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Joint Research Centre The European Commission’s in-house science service.

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1 Joint Research Centre The European Commission’s in-house science service

2 Updates and News on Other MAHB-Supported Activities
4 December 2018

3 Inspections – Technical Working Group Updates
Outcomes of 2012 TWG 2 Meeting (Istanbul, June 2012) Workshop on inspecting with safety reports Discussion on potential implementation support needs for Seveso III Seveso Safety Bulletin renamed as “Common Inspection Criteria” (CIC) Upcoming CIC publications: Automatic overfill protection Safety instrumented systems Management of change

4 Inspections – TWG 2 - Mutual Joint Visit Programme
Upcoming MJV Workshops Ireland (3-5 October 2012) Emergency Planning and Response Sweden (September 2013) Learning from Accidents TBA 2014 MJV Expert Reports MJV Finland (2011) on Safety Reports –final - in publication MJV Norway (2009) on industrial parks & domino effects – final - being formatted for publication MJV Germany (2010) on safety management systems – undergoing review MJV programmatic revisions Updated Terms of Reference Stand-alone Executive Summaries of Expert Reports to be created Noted that industrial sectors may also be a workshop theme

5 Road Map for Seveso Implementation
DG-ENV and MAHB have agreed on the need for medium-term planning of EU level support to Seveso III Implementation MAHB will produce “A road map for implementation” for review by June 2013 Various opportunities for input by MS Survey to be distributed in early 2013 to MS Focal Points Topic raised for discussion in Technical Working Groups TWG 2 (Inspections) discussed in June 2012 TWG 5 (Land-Use Planning) – 1 or 2Q 2013 Inputs from other formal and informal sources also used, Seveso expert meeting, eMARS-eSPIRS feedback, bilateral exchanges. etc

6 Update on Land-Use Planning
Next steps – Completion of the LUP scenario handbook for review Meeting planned for 2013 (2Q) to discuss document Meeting will also solicit opinions on the future of the group Is it still necessary? Does it need a new mandate? Other priorities for risk assessment work at EU Level? Safety distance and domino effects guidance?

7 The Scenarios Handbook
Introduction –Use of the Scenarios Handbook Risk Assessment Methodologies for Land-Use Planning Selection of accident scenarios for most relevant substances and types of installations Identification of typical causes or initiating events Propose values for Generic Failure Frequencies of the scenarios For a limited number of configurations calculate distances Illustration: Examples of application of scenario trees in two case-studies References Glossary

8 ARIPAR Area Risk Assessment Tool: Future & on-going Developments
Creation of a consequence assessment module Source terms Fires, explosions, toxic dispersions Possible extension to a qualitative methodology Extension of LUP to other methodologies Emergency planning module Case study development with MS & other countries Lead MAHB contact: Mr. Luciano Fabbri: 4 December 2018

9 Update on Seveso Classifications in ESIS and C&L Inventories
ESIS – alive until next year. BUT last updated on 1st January 2012! Seveso categories indicated. C&L Inventory database – harmonised classification (Table 3.1 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation) provided by ECHA and notified substances suggested by the industry. BUT the latters not approved yet. Updated to the last ATP. No Seveso categories yet. Seveso III transition to C&L Minimum classification is given. Named substances (48) only for indication. Seveso categories – translation needed. Mixtures – self classification by MS’s.


11 MAHB Website Development and the MINERVA portal
The MAHB website is being converted to a completely new platform The new MINERVA portal will replace the MAHB website – projected for December 2013 MINERVA will be an entry point for all MAHB website including eMARS and eSPIRS and Seveso inspections, and also some new features Until an online version is ready, the current MAHB website will not be replaced We’ll keep you posted on the development …

12 Thank you for your kind attention!

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