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United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

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1 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY Fragmentation of the West Bank August 2007

2 Region and OCHA offices
UN-OCHA Miles 30 15

3 Fragmentation of the West Bank
The West Bank is increasingly fragmented: Israeli settlements are prevalent throughout the West Bank. They are illegal under international law Roads primarily for settler use connect the settlements with Israel Palestinian access to the majority of these roads is prevented or restricted by: Checkpoints Roadblocks A permit system for vehicles wanting to travel on them The roads serve as corridors for settlers but barriers for Palestinian movement. Together with the settlements and other Israeli infrastructure, the West Bank is fragmented into a multitude of small enclaves for Palestinians Many of these enclaves are connected to adjacent towns only via checkpoints or tunnels built under settler roads. The Government of Israel insists these restrictions on movement are necessary to protect its citizens. Restrictions on Palestinian movement is the principle cause of the economic decline of the Palestinian economy according to World Bank. Customs revenu: 20% of the stock of the withheld clearance revenues from March 2006 to June 2007 has been paid to the PA.

4 Please wait while slide is loading
Areas A and B (Oslo Accords) 149 Israeli settlements, 96 outposts Israeli military closed areas and 27 military bases Nature Reserves West Bank Barrier and Areas between the Barrier and the Green Line Roads used by the settlers Closures The effect of the closures Fragmentation of the West Bank Permanent Checkpoints Partial Tunnels (As of March 2007) Please wait while slide is loading Note: Checkpoints straddle settler roads Palestinian movement from one enclave to another via checkpoints or tunnels under settler roads Note: Roads, settlements, other infrastructure fragment West Bank Note: Israeli military bases-off-limits for Palestinians Note: Effect is a series of corridors for settler traffic, but obstacles for Palestinian movement Note: Roadblocks and checkpoints physically prevent Palestinian vehicles accessing settler roads Note: Areas A and B (Palestinian control) mirror fragmentation. Note: Permits are required to access areas behind Barrier Permit difficult to obtain (except Gush Etzion) Note: Green Line (1949 Armistice) Note: Interim agreement of 1994 Oslo process Areas A and B (40% of area) under Palestinian authority Area C under Israeli authority Note: Israeli Settlements growing at 5.5% a year Illegal under international law Note: Nature reserves mostly off-limits to Palestinian entry No grazing or development Note: Roads primarily for Settler use Palestinian access banned or restricted on majority of roads

5 Humanitarian Response
Key Points Issue of the settlements key to any viable future - expanding 5.5% year Settlements are at the centre of movement and access restrictions Oslo Map – only areas A and B are able to be developed by Palestinians Virtually no permits for building are allocated for Palestinians in Area C. Demolitions for buildings without permits have increased. Growing disparity between the political rhetoric and the facts on the ground For more information see

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