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Copyright 2008 Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc.

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1 Copyright 2008 Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc.
The Weekend Navigator Part II Copyright 2008 Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc.

2 Chapter 22: Navigating Under Adverse Conditions

3 Limited Visibility Lookout and sound signals
Navigating with electronics Radar Radio

4 Limited Visibility Lookout and sound signals
Look out required when underway Reduce your speed in order to stop in half the distance Sound a signal every two minutes Powerboats sound one prolonged (4-6 seconds) blast Sailboats underway sound one prolonged and two short (1 second)

5 Limited Visibility Navigating with electronics
GPS and depth sounders do not warn of other boats Radar should be your primary navigation instrument

6 Limited Visibility Radar
Shut off the automatic gain and filter controls Advance gain and rain filters to view speckles on the display Set the range scale to close range and the VRM to about 1/10th mile Set the trail to distinguish between moving and fixed objects

7 Limited Visibility Radio
Monitor channel 16 and 13 if near shipping lanes Communicate with “unknown vessels” Let them know your intentions and position

8 Wind and Sea Pick routes that minimize adverse effects
Head into seas an angle (usually 45o) Be careful not to broach (turn over) Prepare crew and boat for heavy seas All crew should wear their life jackets Slow your speed Maintain a lookout

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