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HSC (Hadron Synchrotron Collective effects section)

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Presentation on theme: "HSC (Hadron Synchrotron Collective effects section)"— Presentation transcript:

1 HSC (Hadron Synchrotron Collective effects section)
TT10 calibration curves Olav Berrig HSC (Hadron Synchrotron Collective effects section) 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

2 The TT10 transfer line brings LHC and fix-target physics beams from the PS to the SPS
05/04/2016 HSC section meeting

3 The magnets calibration curves, gives the relationship between the current in the magnet and the strength of the magnet. This presentation will focus on the calibration curves for the quadrupoles: QIF .1004, QID.1005, QIF.1006,QISK.1006M, QID.1007M, QIF.1008M, QID.1011M, QIF.1012M Quadrupole BPM (pickup) θ Δ If the strength of the quadrupole is changed, then the angle θ is also changed, i.e. θ = k * Δ where k is the strength of the quadrupole. The strength is a function of the quadrupole current 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

4 If calibration curves are wrong, then matching between the TT10 and the SPS is wrong, with the bad result that the beam emittance will increase A special concern is that for the fixed target physics, there is a special emittance exchange implemented between the X and Y planes. This emittance exchange is done with the help of skew quadrupoles in the TT10 lines: qisk : qisk1006m.f , at = ; qid : qid1007m.f , at = ; qif : qif1008m.f , at = ; qisk : qisk1006m.f , at = ; qid : qid1007m.f , at = ; qif : qif1008m.f , at = ; qisk : qisk1006m.f , at = ; 05/04/2016 HSC section meeting

5 From the Trim Editor, we see that the currents and strengths are linearly related. The Trim Editor shows what is really implemented ! ! ! Trim Editor shows what is really implemented ! ! ! 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

6 In NORMA (magnet DB), there are no calibration curves
In NORMA (magnet DB), there are no calibration curves. However, there is a simulation of the magnets, which give a linear relation between currents and strengths. Nominal current = 120 A 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

7 A calibration curve is in the LSA DB (from CO group and J.W.)
18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

8 How do all these different data fit together?
NB Trim Editor shows what is really implemented ! ! ! 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

9 Conclusion What is really implemented in the magnets, is a linear relationship between currents and strengths. This relationship is practically identical to the simulation of the TT10 quadrupole magnets. Since simulations are generally very reliable (in the non-saturated state), this explains why the models fit well with the observations at 14 and 26 (private communications) The calibration curve from the LSA DB is not implemented in the magnets – why not? This calibration curve does not fit with the simulation of the magnets However, the real calibration curves are then not known !!! They could be measured with kick/response measurements of the TT10 line 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

10 The end 18/04/2016 HSC section meeting

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