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1 Copyright © 2009 -2010 by Object Management Group.
Model Interchange Working Group (MIWG) Outbrief to OMG Plenary March 26, 2010 Sanford Friedenthal MIWG Chair / SE DSIG Chair Copyright © by Object Management Group.

2 MIWG Observations Status
Completed the initial phase of UML interchange testing via 9 test cases.

3 Incremental Test Cases Progress To Date
Baseline Specifications: UML / XMI 2.1 Test Case 1 - Basic class modeling (complete) Test Case 2 - Advanced class modeling (complete) Test Case 3 - Profile definition and application (complete) Test Case 4 - Simple activity * (complete) Test Case 5 - Advanced activity *(complete) Test Case 6 – Composite structure (complete) Baseline Specifications: UML 2.2 / XMI 2.1 Test Case 7 – State Machine (complete) Test Case 8 – Use Case (complete) Test Case 9 – Interactions (in process) * Included testing of activity execution using reference implementation for the “Semantics of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models” (fUML) specification Copyright © 2009 by Object Management Group.

4 MIWG Observations  XMI is viewed by the vendors to be an effective interchange mechanism. Generally, there have been very few XMI spec issues. Most of the issues we have had are with UML spec ambiguities/errors and vendor implementations of UML We encountered the most significant UML interchange issue in our most recent test case  (#9) with sequence diagrams Many other interchange issues remain, but most will continue to be addressed. Interchange will need to also accommodate the ability to update models, which currently it does not support.

5 MIWG Observations  The MIWG interchange testing process has been found to be quite effective and essential to make interchange work. However, as we continue into the future, the demands for this type of testing will require significant resources using the current processes. This is particular true considering the demands for increased number of profiles, versions, and model libraries. We need to determine automation mechanisms to enhance our productivity including a standard model checker with reference test cases

6 MIWG Observations Tremendous opportunity to enhance interchange among complex models the ability for UML tools to import UML profiles and interchange domain specific user models has broad implications for MDA Need to infuse the lessons learned into UML 2.4, 2.5, the Architecture EcoSystem, and future profiles One of the key mechanisms that the AB should consider is to include test cases in all future specifications.

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