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A Metropolis And it’s problems.

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1 A Metropolis And it’s problems

2 Definitions for this lesson
1) Concentration/concentrated: a large number of a specific item in a given area 2) Metropolis: A large city that exerts influence in a wide area 3) Power: the ability to control people without violence 4) Influence: the amount of power that can be exerted compared to others

3 Cities All cities are centers where services are concentrated
The larger the city, the greater the concentration and diversity of its services and the larger the region it serves. When does such a large city become a metropolis? What criteria must it meet to do so?

4 What is a metropolis? What differentiates a metropolis from other large cities is mostly the power that concentrates there This power comes from the size of its population Not only are services concentrated in a metropolis but also the power attached to them, which is related to the economy, politics, social services and culture. Thus, in the province of Québec, although political power is concentrated in Québec City, real power often resides in Montréal due to its demographic weight

5 Are all Metropolises equal?

6 Step 1: google
Step 2: go to northern Ireland ks3 Step 3: click on geography Step 4: go down to human geography and click on urban areas

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