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Group 6 Sydney Loveless Sophie Gustaveson Alec Scovel

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Presentation on theme: "Group 6 Sydney Loveless Sophie Gustaveson Alec Scovel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 6 Sydney Loveless Sophie Gustaveson Alec Scovel
The Bosnia Genocide Group 6 Sydney Loveless Sophie Gustaveson Alec Scovel

2 1. Where did it take place? The genocide took place in and around the small town of Srebrenica in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

3 2. When did it take place? This went on during the Bosnian War in the years of 1992 through 1995.

4 3. Who was killed? The group that was picked out and killed were the Bosnian Muslims in an ethnic cleansing campaign.

5 4. Who did the killing? The Army of the Republika Srpska was the group that killed the Muslim people. The army was under command of General Ratko Mladić.

6 5. Why did one group decide other group needed killing?
The Bosnians were apart of an ethnic cleansing campaign in the areas controlled by the Vojska Republike Srpske (the Army of Republika Srpska). They didn’t want diversity but wanted a pure race so they had targeted Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats.

7 6. How many were killed? In 1995 over 8,000 Muslim men and boys had been killed. There was also a mass removal of 25,000-30,000 Bosnian Muslim civilians. This occurred in and around the area of Srebrenica.

8 7. What methods were used to kill?
The Vojska Republike Srpske used methods of mass murder, rape, sexual assault, torture, deportation and beating. They also had concentration camps were they would take hostage.

9 8. When was it declared a genocide?
The Bosnia Genocide was declared a genocide in 2001 by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

10 9. How did the international community react?
The international community reacted by putting Momcilo Krasjisnik on trial and finding him guilty of Genocide.

11 10. Could anything have been done to stop Bosnia occurring?
The Bosnia genocide was stopped and in 2006 the Bosnian leader, Momcilo Karjisnik was convicted for crimes against humanity and genocide. He and other leaders had many charges such as: Genocide, Extermination, Murder, Deportation and Inhumane Acts, A Crime Against Humanity.

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