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Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde R. L. Stevenson(1850-1894).

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde R. L. Stevenson(1850-1894)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde R. L. Stevenson( )

2 Background of the author
Born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Treasure Island Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

3 Adjectives to describe Jekyll and Hyde
kind generous imaginative tall well-made silent unhappy hard-working successful serious short evil cool hard cruel strong ugly violent irresponsible carefree wild inhuman



6 Theme A universal statement about humanity
Not a simple statement dealing with plot or characters Hinted at with a phrase or quotation that introduces the novel, a recurring element in the book, or an observation made that is reinforced through plot, dialogue, or characters.

7 Themes in Dr. J and Mr. H human ugliness originates in the soul
people who succumb to the temptations of evil risk losing their capacity (ability) for good people who suppress, or restrain, their natural desires risk having them surface out of control.


9 What do you think? Are good and evil innate (are they in us when we’re born)? OR Is it society who makes us who we are? Consider: Are people basically good or basically bad? Can “good” people do “bad” things? Is everyone capable of doing horrible things such as the crimes?

10 Born Evil Adam/Eve and serpent, Cain and Abel
In Christianity, original sin says that people are born inclined toward evil and struggle to be good

11 Society makes us evil Context: Takes place in Victorian Era ( ) in London, England Members of the upper class in Victorian times were especially expected to behave virtuously. They, along with their homes, were expected to be proper and elegant at all times.

12 A Class Divided Victorian society was divided. Social classes did
not mix Behavior was expected to be exemplary at all times. The unrealistically rigid morality of upper class Londoners led many to live double lives.

13 Tabula Rasa The Enlightenment view was that people are born blank slates. Society shapes the person into good or evil. Sigmund Freud = human beings are powerfully influenced by impulses they are not aware of.

14 The Darkness of Man

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