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Welcome to Lansingburgh High School and the Freshman Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Lansingburgh High School and the Freshman Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Lansingburgh High School and the Freshman Academy

2 Wicked-fast introduction
Derek Shuttleworth Born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska All that you have heard about Alaska is true. I’ve taught English for 17 years in four states (Oregon, Alaska, California, and New York…twice).

3 First things first… Name cards: Trifold…that means a long triangle
First and last name on two sides Include your favorite movie or tv show This is a little word association

4 Mr. Shuttleworth (Mr. Shutt)
For example: Mr. Shuttleworth (Mr. Shutt) Game of Thrones Same on this side

5 The map below shows an island in the middle of a lake
The map below shows an island in the middle of a lake. The island is connected to the shore by a causeway made of stones piled on the bottom of the lake until the pile reached the surface. The large lake is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and the only flat land is near the lake. The island is covered with buildings of various sizes, whose hewn and smoothed stone walls are still standing, although no roofs are visible. It is completely uninhabited. The island is approximately one mile wide and two miles long. The buildings in the map are not to scale. Your task is to discover what happened to the people who lived there. What caused the place to be empty of human beings?

6 Your mission should you choose to accept it…
In groups of three or four, begin by introducing yourself and explain your choice of absolute best movie ever . After introductions, review the information you have been given in the diagram and create a theory from the evidence that can logically explain what happened to these people. You are bound by the evidence in front of you. Do not write anything down, just talk. We will get a few of these theories aloud before class is over.

7 Freshmen Academy Team Policies:
Lockers: Students will be able to stop at their lockers before 1st period, before and after lunch, and at the end of the school day. As the materials for this class will be in the classroom, there is no need to go to your locker during class. Late Policy: Three late arrivals to class is a teacher detention (2:10 – 2:45). Not going to detention will result in a referral and more detention. Study Hall: Students must have a pre-signed pass to go anywhere. Cell Phones: Do not use your cell phones in any way during class.

8 Policies in my class: The obvious applies. Things I am fired up about:
Anti-intellectual comments Knocking someone else for trying

9 How I Say “Thanks.” Well-timed call home on Friday about the time you start asking for money. Your own walk-in song I will revise your papers throughout high school and in college. You can use me for any job reference.

10 Period 1 Study Hall Be on time.
You don’t have to be silent, but you need to let others work. 5/5 Rules on passes apply. Your friends cannot hang-out here. Please pick up your trash. As per School District Policy: No hats or hoods No cell phones No backpacks

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