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Superclass Agnatha "Jawless Fish".

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Presentation on theme: "Superclass Agnatha "Jawless Fish"."— Presentation transcript:

1 Superclass Agnatha "Jawless Fish"

2 No jaw No paired appendages Cyclostomes (round mouths) Smooth, cylinder shaped bodies with flexible skeleton of cartilage Two chambered heart

3 Extinct ostracoderms- heavy bony plates

4 Class Myxini Hagfish

5 Bottom dwellers in cold water
Mucous secreting glands (slime eels) Poor eyes covered with skin

6 Monoecious (sequential)
Slit-like, toothed mouth Scavengers- locate food by scent

7 Have ability to tie themselves in knots
Clean body of slime (even nostrils) Escape predators Move food down digestive tract

8 In Korea, almost 5 million pounds are eaten each year
Used to make “eelskin” products

9 Class Cephalaspidomorphi

10 Cool, fresh coastal waters
1-2 fins that extend length of body Single nostril on top of head Well developed eyes

11 Mouth- oral disc with sharp, rasping teeth
Scrapes hole in side of fish and sucks blood and tissues (usually kills fish) Major economic threat


13 Lays eggs in hollowed out bottom of lake
External fertilization Wormlike larvae that burrow for 3 years Metamorphosize to adult Most adults in ocean- many reproduce in freshwater

14 Superclass Gnathostomata
Coelocanth Jaws and paired appendages

15 Class Chondrichthyes Cartilage Fish

16 rays sharks ratfishes skates

17 Most marine Most carnivores or scavengers (some filter) Skelton of cartilage Dermal placoid scales (sand paper)– do not overlap

18 Teeth modified scales- never ending supply (300 rows)
Tooth size can be used to find length of shark (proportional)

19 Countershaded (top dark, bottom light) for camoflage

20 2 chambered heart Large liver with much oil/fat for buoyancy (no swim bladder) Gill slits (5-7) covered with skin- most must move constantly to obtain oxygen Streamlined and powerful

21 Acute senses Lateral lines with ampullae of lorenzini sense vibrations (hear) 2/3 of brain for olfactory sense (smell) Sight not great

22 Internal fertilization
Some oviparous, some ovoviviparous, some viviparous

23 Most species harmless to human- only a few species will attack
50-75 attacks per year 8-12 deaths per year


25 Humans kill 200,000,000 sharks per year!

26 Class Osteichthyes bony fish

27 Largest class of vertebrates
Bony skeleton, paired appendages Scales that overlap Fresh and salt water

28 Most streamlined- swim with side to side movement of body and tail

29 Complex nervous system- 10 pairs cranial nerves extend from brain
Well developed eyes, nostrils, lateral lines Usually 4 pairs gills covered by operculum (bony flap) that pushes water over gills

30 Two chambered heart Most of body muscle Swim bladder- gas filled sac for buoyancy Separate sexes- most external fertilization

31 Pufferfish

32 Fishery Bycatch

33 Anglerfish

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