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a.k.a. A munificent catharsis

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1 a.k.a. A munificent catharsis
Week III Vocabulary a.k.a. A munificent catharsis

2 Pharisee A self-righteous person (smug, intolerant of other people’s beliefs) Note: This word is often used in reference to Biblical times, when Pharisees were described as hypocrites and strictly adhered to religious rules and practices

3 Concurrence Two things happening at once
Ex. The AC/DC concert and new Italian opera were happening in concurrence with one another. I could not decide which one to attend!

4 Vociferate To cry out

5 Dour Harshly uninviting or formidable
Ex. I was going to ask Tommy how his weekend went, but I could tell by the look on his face that he was in a dour mood, so I left him alone.

6 Execrated Cursed or denounced, declared as evil
Ex. Ms. Brown was execrated when she assigned her CA class homework over the Spring Break.

7 Hector Bully; intimidate with threats

8 Winsome Charming in a childlike or naïve way

9 Convalescent A person who is recovering from illness

10 Interloper Someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without asking My little brother is such an interloper! I caught him outside my bedroom door listening to my cell phone “convo” with my bff Meghan!

11 Peevish Easily irritated or annoyed; petulent
Ex. Everyone could tell that Ms. Brown was peevish when the students were not following her directions.

12 Assiduously Without constant care and persistence
Ex. The babies given to the students in Ms. Fountain’s class will not survive if they are not watched assiduously

13 Flaying Scolding or criticizing severely
I could hear my mother flaying my little sister for coloring on the walls from all the way upstairs!

14 Expostulating Objecting, protesting, persuading against
Give teachers a raise!!! Objecting, protesting, persuading against

15 Dissipation The act of scattering
Ex. I watched the ashes of my grandfather dissipate into the wind as we flung them from the edge of the Grand Canyon.

16 Belligerent Someone who fights, or is fighting

17 Petulantly Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish

18 Munificent Very generous
Ex. Ms. Brown was being very munificent when she allowed her students to make test corrections

19 Axiom A universally recognized principle (rule)
Ex. A whole is greater than a part

20 Copious Affording an abundant supply OR having a lot of stuff!
Ex. While I was helping my sister moved into her apartment, I realized that she had a copious amount of saved school work.

21 Catharsis Purification that brings emotional relief or renewal
Ex. Ms. Brown finds yoga to be an excellent form of catharsis after a long day of teaching.

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