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Somewhere not so far back, vast lightnings stomped the earth

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1 Somewhere not so far back, vast lightnings stomped the earth
Somewhere not so far back, vast lightnings stomped the earth. Somewhere, a storm like a great beast with terrible teeth could not be denied. ~ Bradbury

2 Something Wicked This Way Comes by Rad Bradbury They sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, And drink the wine of violence. - Proverbs 4:16 -17 By: Ray Bradbury

3 Background From 1955 to 1962 in Los Angeles Bradbury turned a ten page story into this novel Protagonists ·  William Halloway, James Nightshade, and Charles Halloway Time frame · Between the 1920s and 50s Setting  Green Town, Illinois October, Fall

4 Theme of Acceptance Who We Are We must work at this
Not something inherent in people Too many outside influences telling us who we should be Can get confusing Ex. Charles Halloway - Protagonist -Conflicted -Old man who feels young at heart -Doesn’t know who he should be -Can be taken advantage Acceptance of one’s self is a type of magic- defensive magic Not afraid to be who we are, or afraid of what we are not.

5 Acceptance Ex. 2 Jim Nightshade
Feels very strongly about his own personal freedom Chases life without fear Chases what will destroy him Fear inhibits personal freedom Feels fear of harm will take away his personal freedom Difficult situation Must learn limitations Must learn there is more to life than freedom Inevitably end up alone

6 Theme - A Common Cause or Purpose
Common Beliefs are what bring people together Common cause is a cause among all people Ex. We All Will Die Fear of this can be manipulated Evil Preys on those who feel isolated Evil is often not dark and scary ally, but bright and beautiful carnival

7 Theme - AGE Age is not a number More of a state of mind
Easy for people to fall into the routine of age. If the body is 75, but the mind 25; the individual is 25. PHYSICAL AGE CANNOT BE TRUSTED The mind is what is important Many adults have the minds of children Follow archaic rules and wait to be told what to do next Blame the world for their pain

8 William Halloway William means “protector.”
Halloway– “hallowed” = “regarded as holy; venerated; sacred”; this person will take and protect the “hallowed” or holy way

9 Jim Nightshade James means supplanter (one who takes the place of).
Nightshade:  literally "shade of night," perhaps an allusion to poisonous berries (e.g. deadly nightshade, enchanter’s nightshade)

10 Pandemonium Comes from Dante’s Inferno. It was the name he gave to “the capitol of Hell.” Means demon party in this context Dictionary Definition: (noun) uproar; wild and noisy confusion

11 Characterization Make a T-chart with Will on the left and Jim on the right. Beneath each name, explore what you think each boy fears. Be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the text! _________________________________________ Will’s fears are easier to explore than Jim’s, and yet Will is “the protector” if we are to believe that Bradbury gave him that name for a reason.

12 Will’s fears Jim’s fears

13 Will’s fears Jim’s fears
being left behind 1. boredom/ sameness unpredictability 2. getting hurt bad stuff happening emotionally the ‘big world’ missing something the unknown Will’s not being there people getting hurt to protect him losing Jim (periodically) chaos/lack of order 5. not knowing danger disappointing people

14 More of Will’s fears being alone 21. losing innocence
taking risks the unnatural secrecy being unable to lightning/storm protect those he loves doing something bad the future getting in trouble the carnival facing certain unpleasant realities evil

15 Last characterization question:
Who will be better equipped to battle the evil of the carnival, Will or Jim? WHY???

16 Misc. Charles Halloway “Charles” means “free man” according to some texts. What is he free from? Is it ironic? “Calliope”– Officially, this is a character from Greek mythology dedicated to music. She was said to be the ‘muse’ of Homer in writing the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey. It is also the name of an organ that was used in carnivals, particularly on the carousel. We have come to associate it with the carousel and the even the carousel’s horses.

17 Themes in Something Wicked This Way Comes
Death of innocence: Temptation: Good vs. Evil: Age vs. Youth: Order vs. Chaos:. The world is composed of opposing forces. Qualities of friendship; loyalty to people, loyalty to principles Power of love – Love triumphs (or does it?). Counter evil with __________________. Soul’s Midnight: 3am, a time when many people die. Why? When does the carnival arrive?

18 And that was the October week when they grew up overnight, and were never so young anymore…

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