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No Warm-up.

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1 No Warm-up

2 State Government NC Unit 4

3 Vocabulary Unicameral – one house in the legislative branch
Bicameral – two houses in the legislative branch Census – official population account to show population shifts Ordinances – local laws Incorporate – to receive a state charter, officially recognizing the government of the locality. Municipality – either a city, town, or village in NC Charter – basic rules for a municipality Annexation – process of bringing unincorporated land into a municipality.

4 North Carolina Constitution
1st – Constitution of 1776 Very similar to the US Constitution 1835 Changes Voters now allowed to elect governor, approve or reject constitutional amendments Took away rights of free men of African and Native American decent 2nd – Constitution of 1868 All Confederate states had to create new Constitution after Civil War  Slavery abolished, all men over 21 could vote 3rd – Constitution of 1971 All elections free, freedom of speech, equal protection of laws

5 NC Legislative Branch The Legislative Branch of North Carolina’s state government is called the General Assembly Makes two types of laws: Statutes – apply to everyone in the state Local or Specific laws – just to certain areas in the state Major power deals with finances. How much to spend and how much to tax?

6 The NC General Assembly
SENATE 50 Members Presiding Officer: Lieutenant Governor Elected Chamber Leader: President Pro Tempore HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 120 Members Presiding Officer: Speaker of the House Elected Chamber Leader:

7 Legislative Branch State is divided into districts.
Reynolds vs. Sims (1964): All election districts must be equal in population. Apportionment: Distribution of seats according to population. Legislators must be US citizens, live in the district, and meet an age requirement. Fairly low pay. Legislative process is the same as the national level.


9 Executive Branch of North Carolina State Government
4 year terms, but may only serve 2 consecutive Must be 30 years old, US citizen for 5 years, lived in NC for 2 years Lt. Governor elected also. Must meet governor qualifications. Council of the State – 8 state agencies, people elected to these 4 year positions, unlimited Cabinet – appointed by the Governor

10 Powers of the Governor Chief Executive, Chief Legislator, Judicial Leader, Commander in Chief, Party leader, Ceremonial leader.


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