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INFN Sezione di Catania

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1 INFN Sezione di Catania
Hyperonic PNS’s in the Brueckner theory F.Burgio INFN Sezione di Catania with H.-J. Schulze (INFN CT), A. Li ( Xiamen Univ., China) & N. Yasutake (Tokyo Univ., Japan) EoS in Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory at finite temperature. Hot hyperons. Effects of the nucleon-hyperon interaction Composition of PNS matter Structure properties of PNS. MODE-SNR-PWN Workshop in Bordeaux, November 2010

2 EoS of nuclear matter at finite T (Microscopic approaches)
Variational method B. Friedman & V. R. Pandharipande, Nucl. Phys. A361, 502 (1981)‏ BHF A. Lejeune et al., NP A453, 189 (1986)‏ M. Baldo & L. Ferreira, PRC 59, 682 (1999)‏ Van der Waals behavior. Liquid-gas phase transition with Tc~18-20 MeV. Chiral Perturbation Theory S.Fritsch, N.Kaiser, W.Weise, PLB 545, 73 (2002)‏ B. Ter Haar & R. Malfliet , Phys. Rep. 149, 207 (1987) DBHF H.Huber, F.Weber, M.K.Weigel , PRC 57, 3484,(1998)‏

3 Expanding the arctan function (up to the first term ) :
Bloch & De Dominicis NP 10, 509 (1959)‏ Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory at finite T k2/2m+U(k) Grand-canonical potential density ω Expanding the arctan function (up to the first term ) :

4 Argonne v18 as bare nucleon-nucleon interaction
Frozen Correlations Approximation (FCA) : U(k) independent of T Equation of state : Argonne v18 as bare nucleon-nucleon interaction Nucleonic three-body forces. Urbana IX model. (…practically an effective two-body force …) Nijmegen soft-core nucleon-hyperon interaction NSC89 No available hyperon-hyperon scattering data !

5 104 BHF calculations in the (ρn, ρp, ρΣ, ρΛ, T )-space
Functional forms easy to implement numerically Example : the nucleonic contribution β : asymmetry parameter, t = T/100

6 Composition (beta-equilibrium + charge cons. + lepton number cons.)
Hot ν -free matter Hot ν-trapped matter N,l N, free Y,l N, interacting Y,l N, interacting Y,l Onset densities shifted by the NY interaction Absence of thresholds at finite entropy. Stellar core mainly populated by N + 40% hyp. More symmetric matter. Hyperon onset shifted by ν trapping. Strong Σ suppression. Smaller hyperon fraction , about 20%.

7 PNS structure Equation of state Softening in purely N matter
Stiffening in hyperon matter Large increase of P due to NY interaction Slight thermal effects, trapping more important PNS structure

8 2) Hadron-Quark phase transition
Check of different microscopic TBF’s Check of a different parametrization of NY interaction Concluding remarks 1) Repulsive YY interaction (J-PARC data) 2) Hadron-Quark phase transition

9 COMPSTAR 2011 School & Workshop
“Gravitational waves and Electromagnetic Radiation from Compact Stars” Catania, May 3-12, 2011


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