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Assistive Technology Services at CSU

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology Services at CSU"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology Services at CSU
An Overview of the Assistive Technology Resource Center

2 ATRC Staff Marla Roll Director Shannon Lavey
Service Coordinator and Provider Allison Kidd Assistive Technology IT Coordinator Accessibility Specialist

3 Definition of Assistive Technology
A broad range of devices, services, strategies and practices that aid in assisting individuals with disabilities. An AT device is any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. -Cook & Hussey

4 Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC)
Ensuring equal access to technology and electronic information for CSU students and employees with disabilities Our work helps the university comply with ADA and section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act We provide AT options to help support the success of students and employees in their academic and work roles.

5 ATRC Services Direct Services to Students and CSU Employees
Assessments Accommodations Training Equipment Loans Resources Electronic Accessibility Consultation Faculty Resources Direct services: students and employees referred to us through RDS or other organization on campus such as campus health center Electronic Accessibility: This simply means that information is usable by people with a wide range of abilities. We are working with other organizations on campus to develop campus-wide accessibility standards for electronic materials to ensure electronic information is usable by students and employees with disabilities. Consultation: We consult with CSU departments to create accessible department materials, provide information on UDL and ergonomic consultations Faculty Resources: We are currently developing resources that faculty can use to make their classroom materials, including the new RAMCT blackboard, accessible

6 AT to support a variety of Academic Needs
Reading Text to Speech programs- Natural Reader, Text Aloud, WYNN, Read and Write E book Reader -Easy Reader Magnifiers – Zoom Text, KwikLoupe Screen overlays – SS Overlay, Tbar On-screen ruler – Vu Bar Speed Reading programs – Rapid Reader Screen Reading - JAWS These are some examples of ways we support students – but there is definitely many more options that can be customized to the student’s needs!

7 AT to support a variety of Academic Needs
Writing Speech Recognition Software Dragon Naturally Speaking Paper organization Inspiration Writing supports Read and Write WYNN Ginger

8 AT to support a variety of Academic Needs
Note-Taking Online notes to self - Evernote Synchronous audio and written notes -Livescribe Pen and desktop Studying Study tools – annotating, highlighting, vocab list, fact folder, etc. WYNN, Read and Write Accessing the Computer Screen Reading – JAWS Voice Recognition - Dragon

9 Read & Write Gold What does it do? Supported File Types
Who might find it useful? Read text aloud Assist with sentence construction Grammar and spell check Screen masking Organizing ideas via mind mapping Create an .mp3 file from text Organizing web based research Calculations Translation Many other features! Word PDF Daisy Web Any student seeking additional reading or writing supports Built-in video tutorials make learning new features easy

10 Training Resources Quick Start Guides Read & Write Hard Copy
Electronic Copy Read & Write Video Tutorials

11 Where to Find Us Thank you!

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