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Share the harvest- Guilford County Karen Neill NC Cooperative Extension Guilford County.

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1 Share the harvest- Guilford County Karen Neill NC Cooperative Extension Guilford County

2 Goal Make fresh donated produce available to those in need. We had a number of Community gardens that either growing produce for distribution or had set up in their guidelines that participants of the community garden would donate a certain percent of what they grew to those in need. We needed to maximize everyone's efforts and reach more people

3 What has been occurring Each individual garden was finding or trying to find sites to bring their produce Not all was bing used as the volume being donated often doesnt match needs- small amounts of each item- this doesnt work for places like soup kitchens

4 Process In 2010 we started with one church in assisting with the way they were donating to those in need Great project limited in scope Asked at Community Garden Network meeting who might be interested in helping review the production and distribution of fresh donated produce in Guilford co. Created a Share the Harvest committee

5 Lesson Learned Dont limit yourself by thinking to small Look at what others are doing that is similar Bring people together for open discussion Gather everyone's ideas Create partnerships See who is willing to contribute - Divide and conquer Seek out additional grants

6 Market Program Publication prepared to be distributed to local garden centers and libraries before spring planting Collection sites contacted and arrangements made Specialized bins and a display created for each of the collection sites

7 Collection Plan Coordinate with agencies who will make the pickups weekly Assist with staffing for sorting

8 Education Plan Educate local citizens about new program and what produce we would like for them to bring – Old Plant a Row for the hungry approach Let citizens know where drop off sites are located Prepare publication using EFNEP agents assistance on how to prepare and cook with produce being donated. These would be distributed to all distribution points to be given out to recipients – simple recipes Conduct classes at local facilities where transportation is convent for clients to learn basic cooking skills

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