commanderies: 1. To hold Special Conclaves for the conferring of the Orders at places within their Jurisdictions other than those named in their Charters, and 2. To permit them to receive petitions and ballot thereon at the same Conclave or at Special Conclaves, after such notice as he may deem proper.

7 Dispensations 3. (Intentionally blank)
4. For the purpose of changing the date, time and location for a Stated Conclave, as otherwise provided in the By-Laws of a Constituent Commandery, to accommodate holidays and special situations that he may deem appropriate upon the written request of the Constituent Commandery, based upon an affirmative vote at a previous Stated Conclave, and provided only that due and timely notice be provided the membership of the change. (1991 pages 67-69)

8 Special Conferrals of the Orders
Do NOT make a Templar at sight

9 Special Conferrals of the Orders
Section 23 [MEGM] (i) To confer, on any qualified candidate, in person or by delegated authority, the Orders of our organization. He may abbreviate the ceremonies in any manner deemed appropriate by him except that communicating the secret ritualistic work is required. amended 2003 pages 85-86) (2012)

10 Grand Representatives
Do NOT appoint a Grand Representative to anywhere except to another Grand Commandery under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment

11 Grand Representatives
Section 48(g) [REGC] To appoint Past Grand Commanders, Officers of the Grand Commandery or Past Commanders of Constituent Commanderies to represent the Grand Commandery within sister jurisdictions, such appointee to be known as “Grand Representative” and to serve at the pleasure of the Grand Commander or until a successor is appointed. (1937, p 357)

12 Grand Representatives
A Grand Commandery cannot appoint a grand representative near a foreign jurisdiction; that power being vested in the Grand Encampment. The words "sister jurisdictions" are interpreted to mean Templar Jurisdictions existing under the Grand Encampment. (1940, p 67 & 289, No. 26, Norris Grand Commanderies holding allegiance to the Grand Encampment may not exchange Representatives with the Great Priories abroad. (1949, p 72 & 211, No. 1, Rice, 1988 digest – 173)

13 Discipline Do NOT suspend or expel a Sir Knight for any reason
Only a trial commission may do that

14 Discipline Sec 48 (d) Also to suspend from his office any Officer of the Grand or of a Constituent Commandery, but in no case shall such suspension affect the standing in the Order of such Officer or his membership in the Commandery. The Grand Commander shall report his action in full to the next Conclave of the Grand Commandery for its final action. (1967, p. 97)

Section 209. In the conduct of all trials and all proceedings incident thereto, the Disciplinary rules adopted by the Grand Encampment shall be observed. DISCIPLINARY RULES Consisting of Rules Referred to in Section 209 of the Grand Encampment Statutes TRIALS AND PUNISHMENTS OFFENSES

16 Discipline Exception to a trial commission
Section 202. When a Knight Templar has been suspended or expelled from his Lodge or Chapter or Council where required, for any reason, he shall be suspended or expelled, as the case may be, from his Commandery. (1988 Pages )

17 Discipline Notwithstanding the previous paragraph of this section, if a Knight Templar believes he has been involuntarily suspended or expelled from Chapter, or Council where required, either illegally or because of personal, arbitrary, capricious or other improper motive by the Chapter or Council he may appeal to the Grand Master and suspension from Templary shall be held in abeyance for a period of not more than 30 days to allow investigation. If within that period the Grand Master and any two other elected officers of the Grand Encampment agree, the requirement of continuous Chapter, or Council if otherwise required, membership may be waived for that member. (2012)

18 Discipline Unless it is a charge specific to Templary, whenever possible, any charges should be referred to and trials conducted by the Grand Lodge of your jurisdiction. If, for example, it is a criminal offense or un-Masonic conduct, one trial by the Grand Lodge will cover all Masonic Bodies in the jurisdiction. It is cleaner and much more efficient.

19 Printing Ritual Grand Commanderies may not reprint the ritual in any format ie: to insert in Grand Commandery Tactics

20 Printing Ritual Rituals are under the sole supervision and control of the Grand Encampment and may be published and issued by it alone. It is unlawful for any Commandery or member thereof to issue any others or print, publish or use any other. The rituals cannot be altered or abridged except by the Grand Encampment. Drill regulations are within the jurisdiction of the Grand Commandery. (1940, p 64 & 281, No. 4, Norris, 1988 digest – 186, 324 & 327) No part of the ritual can be published by the Grand Commandery but tactics may refer to ritual page and line number. (1952 p 66 & 159, No. 7, Gaylord, 1988 digest – 330)

21 Authority The Grand Commander may exercise all authority given to him under Section 48 of the Constitution. During the recess of the Grand Commandery, the Grand Commander may exercise all authority given to it under Section 41 of the Constitution This is why a Grand Commandery never closes, it is always open for business conducted by the Grand Commander. This is why the Grand Commander is the Chief Executive Officer and responsible for all actions of his Grand Commandery.

22 Jewels Do NOT authorize a meritorious jewel to be worn on the right side of the uniform. The right side is limited to Grand Encampment jewels only.

23 Honorary Titles Do NOT award Honorary Titles without the written permission of the Grand Master

24 Honorary Titles Sec. 237a (a) Grand Commanderies may confer the honorary titles of Honorary Past Grand Commander, Grand Treasurer Emeritus, Grand Recorder Emeritus, and Grand Prelate Emeritus upon written approval of the Grand Master;

25 Be a smart Grand Commander
Know what you can and cannot do Research the Constitution and Statutes of Grand Encampment and your Grand Commandery Ask knowledgeable Sir Knights Ask the Grand Encampment Department Commander, GE Office or Officer They will get you the proper answer

26 The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
The future is ours! We must seize the moment!

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