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Jane Calder & Jeffrey Yu

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1 Jane Calder & Jeffrey Yu
M Jane Calder & Jeffrey Yu

2 "It's a Truffula Seed. It's the last one of all! You're in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds. And Truffular Trees are what everyone needs. Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care. Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air. Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack. Then the Lorax and all of his friends may come back." -Dr. Seuss This seed contains colors, Green, yellow, blue, purple and all. To grow back the Truffular Trees Plentiful and tall.

3 The shell of the seed would disappear,
For it was that time of the year. The seed would now grow, Which made everyone cheer! But without the seeds first shell, The colors would spill, They mixed with each other, Not at their own will. Now the seed is uneven, And that is the reason. The colors slid to the middle, During this growing season.

4 As the seed grew up, So did its root. But an evil boy walked by, And cracked the seed with his boot. AHHH! WHAT NOW?!?

5 Before the seed cracked,
The colors slid to its side. And so now the two seeds, With all their colors supplied, Sat in the dirt, Side by side. Now each seed contained color, No long match eachother. Some color overruled one another.

6 We let the seed grow, And what do you know? Soon blue and purple Truffular Trees began to show.

7 When the seeds grew old, They became harder to hold. Off the trees they rolled. Each seeds held a color or four, Some less, some more.

8 Once again the shell broke down,
But the seeds gave a frown. There would be no rain, And they were feeling the pain. They must conserve energy, And by using seedlepathy. The seeds told eachother, Not to mix colors with one another. SO THIRSTY! We must conserve!

9 Again the seeds grew, Which made the shell uneven. The colors went to a side, But none were really leavin’. Don’t forget the other seed, Which did just the same. With so many different colors, It’s becoming harder to name.

10 Carrying so many colors
Soon to become a chore So the seeds split again, Now we had four. With this many seeds, The trees just grew more.

11 The tree colors were no longer of just a few,
Now there were hundreds of combinations of hues. The Truffalers are back, With our hard work we earned, We picked up the oncelers slack, And through them we learned, And by saving these Truffalers, The Lorax returned!

12 When the Lorax returned,
He brought back much more. His family was all different shapes and sizes, Like Trefz’s underwear drawer. The Lorax climbed up a tree, And gave a great roar. “We are now the Morax, And we may be just four. But give us time, And our population will soar!”

13 Analogy Summary The title of our story, “The Morax” represents the entire process of meiosis because in mitosis there is reproduction, giving you more. The seed with the different colors in it represents a cell with different chromosomes. The shell of the seed disappearing represents the nuclear envelope breaking down in Prophase I. When the colors mix together it represents the formation of tetrads. The colors sliding to the middle of the shell represent Metaphase I. The colors of the seed going to opposite ends represents Anaphase I. When the boy breaks the seed in half it shows Telophase I.

14 Analogy Summary The blue and purple Truffala Trees that grew represent the end product of Meiosis I. The two trees are duplicated haploid cells. When the new seeds have the more colors in them it represents the seed starting Meiosis II. When the colors of the two seeds go to the sides of their seeds, it shows Anaphase II. The two seeds splitting into four represents Telophase II and cytokenisis. The trees with the stripes and spots on them represent mutations that can occur in meiosis. The multiple choices of colors for the trees represents independent assortment. All of the new trees represent Telophase II, making all of the trees haploid cells. When the Lorax brings back his family and calls everyone The Morax, it shows that meiosis occurs in both plants and animals.

15 Works Cited Myspace. 17 Mar < mensunderwearguy. 17 Mar < Read Aloud Recommendations. 17 Mar <

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