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The Role of Online Communities in Diabetes Management Using social networking to improve self-care and standards of care.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Online Communities in Diabetes Management Using social networking to improve self-care and standards of care."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Online Communities in Diabetes Management Using social networking to improve self-care and standards of care

2 Diabetes is a chronic condition Daily management is the patients responsibility Effective management is not one size fits all Chronic Disease Begets Social Isolation Family and social circles unaccommodating The only one I know with this condition

3 Patient-Based Online Communities Reduce Social Isolation Support with/from people with similar medical issues Classic support groups evolved into the digital space No limitations of time, distance, or mobility

4 Attractions of Patient-Based Online Communities Social connectedness Tailored Information News Medical and psychological management Dealing with medical professionals and insurance companies Anonymity Can hide behind a username

5 Special Features of Diabetes Communities Groups and Forums Often arranged by medical interests (e.g. Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, etc.) Experts may be available to respond to posts Featured/Expert/Personal Blogs Live chat Topical chats may feature subject- matter experts

6 Tailored news and reviews Devices, medications, and publications Research Recipes and Nutrition Events and Activities Real life meet-ups, diabetes expos, conferences Activism Special Features of Diabetes Communities

7 External links Diabetes advocacy organizations News and Blogs Manufacturers sites Patient Assistance Programs Diet- and Diabetes- Management Sites Special Features of Diabetes Communities

8 Diabetes Online Communities A number of diabetes communities, social networks, blogs, portals, and support sites can be found at the Diabetes OCDiabetes OC

9 dLife Website: http://www.dlife.com None of us really want to face this disease alone… with finding this community, I am no longer scared and alone… --a dLife user

10 TuDiabetes Website: http://www.tudiabetes.com So far, it's the only place I've found where wonderful people have answered my questions, and made me feel less alone. I've learned more in the short time I've been a member than any of the doctors explained at diagnosis… --a TuDiabetes member

11 EsTuDiabetes Website: http://www.estudiabetes.com

12 Diabetic Rockstar Web site: http://www.diabeticrockstar.com …Everyone is supportive of one another, without the "oh you poor thing" nonsense that you might expect in other places... What I've needed is to know that there are other people who know what it's like to deal with all of this diabetic stuff that I've had to get accustomed to … --a Diabetic Rockstar

13 Diabetic Connect Web site: http://www.diabeticconnect.com Being part of this site has saved my life, of that I am sure. --a Diabetic Connect member

14 Diabetes Talkfest Web site: http://www.diabetestal http://www.diabetestal Web site: Juvenation

15 Diabetes Daily Web site: http://www.diabetesdaily.com

16 Children With Diabetes Web site: http://www.childrenwithdiabetes.com

17 Results Diabetes-focused online communities and social networks provide the following services: Reducing social isolation Educating patients and their caregivers Improving patient-doctor-insurer communication The results are improved mental health, patient compliance, and long-term patient health

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