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Oil shale combustion under oxyfuel conditions

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1 Oil shale combustion under oxyfuel conditions
12/4/2018 3rd International Conference and Expo on Oil and Gas July 13-14, 2017 Berlin, Germany Oil shale combustion under oxyfuel conditions Leema Al-Makhadmeh Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

2 Presentation Outline Introduction Oxyfuel Combustion Experimental Part
Results and Discussion Conclusions 12/4/2018

3 12/4/2018 Introduction Jordan is a non-oil producing country and is largely affected by the world energy situation; it has a clear plan for oil-shale utilizations. Oil-shale resources in Jordan are estimated to be 40 billion tons, in which the oil is about 4 billion tons. Oil shale utilization in Jordan and elsewhere faces many obstacles that affect its utilization. Oil shale combustion under oxyfuel conditions was investigated in this study in a trial to solve some of the challenges that faces Jordanian oil shale combustion. 12/4/2018

4 Oxyfuel Combustion Oxyfuel combustion, a combination of oxygen, with a purity of more than 95%, and recycled flue gas is used for combustion of the fuel. H2O CO2 recovery Boiler ASU air N2 O2 Fuel Recirculated flue gas CO2 storage CO2, H2O,… 12/4/2018

5 Experimental Part El-Lajjun oil-shale from south of Jordan was used in this study. The following table shows the detailed analysis of oil shale . Oil shale combustion was performed in a vertical 20- kW furnace (see the following Fig). Both unstaged and staged combustion experiments were performed in air and OF27 condition. The wall temperature during all the combustion experiments was 1200°C. 12/4/2018

6 El-Lajjun oil-shale analysis
Proximate Analysis Water (ar, %) 1.08 Ash (wf, %)2 54.20 Volatile (waf, %)3 99.06 Fixed carbon (waf, %) 0.85 Ultimate Analysis C (waf, %) 55.68 H (waf, %) 4.27 N (waf, %) 0.87 S (waf, %) 8.30 O (diff, %)5 30.88 LHV (waf, kJ/kg) D90 (µm) 35.3 1: as received 2: water free 3: water ash free 4: by difference 5 Di: represent that i% by volume of the particles that have a diameter equal to or less than Di. 12/4/2018

7 A once-through vertical 20 kW furnace

8 Results and Discussion
Oil shale behavior during unstaged combustion Axial concentration profiles of oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide for air-firing and OF27 combustion (excess O2 = 3%, T = 1200◦C). 12/4/2018

9 Oil shale emission during unstaged combustion
12/4/2018 Oil shale emission during unstaged combustion NO and SO2 emissions and their conversions during air-firing and OF27 combustion at the exit of the reactor for El-Lajjun oil shale combustion. 12/4/2018

10 Oil shale behavior during staged combustion
Air-firing OF27 combustion Axial concentration profiles of O2, CO, and NO for staged air-firing and OF27 combustion (λ=0.75, T = 1200 ◦C, 2 m far from the burner). 12/4/2018

11 Reduction of NO emissions using staged combustion
Air-firing OF27 combustion NO emissions and Oilshale-N conversion over burner oxygen ratio under air-firing and OF27 combustion. 12/4/2018

12 Reduction of simulated recycled NO during undstaged and staged combustion

13 In-furnace limestone addition during unstaged combustion
Air-firing OF27 combustion SO2 emissions and the efficiency of desulphurization during unstaged air-firing and OF27 combustion (Ca/S ratios=1, 2, and 3) 12/4/2018

14 In-furnace limestone addition during unstaged combustion
Fig. 3. SO2 emission during unstaged and staged air-firing and OF27 combustion, limestone molar ratio is Ca/S=2 for staged combustion and for unstaged1, unstaged2 without limestone addition. Position of staged probe is 2 m from the burner. 12/4/2018

15 12/4/2018 Conclusions During OF27 combustion, the CO concentration in the burner section is much higher than air-firing due to the gasification reactions in a CO2-rich medium. Even though, there is almost no problem for CO controlling for OF27 combustion as well as air-firing. Oxidant staging was used efficiently for NO reduction from oil shale combustion in both modes. Oil-shale N conversion to NO at the exit of the furnace during unstaged mode and with oxygen burner ratio of 0.95 is lower for OF27 combustion compared to air-firing. 12/4/2018

16 12/4/2018 During unstaged and staged air-firing and OF27 combustion, the simulated recycled NO is efficiently reduced. The simulated recycled NO reduction is more efficient during staged OF27 combustion than unstaged case. El-Lajjun oil shale- S conversion rates to SO2 is 69% and 49% for air-firing and OF27 combustion, respectively. By using direct in furnace limestone injection, SO2 emission was reduced significantly in both unstaged and staged OF27 and air-firing as well. 12/4/2018

17 The desulfurization efficiency was affected by the oxidant-stage level, Ca/S molar ratio and position of the secondary oxidant. The desulfurization efficiency for oil shale combustion in staged air-firing and in staged OF27 combustion ranged from 32 to 61% and from 25 to 60%, respectively. The desulfurization efficiency during unstaged combustion was much higher than that during staged combustion. 12/4/2018

18 Thank you 3rd International Conference and Expo on Oil and Gas
July 13-14, 2017 Berlin, Germany Thank you 12/4/2018

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