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Magneto-acoustic Effects in Stellar Winds

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Presentation on theme: "Magneto-acoustic Effects in Stellar Winds"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magneto-acoustic Effects in Stellar Winds

2 Introduction The flux of particles from stars is called stellar wind
Global parameters are dM/dt and vterminal Different stellar models predict different values for the above parameters Radiation pressure of the star is considered as a main source of stellar wind Red giants problem

3 Alfven model The wind is treated as a highly conductive fluid

4 The “frozen” field concept

5 Magnetic field lines

6 MHD equations

7 Linearization

8 Modes If k and vA are perpendicular-longitudinal mode with ulong2=s2+vA2 If k and vA are parallel, there are two modes Longitudinal with u=s (pure acoustic wave) Transverse with u= vA (Alfven wave)

9 Mass loss rate of red giants

10 References [1]Henry J.G.L.M. Lamers, Joseph P. Cassinelli “Introduction to Stellar Winds”,1999 [2]Peter A. Sturrock “Plasma Physics”,1994 [3]J.D.Jackson“Classical Electrodynamics”,1975

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