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By Dr.Faris Muhammed March 2016

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1 By Dr.Faris Muhammed March 2016
Surface Anatomy Of The Heart Valves, Major Vessels & Auscultatory Areas By Dr.Faris Muhammed March 2016

2 Practically : the heart has :
Apex Superior border Right border Left border Inferior border

3 LV 1. The Apex Formed by LV Abex beat = 5th IC space 9 cm from midline

4 2. Superior Border : Formed by : root of great BVs Extends from :
Left 2nd costal cartilage 1.3 cm from sternum 2. Right 3rd costal cartilage 1.3 cm from sternum The line between 1 & 2 is the superior border

5 3. Right Border : Formed by : The right atrium Extends from :
1. Right 3rd costal cartilage 1.3 cm from sternum 2. Left 6th costal cartilage 1.3 cm from sternum The line between 1 & 2 is the right border

6 4. Inferior Border : Formed by : The RV & LV Extends from :
1. Left 6th costal cartilage 1.3 cm from sternum 2. The apex of heart The line between 1 & 2 is the inferior border

7 5. Left Border : Formed by : Left ventricle Extends from :
Left 2nd costal cartilage 1.3 cm from sternum 2. Apex of heart The line between 1 & 2 is the left border

8 Land Marks Of Heart Valves

9 4 1 2 Heart valves include: 3 Tricuspid valve 2. Mitral valve
3. Pulmonary valve 2 4. Aortic valve


11 Landmarks of AV valves MV valve : TV valve : behind Rt ½ of sternum,
opposite to Rt 4th ICS MV valve : behind Lt ½ of sternum, opposite to Lt 4th costal cartilage

12 Landmarks of semilunar valves
PV valve : behind medial part of Lt 3rd costal cartilage & adjoining sternum AV valve : behind Lt ½ of sternum, opposite to 3rd ICS

13 Auscultatory Areas

14 Normal Heart Sounds

15 2nd Rt. ICS 2nd Lt. ICS 4th or 5th Lt. ICS apex 5th ICS

16 Valvular diseases : Valvular stenosis Valvular regurgitation Murmurs

17 Landmarks of Major vessels


19 Landmarks of Internal thoracic vessels :
Descends vertically down Posterior to costal cartilage 1.3 cm Lateral to sternum As far as 6th ICS

20 Landmarks of intercostal vessles:
VAN from Above downwards Immediately below of corresponding ribs in the costal grooves Innermost ICM Costal groove IC Vein External ICM IC Artery IC Nerve Internal ICM

21 QUIZ : name the following areas :


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