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Basic Elements of a Medical Word

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1 Basic Elements of a Medical Word
Word Root Combining Form Suffix Prefix These four parts of a word are known as ELEMENTS.

2 Word Root Main part or foundation of a word.
All words have at least one word root. A word root may be used alone or combined with other elements to form a complete word. SPEAK (word root) + ER (suffix) = SPEAKER (complete word)

3 The word root usually refers to a body part.
Some root words are derived from the Latin or Greek language.

4 “pancreat” means pancreas
Word Root Examples “dent” means tooth “dermat” means skin “cardi” means heart “gastr” means stomach “pancreat” means pancreas

5 Combining Forms Correct pronunciation of medical words is important.
In order to make the pronunciation of word roots easier, sometimes it is necessary to insert a vowel after the root. The combination of a word root and a vowel is known as a COMBINING FORM.

6 Combining forms consist of a combining vowel.
The combining vowel is usually an “o”, but others may be used. gastr / o pronounced GASTRO. Combining vowel Word root

7 When a word has more than one root, a combining vowel is used to link the root to each other.
osteoarthritis oste/ o / arthr/ itis Slashes separate elements Word root suffix Combining vowel Word root

8 By understanding the meanings of word roots, one can determine the meaning of complex medical terms by putting together the smaller parts.

9 Leukocytopenia = Word Roots: Leuk / (white) cyt / (cell) Combining Vowel / o / Suffix: / penia ( (decrease)

10 Suffixes A suffix is added to the END of a word root or combining form to modify its meaning. By adding a suffix to the end of a word root, we create a noun or adjective with a different meaning.

11 Suffix Noun -osis cyanosis -ia anemia -us mucus -um ilium -e condyle
-us carpus -itis arthritis -sis emesis Adjective -otic cyanotic -ic anemic -ous mucous -ac iliac -ar condylar -al carpal -itic arthritic -tic emetic

12 Suffix Verbs are words that represent action or a state of being.
The suffixes –ed or –ing added to the word alter the tense of this verb. Past tense: Vomited, Injected Present Participle: Vomiting, Injecting

13 Suffix - Noun -ism = condition, state, of theory -tion = condition
-ist = specialist -er = one who -ity = quality Examples: Hyperthyroidism, Darwinism, Mendelism Contraction, relaxation Psychiatrist Radiographer Sensitivity, conductivity

14 Suffix - Adjective Examples: -ous = possessing, having, full of
-able = ability -ible = ability Examples: Nervous, mucous, serous Injectable, inflatable Edible, reducible

15 This is to make pronunciation easier.
A combining vowel is used between a word root and a suffix that begins with a consonant (not a vowel). This is to make pronunciation easier. Word root: scler / (hardening) Suffix: / derma (skin) Term: Scler / o / derma (hardening of the skin) Combining vowel

16 Meanings of certain suffixes
-al pertaining to dent/al (pertaining to teeth) -er one who speak/er (one who speaks) -able capable of being playable (capable of being played)

17 hematoma (blood tumor)
-oma (tumor) hematoma (blood tumor) NOTE: The element that comes before a suffix can either be a word root or combining form.

18 -scope (instrument to view) -rrhexis (rupture)
The suffixes -scope (instrument to view) -rrhexis (rupture) -rrhea (flow or discharge) all begin with a consonant, therefore a combining vowel must be used between the word root and the suffix.

19 The suffixes -algia (pain) -edema (swelling) -uria (urine, urination) These suffixes begin with a vowel, therefore a combining vowel is NOT used between the word root and the suffix.

20 REVIEW A combining vowel IS used to link one root to another root, and before a suffix that begins with a consonant. A combining vowel IS NOT used before a suffix that begins with a vowel.

21 Prefixes A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed BEFORE a word or word root to alter its meaning or create a new word. Some prefixes: Hyper- (excessive) Pre (before) Post (after) Homo- (same) Hypo (under)

22 Cyan/o = Blue, Blueness Cyan/osis: (noun) Condition of blueness
Cyan/otic: (adj.) Pertaining to a condition of blueness -tic = adjective suffix for “pertaining to” Acr/o/cyan/osis: Blueness of the extremities Cyan/o/derma: Bluish discoloration of the skin

23 Acr/o = Extremities Acr/o = extremities (arms and legs)
Acr = word root O = vowel Acr/o = combining form Acr/o/paralysis: Paralysis of extremities Acr/o/cyan/osis: Condition of blue extremities Acr/o/dermat/itis: Inflammation of skin of the extremities, like red inflamed hands

24 Dermat/o = Skin -logy = (noun) Study of
-logist = (noun) One who studies -logos = Greek for study Dermat/o/logist: The person who specializes in diseases of the skin Dermat/o/logy: The study of skin Eti/o/logy: Study of the origin of disease

25 -itis = Inflammation Dermat/itis: Inflammation of the skin
i.e. Contact (allergic reaction) dermatitis, or due to infection, inflammation, trauma Acr/o/dermat/itis: Inflammation of the skin of the extremities

26 -osis = Condition, Status, Process
Dermat/osis: Any skin condition. (abnormal condition). (noun) Cyan/osis: Condition of blueness

27 Hypoinsulinemia Hypo / insulin / emia
Notice that there is no combining vowel in this word because the prefix ends with a vowel and the suffix begins with a vowel. Prefix suffix Word root BLOOD LOW INSULIN

28 The Layman’s Medical Terms…
Enema Not a friend Artery Study of painting G.I. Series Army baseball Impotent Distinguished, well known Terminal Illness Airport sickness Varicose Nearby Seizure Roman Emperor Outpatient Person who has fainted

29 Plurality To make a medical word plural (more than one), first look at the suffix. Then, choose the rule that changes the singular form to the plural form.

30 Suffix: Singular vs. Plural
Greek Singular Suffixes -on Spermatozoon, ganglion -ma Carcinoma, lipoma -sis Crisis, prognosis -nx Larynx, pharynx Plural Suffixes -a Spermatozoa, ganglia -mata Carcinomata, lipomata -ses Crises, prognoses -ges Larynges, pharynges

31 Suffix: Singular vs. Plural
Latin Singular Suffixes -a Vertebra, conjunctiva -us Bacillus, bronchus -um Bacterium, ilium -is Testis Plural Suffixes -ae Vertebrae, conjunctivae -i Bacilli, bronchi -a Bacteria, ilia -es Testes

32 Practice… Singular: Sarcoma Diagnosis Phalanx Coccus Calcaneum Vertex
Cervix thorax Plural: Sarcomata Diagnoses Phalanges Cocci Calcanea Vertices Cervices thoraces

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