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Determine Different Accounting Methods Used by Different Fund Types

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1 Determine Different Accounting Methods Used by Different Fund Types
Principles of Cost Analysis and Management

2 Food for Thought Q1. Does the way governmental activities are funded have an impact on how governmental activities are managed? Q2. How? Why or why not?

3 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Determine Different Accounting Methods Used by Different Fund Types Condition: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 80% accuracy (70% for international learners): Identify different types of funds Classify funds by funding mechanism Classify funds by purpose Read and Review a Case Study

4 Review: Fund Accounting
Tracks flow of resources through funds Characteristics of funds: Separate accounting entity within a larger government entity Self-balancing set of accounts Produces its own financial statements

5 Types of Funds General Fund Special Funds Trust Funds Revolving Funds
Agency Funds Management or Working Funds

6 The General Fund Revenue from general sources
Expended for general purposes A government entity must have ONE general fund The General Fund of the United States has many subsidiary appropriation funds Each appropriation fund has budgetary accounts and proprietary accounts

7 Special Funds and Trust Funds
Account for resources designated for specific programs or activities Typically financed by dedicated fees Track expenditures for these specific purposes Ex. National Wildlife Refuge Fund May be legally designated as trust funds Ex. Social Security’s Old Age and Survivors Insurance Fund

8 LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1. Name the threes characteristics of funds? Q2. Which fund type accounts for resources designated for specific programs or activities? A1. Q1. Name the threes characteristics of funds? A1. 1. Separate Accounting Entity within a larger government entity. 2. Self-balancing set of accounts 3. Produces its own financial statements. Q2. Which fund type accounts for resources designated for specific programs or activities? A2. Special Fund (or Trust fund, if legally designated as such.) A2.

9 Appropriated Fund Reporting
The General Fund, special funds, and trust funds are financed by appropriations. Budgetary resources are reported according to budgetary basis Proprietary accounts are reported according to accrual basis

10 Non-Appropriated Funds
Receive no appropriated funding Do not maintain budgetary accounts Do not use the obligation process Report according to the accrual basis

11 LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1. Which funding mechanism requires both the budgetary and the proprietary accounts? Q2. Which funding mechanism does not require the obligation process? A1. Q1. Which funding mechanism requires both the budgetary and the proprietary accounts? A1. Appropriated Funding Q2. Which funding mechanism does not require the obligation process? A2. Non-appropriated funding A2.

12 Revolving Funds Generate revenues by providing services to general public or to other government entities Must set user fees to cover costs of providing services Resources carry over or “revolve” from one period to the next (do not expire) Ex. U.S. Postal Service

13 Deposit Funds Account for resources that belong to other entities
Other government agencies Other funds within the same agency Non-federal entities For every asset held there is an equal liability Ex. State income taxes withheld from federal employees’ payroll

14 Management or Working Funds
Provide goods and services to appropriated funded programs and departments May pool appropriations from multiple reporting entities to accomplish a common purpose Ex. Bureau of Land Management Working Capital Fund

15 LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1. Which type of fund has an equal liability for every asset it holds? Q2. Which type of fund provides goods and services to the general public or other governmental entities? A1. Deposit fund Q1. Which type of fund has an equal liability for every asset it holds? A1. Deposit fund Q2. Which type of fund provides goods and services to the general public or other governmental entities? A2. Revolving Fund A2. Revolving Fund

16 LSA #3 Summary During this lesson, we discussed the six different types and the three characteristics of funds, and gave in-depth descriptions on each. We also classified these funds by both Mechanism and Purpose. We will now conduct a case Study based on this information.

17 BLM Working Capital Fund
Read the case study: A Case Study in the Management and Accounting of Capital Assets: The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Working Capital Fund (WCF)

18 BLM Working Capital Fund (Cont.)
Q1. What are capital assets? Q2. Who are the customers of the Working Capital Fund? Q3. What are the revenue sources? Q4. How does this meet the definition of a working or management fund? Q1. What are Capital Assets? A1. have an estimated useful life of 2 or more years, are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of business, and are intended to be used or available for use by the entity. Q2. Who are the customers of the Working Capital Fund? A2. Operating entities at BLM, the different divisions under its decentralized management structure. Q3. What are the revenue sources? A3. The fund uses two revenue sources: maintenance fees and fixed ownership fees. The maintenance fee covers all operating expenses for vehicles. The fixed ownership fee charges each decentralized operation's appropriated budget for a monthly amount calculated to accumulate the cash funds needed for equipment replacement at the end of the asset's useful life. Fees are kept in reserve for vehicle replacement. Q4. How does this meet the definition of a Working or Management fund? A4. Provide goods and services to appropriated funded programs and departments; Pools appropriations from multiple reporting entities to provide these services.

19 BLM Working Capital Fund (Cont.)
What services are provided? How are appropriations “pooled”? How did using the Working Capital Fund impact the customers of the fund? Understanding true cost of operations Dealing with political environment Choosing assets appropriate to operational needs Managing and maintaining assets Q1. What services are provided? A2. The services provided are: A) maintenance, and B) accumulation of funds for replacement. Q2. How are appropriations “pooled”? A2. In two ways: The various departmental appropriations are pooled so that the cost of ownership of a particular type of asset is an average cost for the BLM as a whole. Also, with the cost of ownership fee, the organization is essentially pooling the appropriations for multiple periods to provide for replacement of the asset at the end of its useful life. Q3. How did using the Working Capital Fund impact the customers of the fund? Understanding true cost of operations Dealing with political environment Choosing assets appropriate to operational needs Managing and maintaining assets

20 BLM Working Capital Fund (Cont.)
Under the accrual basis, capital assets are a cost of doing business in the periods the assets are used. The consumption of the useful life of a capital asset is called depreciation. Under the budgetary basis, the cost of a capital asset is an expenditure in the period it is purchased.

21 Working Capital Fund Example: Accrual Basis
Performance reflects costs that are not cash flows of the period. A $100K truck depreciated straight line over 5 years puts $20K cost into each year. Book value of the asset is reduced annually until zero value.

22 Working Capital Fund Example: Budgetary Basis
Budgets recognizes 100% of asset in year of acquisition A $100K truck depreciated Is recognized as a $100K expenditure when bought Subsequent years see no effect

23 Working Capital Fund Example: Problems of Government
Annual performance is distorted Asset acquisition becomes a big ticket item subject to political climate Maintenance of asset sometime avoided on logic that asset has zero value

24 BLM Working Capital Fund Example: Behavior Impacts
Acquisition specifications became more conservative As managers more clearly recognized tradeoffs with operating budgets Maintenance was performed diligently To stretch useful life Since already pre-paid (via allocation)

25 BLM Working Capital Fund Example: Bottom Line
Annual performance was more clear Capital assets needs declined

26 TLO Check on Learning Quickly break the learners in two groups. Have each group as a group write down one question from this lesson, give about two minutes. Once the groups have their question written, pass it to another group to answer it. Facilitate a discussion on each question.

27 Lesson Summary Determining Different Accounting Methods Used by Different Fund Types is a lesson designed to for the learners to apply the cost management processes. Cost management is an integral part of the Army‘s stewardship. Financial managers throughout all levels of FM operations – from strategic to tactical – must have a good understanding of costs and manage costs carefully, Now, you should be able to identify the different types of funds used, classify the funds by funding mechanisms and by purpose. What are your questions?

28 Practical Exercise

29 TLO Summary Action: Determine Different Accounting Methods Used by Different Fund Types Condition: FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 80% accuracy (70% for international learners): Identify different types of funds Classify funds by funding mechanism Classify funds by purpose Read and Review a Case Study

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