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Heat Transfers: Convection

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Transfers: Convection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Transfers: Convection
Quick DVD: Weather – Wind Chp 2 8:05 Hot Rises Cold Sinks Caused by density differences: Hot air expands and gets less dense. Cold air contracts and gets more dense.

2 A Convection Cell Cool Hot

3 Lesson 4: Air Pressure The weight of the air above you. The more air that is above you the more pressure you will feel. Sinking air pushes down more- cold air is usually high pressure. Rising air pushes down less- hot air is usually low pressure.

4 Air Pressure


6 A Convection Cell High Pressure Low Pressure

7 Wind Wind travels from high pressure to low.
The gradient between isobars determines the wind speed.

8 Big Difference in Pressure
(Steep Gradient) H L

9 Small Difference in Pressure
(Gentle Gradient) H L

10 H

11 Isobars Slowest Wind H Fastest Wind

12 Low Pressure Sucks! L

13 L Slowest Wind Fastest Wind


15 The Coriolis Effect The Coriolis Effect deflects things to their right in the Northern Hemisphere. Caused by the rotation of the Earth.

16 H

17 Find where the High Pressure region is.

18 High Pressure flows outward and clockwise (cw) (in the N. Hemisphere)

19 L

20 Low Pressure flows inward and counterclockwise (ccw)(in the N
Low Pressure flows inward and counterclockwise (ccw)(in the N. Hemisphere)

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