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Each hotel guest has a set of keys and no two guests have the same key

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1 Each hotel guest has a set of keys and no two guests have the same key
Roger L. Costello April 3, 2018

2 We want each room to have its own unique set of keys
Keys for Room1 K3 K4 K5 K0 K1 K2 K6 Keys for Room0 Keys for Room2 K7 K8

3 sig Room {keys: set Key}
This declaration: sig Room {keys: set Key} allows undesirable instances such as the one shown on the right. Notice that K0 is used by rooms 0, 1, and 2. Room0 K1 Room0 K2 Room1 K0 Same key used in three rooms – ouch! Room1 K4 Room1 K5 Room2 K0 Room2 K7 Room2 K8

4 sig Room {keys: set Key}
We need to specify a constraint on the set of Key values.

5 Here’s one approach to constraining keys
pred DisjointKeySet { keys in Room lone -> Key } constrain sig Room {keys: set Key} Each Key value is associated to at most one Room.

6 Here’s another approach
sig Room {keys: disj set Key} Each room has a set of key and each set is disjoint.

7 Are the two approaches equivalent?
I believe they are. To be certain, however, let’s get the Alloy Analyzer to compare the two approaches and search for counterexamples. How to do this? How to write the proper assert?

8 The book Software Abstractions says (p. 274)
equivalent sig S {f: disj e} sig S {f: e} pred Every_S_has_a_different_value_for_f { all a,b: S | a != b => no a.f & b.f }

9 sig Room {keys: disj set Key}
Therefore, equivalent sig S {f: disj e} sig S {f: e} pred Every_S_has_a_different_value_for_f { all a,b: S | a != b => no a.f & b.f } equivalent sig Room {keys: disj set Key} sig Room {keys: set Key} pred Every_Room_has_a_different_set_of_keys{ all r, r': Room | r != r' => no r.keys & r'.keys }

10 sig Key {} sig Room { keys: set Key } pred DisjointKeySet_v1 { keys in Room lone -> Key pred DisjointKeySet_v2 { all r, r': Room | r != r' => no r.keys & r'.keys assert Equivalent { DisjointKeySet_v1 iff DisjointKeySet_v2 check Equivalent

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